View Full Version : prismcube.

14-11-2013, 08:37 PM
Hi everyone
I've just noticed a couple of suppliers have got these in stock,has anybody got one yet.I'M keeping my eye on these.

14-11-2013, 08:52 PM
Hi everyone
I've just noticed a couple of suppliers have got these in stock,has anybody got one yet.I'M keeping my eye on these.

not got one but have had a good read & with a 2.5"-1000gb harddisk fitted n priced up @ £300 so would say price looks good

14-11-2013, 09:07 PM
and if im right its supported by black hole as well

14-11-2013, 09:32 PM
if anyone wants to read up just check out its own web site prismcube.com

15-11-2013, 12:28 AM
Thanks guys,maybe tempted,love xbmc.
just wondering how it handles emulators.

15-11-2013, 11:07 AM
The box is still in its infancy and it performs all the basics pretty well. Oscam and Mgcamd both work.

You can not compare it to engima2 box's as it is very different but if it's an XBMC satbox combo you want then its perfect.

And as DCG states it is supported by Black Hole Team.

simon 2003
15-11-2013, 11:22 AM
yea xbmc is brilliant and apple 2 are stupid money so might have a look


seems not all roses with xmbc devs

seems the spec not that good either,,now maybe an XBMC4STB addon/plugin for solo2 would be nice

15-11-2013, 03:00 PM
I have 1 to play with.

As Sonic1 has said, it's a completely new concept, so it's going to take some time to iron out the bugs and get it 100% stable, but you can't really compare it to any current E2 box's as there nothing alike.

The Prismcube is a media centre with a card slot, ci slot and twin sat tuner built in, an E2 box is a sat receiver that will play / stream some media files too.

Right now, it's a great bit of kit, if you just want something new and different to play with but don't expect it to be able to out perform a Solo2 / Duo2 as it just won't.

16-11-2013, 01:05 PM
cheers for that cokeaddict,may have a rethink.

16-11-2013, 06:33 PM
I have 1 to play with.

As Sonic1 has said, it's a completely new concept, so it's going to take some time to iron out the bugs and get it 100% stable, but you can't really compare it to any current E2 box's as there nothing alike.

The Prismcube is a media centre with a card slot, ci slot and twin sat tuner built in, an E2 box is a sat receiver that will play / stream some media files too.

Right now, it's a great bit of kit, if you just want something new and different to play with but don't expect it to be able to out perform a Solo2 / Duo2 as it just won't.

That's Correct.

Soon will be even NEW Prismcube more memory for sure.
Not all works on XBMC will take min another 6 months to be establish...No matter wich team will work on IT..
Adding some EMU no mean is the All FIXED..

AH about UK Will be same who own Vu plus Exclusivity...Vu Plus UK..
But to be honest Not good push the product in time is not all ready..
Gave another 3-6 moths for sure will be in Market.

16-11-2013, 08:18 PM
so will this be a true HD media player ?

will is support 50gb BD.ISO with live support and true-hd , dts-ma audio ?

will it support an external BD-rom ?

or will i still need my media player ?

ekko star
17-11-2013, 12:01 AM
The Prismcube Ruby is a twin tuner satellite media centre. It does the satellite duties fair enough.... but the real upsale is XBMC4STB.

Black Hole 1.2.1B is now out which includes the BH NFS panel allowing you to mount your network devices. It's excellent stuff. Softcams have been up and running, vast XBMC repositories, Navi-X, etc etc.

The feature list is set to grow....and I guess very rapidly. Given it's only just launched that's pretty good going.

17-11-2013, 08:39 PM
does anybody actually have the dimensions,I can't seem to find them anywhere.

16-12-2013, 11:27 PM
Interesting .. just stumbled on this thread.
Forced into investigations for alternatives to satellite for S K Y - as it might soon end here in the Canaries!
If the box is £300 - that's a cheap alternative to building a pc with tuners
MediaPortal can't deal with cams of any description - they are scared of a law suite
My only real play with xbmc has been on the Raspberry Pi - its horribly slow!
Internet TV is very flaky - its very speed dependent - we get ~8Mb and we need abut 10Mb for HD telly (can't get 10MB!)
think I'll take up reading!!

17-12-2013, 12:24 AM
Just a thought
It won't be any good for Skygo - that needs silverlight - which isn't available on Linux

03-05-2014, 03:17 PM
Bought one of these, but its WiFi was unstable, it was rather slow and the XBMC installed was in need of considerable customisation compared to the Gotham RC download on my MacBook Air, so returned it. That's how I come to be here as ordered a VU+Solo2. Monday's a UK holiday so won'r have it till Wednesday, drattit. Then will be back looking for tips.