View Full Version : motor problem

10-11-2013, 09:02 AM
hi there have got sb 6000 and can not seem to move dish i also have a sb 9000 and it works on that any ideas please.

10-11-2013, 09:33 AM
hi there sorry it seems motor is moving but not finding sats when i manually find sat get signal and exit to sat it says no signal i am now doing a rescanof all sats as in set up .wonder why it should start not finding sats when was ok,ia useing an a/b switch to swap between boxes would that cause a problem cheers

10-11-2013, 09:41 AM
if you are using diseqc v1.2 to move your motor then you will have to find and store each sat manually yourself on the 6000 as well as on the 9000

if using usals then it makes it easier to do as you wish because each box has your GPS position

10-11-2013, 10:04 AM
hi there have have just done rescan as in set up it found sats that i checked but when i choose sat it says moving but then no signal so nothing any ideas please.

10-11-2013, 10:07 AM
without knowing which of the 2 motor moving systems you are using its impossible to say

but until the motor is moving to each satellite there is little point in rescanning, rescanning is for transponders and channels , not satellites , and it depends on the motor moving to the correct satellite before scanning

"so I refer the right honourable member for london to my previous answer" ;)

the most likely scenario is human error, especially as the 9000 is working

10-11-2013, 10:13 AM
in set up it motor it says disec 1.2 /usals i thought i was useing usals how can i tell

10-11-2013, 10:20 AM
I do not own a 6000 so cannot actually say, but on your 9000 you have 3 options to choose from and only one is shown on the main screen (the one you chose)

at no point in this thread have you indicated which system the 9000 is using either

on a 9000 its off/diseqc v1.2/usals so you select one of those 3 options (mine says USALS), I would think its the same or similar for your 6000 but comparing it to your 9000 menu may help

but if you can see diseqc v1.2 then it seems you may be using that option, in which case, as I said earlier, you have to find and store the satellites yourself (find them and lock them in) - BEFORE SCANNING !!

for usals you put your gps in and the menu will be showing usals, in which case your A-B switch will operate them no problem once both are setup correctly (no sats are stored in usals, they are preset in the usals memory, as is your gps position too - once you have put it in yourself)

10-11-2013, 10:36 AM
He just needs to change the mode to Go to Satellite(its just other name for USALS) , and then Set location.

I do not have a motor here so the box wont allow me to go any further in to the menu but thats where it is anyway.

Menu->Satellite settings->Right box change motor from NONE toDiseqc1.2/USALS-> OK-> change the mode to `GO to Satellite` and take it from there (setting the location etc )

As I said my box wont allow me to go any further as I do not have a motor

10-11-2013, 10:43 AM
thanks for the clarification roadrunner

its probably all in the instruction manual anyway !!

its also in the setup guide here too https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?161756-Setup-Guide-for-Spiderbox-6000HD

its definitely NOT the same as for the spiderbox 7000 or 9000 or 9900 anyway, but he should still be using USALS on both boxes if swapping between them with a switch

10-11-2013, 02:10 PM
when you take spider 6000 out of the box as new...or factory reset it...
you go to scan a satallite in...you put your long and lat...under motor as default it says none...click that...you then get option of usals or diseqc 1.2
then you click go to...once you have scanned in the sat...go back to same menu...and select store position