View Full Version : Spider 6000 backup and Channel Editor

10-11-2013, 09:27 PM
Well I have held off asking for 3 days as must be doing something really daft!!! I don't seem to be able to save my existing Ch List, (bdevil + my amends), to USB. I have read 'everything'!! Actually a bigger issue is having worked on the excellent Superstarmac Ch Editor I am unable to save to PC or USB before even walking across to the Spider!! Have tried everything! Added .ssu etc. Any suggestions please folks?

10-11-2013, 10:06 PM
Make your list using the editor...then click save...it now creates a channel list...
inside your editor click on top where it says file...your made list should be there
now send that to usb...
on your spider...go to menu...go to software
now load your list from your usb
................................. ...............
to make a list on spider...go to editor on spider...when you done what you want do...ie favs etc...
click add...you need to name the new file...channel list etc...or anything...now tell it to backup to that file
you have now saved your list to usb from spider
................................. ..............................
to save list created by someone off here...click on the file they have uploaded...to your pc...
extract the file...then send the extracted file to your usb...by right clicking on the file...and then selecting send to from drop down list
this will send the extracted file to your usb...put that in your spider...and do has above...load list from usb

10-11-2013, 10:10 PM
This should help

Menu - System Settings - Software Update - S/W Backup - Select option 'User Database' - arrow down - arrow right - add a new file and press OK to this file to save your channel list .

11-11-2013, 04:08 PM
Thanks both. Still struggling to save my Ch List to USB, (which I feel I need to do before loading new patch as have shuffled quite a bit around!). USB stick works fine. Previously loaded a patch and a softcam with it on 6000. In S/W Backup I'm selecting 'user database'. Dropping down then across to right 'add new file'. Up comes the naming box. (Have tried about 15 different times!). Named it with and without .ssu on the end. Saved using the 'save' box, toward bottom right, in the 'on screen keypad' and also separately using the 'Confirm' red button. In every case I see the file on the USB in the Spider and also on same USB when in my PC. However the file is empty! The bdevil list is around 500kbs. All of my attempts are 0kbs! Maybe I am going wrong at this Compass stage press OK to this file to save your channel list as if I press OK all I get is another letter for my file title!! I must be doing something really daft!!

11-11-2013, 04:13 PM
Are you saving it twice? I mean first you need to save the filename and having it saved and on the list of files on the stick, you then highlight that file and press OK again on it to save the User Data into it.

11-11-2013, 04:23 PM
when i save my list...when it says add file.. name it etc....i just put channel list
i do not call it channel list ssu
createing the file automatically saves it as a ssu file
oh and now since the new patch...my list contains 5864 channels

11-11-2013, 04:33 PM
Thanks for your patience Roadrunner! Save and OK!!! Sorted! Thanks.

11-11-2013, 08:27 PM
With regard to the excellent SuperstarMac Channel Editor I am still unable to save the newly created database on PC to anything such as hard drive, ext hard drive or USB stick. Had around 40 goes and I can locate 'them' by using windows explorer but says file not there. Turns out I am saving as a Shortcut!!! I am going...New...Internet database....selecting (as a test to sort this) just one sat. Clicking download. I've got 16 channels. Click Save. Up comes a destination folder for 'user database 11-11-13' save as file type 'Spiderbox SSU file. Seems to save but when I go back to folder it is not there and if I reopen the Editor and go 'open' it is still not there in the folder. Any pointers please folks? Presumably I am going wrong with this Extrafacto tip....then click save...it now creates a channel list...
inside your editor click on top where it says file...your made list should be there
now send that to usb... I can't see 'File' anywhere in the Editor. I have just tried a couple of times with new 11/11/13 Editor. Same outcome.

11-11-2013, 10:13 PM
just checked...my bad i gave wrong info...
i just tested this...i downloaded 19east database..in channel editor....i then saved it...it said saved...
you will now find your created list under the tab at top...open....click that and your saved file will be there...
now send it to your usb...
1... open editor
2... click new
3...select the sat you want from internet database
4...make your changes
6... click the tab at top...open....your created file will be there
7...now select your file and send it to your usb...

11-11-2013, 10:30 PM
Thanks Extrafacto. Been around and inside out of Save and Open and getting nowhere. Open seems to know where it went but does not show it as seemingly saved as a shortcut for reasons beyond my imagination!! (Win7 64 bit). Think will crank up an old XP machine and see if that will behave!

11-11-2013, 10:34 PM
i am also using (win 7 64 bit)

11-11-2013, 10:35 PM
I think we should write off this thread and start from scratch again as it is too complicated to understand what is what anymore. For the time being we can safely say you have succesfully managed to save your existing list from the box onto your stick and open it in the editor is that correct?

11-11-2013, 11:15 PM
Hi Roadrunner. Yes saved from stb to usb. Yes opened in Editor. Made amendments on PC. Problem cannot Save the revised file to anywhere! Having seemingly 'saved' it it seems to end up as a hidden shortcut not showing up in the folders. Bizarre. Will have to try another PC. Baffled.

11-11-2013, 11:16 PM
End of the day? if you press save? select desktop ,(you can find file on desktop) It's a lot easer to find! DON'T COMPLICATE THE ALREADY COMPLICATED ,, leave that for the heroes?

11-11-2013, 11:19 PM
Hi Roadrunner. Yes saved from stb to usb. Yes opened in Editor. Made amendments on PC. Problem cannot Save the revised file to anywhere! Having seemingly 'saved' it it seems to end up as a hidden shortcut not showing up in the folders. Bizarre. Will have to try another PC. Baffled.
Have you tryed to delete and reload program?

11-11-2013, 11:32 PM
Hi Hianta. Yes have tried sending to Desktop as well. Same outcome. No sign of the file. Have removed and retried Editor v1 and then tried v2. Has to be a PC problem! It's normally well behaved though!!

11-11-2013, 11:33 PM
If I were you (and had so many problems) I would do the changes to the sat channels and save it directly to the USB stick. After you finish altering the list just press the Save Icon (floppy disc) and when given a choice where to save it just change the name from User Database11.11.13 (or leave it as it is as it doeasnt really matter what its called) ,to whatever name was easier for me to remember and then save it to the USB stick directly (It can be found on theleft hand side of the window that appears when you press the save) Just expand the COmputer on that list and your stick should be there as an E: or F: or whatever letter the computer assigned for your stick.
Just do a`dry run` Open the editor and download the data for any sat and try to save it in the above manner, if succesfull do the same with a list that you want to keep.

11-11-2013, 11:46 PM
Follow up to my previous post :
59162click to enlarge

12-11-2013, 11:03 AM
Hi Roadrunner. Many thanks particularly for image which confirms what I am seeing! So it has to be something in my PC. Just dusting off an old XP! (Meantime am doing as you say and working on the list within Spiderbox). Result on XP machine? Same outcome. Cannot find saved file. Too baffled for words!

23-11-2013, 05:45 PM
I had exactly the same issue as captainglassback and was as puzzled.

I found that the problem was that i was starting from scratch. If you download and save an existing channel list .SSU to your computer and then save from the Channel Editor to that file, over-writing it in the process, your problems may be solved

Hope this works for you . . .