View Full Version : Wake on LAN

09-11-2013, 09:44 PM
Is anyone using this facility, if so how do you find it and is it easy to set up?
It will be really useful for me soon so I am getting my arse in gear to try it. Things haven't gone well so far, the only how to I have found is in German and mentions Friztbox. I assume you need a router with WOL capabilities? I have a Draytek which does, although using home Hub 3 atm.
I am using BH 2.0.6, been too lazy to update as yet, enabling WOL gives choice of "show in shutdown menu" which I have selected------------it doesn't!
I am sure I will get it going but in the meantime any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.

09-11-2013, 10:04 PM
I don't use it, but I have tested it.

Very simple to use.

http://sourceforge.net/projects/aquilawol/ should be all you need

Also update to 2.0.7 ya lazy sod :D

12-11-2013, 12:10 PM
Found time to try this again, the menu shows two options for "location" one is "show in standby menu"---------------it doesn't
Would another Vu+ duo2 owner please enable this and test for me?

12-11-2013, 01:02 PM
Found time to try this again, the menu shows two options for "location" one is "show in standby menu"---------------it doesn't
Would another Vu+ duo2 owner please enable this and test for me?

It shows up in the standby menu for me (2nd page) with Bh 2.0.7

12-11-2013, 02:31 PM
FFS goodness me I didn't realise there was another page, it was there in menu all the time. Still cant wake from my router but at least this is progress!