View Full Version : Unable to Blind scan ?

16-11-2013, 01:40 PM
I just had two goes to do a blind scan of sat's 28.2E to 0.8W with the patch 11/11/13 and the UK ish channel list loaded.
I deleted all channels from the list and set it off to work?
Each time It would start to reach 4000 channels at about 85% of 13E is would switch off and restart with a default setting? (good !? The new patch does this lol)

I wonder If it's a TP overload? kind of thing? (adding all scanned TP's to the existing TP's)

Now? I just used the default settings that came back when box came on and selected sat's, set location, put wifi back on, removed (I think) 3 sat's and sent it off to work.

so far so good 4274 ch's on onto 10E...

16-11-2013, 02:03 PM
thats the problem with blind scanning, it loads in everything it finds and overloads the transponder list AND the channel list, both of which have maximums on this type of box, those limits are also a lot less than on the older brothers like the 7000 and 9000 too

this is the main reason I never use blindscan , I would rather be selective in scanning and only scan active transponders that have channels I wish to receive, its also a good reason to turn off scanning for radio channels which also clog up the system with too many unwanted ones

its also easier to tidy up after manual scanning to remove unwanted channels and any dead transponders to slim down the list

blind scanning may be ok for those people who only want to scan one or a few satellites only, or for feed hunters but I believe its just a lazy method employed by most people who just want a box to scan for everything regardless, like they do when tuning in freeview on a tv

I think that if you were not breaking the channel list maximum then you must have been breaking the transponder list maximum

I liken it to going supermarket shopping with a blindfold on and starting in aisle one you just chuck in anything you find from left and right into the trolley, then you go to aisle 2 and do the same, then aisle 3 and do the same, by aisle 4 your trolley is full, the wheels have jammed and you are shouting for help because you still havent got bread , milk and eggs from aisle 5 !!!

surely its better to go in with a list of stuff you actually want and only put them into your trolley ?

its certainly the latter that I do when going out shopping anyway

thats my opinions and ten pennorth anyhow

16-11-2013, 02:47 PM
blind scan is a must tool for feeds in both 4.2.2 and 4.2.0 otherwise i also only scan the frequencies transponders that are of use to me

16-11-2013, 03:36 PM
I second that, not a greatest of ideas trying to blind scan the whole lot at once. Best to only scan the Freqs you are interested in. Having said that I did use blind scan as I couldn`t be arsed to go TP by tp. But only ever did one sat at the time, remove dead ones or the ones I don`t want to keep before I move on to the next.
But that was when I was setting up the box for the first time, since the ch editor was released I use that, or if its just some minor changes to the channels I do it using the boxes built in search and editor, as its a lot quicker that way.(for me anyway)

16-11-2013, 04:04 PM
I agree lol I was just asking and pointing out that keeping the sat's in the memory and deleting all the Channels will not be anuf to do a blind scan from 28 down to 0.8 because it must still store the old TP'S which crashes the box as it come up to 4000 ch's .
I Just do a scan from time to time because this way any channels on the list is what I can see / pickup and can run through to see what's new, open and how much rubbish there is on TV lol
Was just more INFO :seeya:

16-11-2013, 04:29 PM
thats the problem with blind scanning, it loads in everything it finds and overloads the transponder list AND the channel list, both of which have maximums on this type of box, those limits are also a lot less than on the older brothers like the 7000 and 9000 too

this is the main reason I never use blindscan , I would rather be selective in scanning and only scan active transponders that have channels I wish to receive, its also a good reason to turn off scanning for radio channels which also clog up the system with too many unwanted ones

its also easier to tidy up after manual scanning to remove unwanted channels and any dead transponders to slim down the list

blind scanning may be ok for those people who only want to scan one or a few satellites only, or for feed hunters but I believe its just a lazy method employed by most people who just want a box to scan for everything regardless, like they do when tuning in freeview on a tv

I think that if you were not breaking the channel list maximum then you must have been breaking the transponder list maximum

I liken it to going supermarket shopping with a blindfold on and starting in aisle one you just chuck in anything you find from left and right into the trolley, then you go to aisle 2 and do the same, then aisle 3 and do the same, by aisle 4 your trolley is full, the wheels have jammed and you are shouting for help because you still havent got bread , milk and eggs from aisle 5 !!!

surely its better to go in with a list of stuff you actually want and only put them into your trolley ?

its certainly the latter that I do when going out shopping anyway

thats my opinions and ten pennorth anyhow

LOL what a great analogy!!!