View Full Version : Newbie CCcam set up help

17-11-2013, 08:50 PM

I`m still having fun setting up CCcam on my Vu+ duo

I have followed the dummies guide to setting up cam but still no luck

I have installed the latest VIX image and transfered over cam via VU CC V07

Am i correct in saving it in var/temp folder?

Here are a few error messages ive had so far on screen

Hope you can help before i go crazy

Thanks in advance

17-11-2013, 09:06 PM
you may find its in the vix image or can be downloaded from vix using your menus

if you ftp the installer to var/tmp , you then have to use the menus to actually install it, putting it in var/tmp does nothing at all except place it in a folder on the box ready for installation (like downloading a file to your pc downloads folder does nothing until you run it to install it)

so if its in var/tmp it needs to be installed, then enabled , on BH its under the blue button so may be the same in vix

17-11-2013, 09:06 PM
Hi tonyd,

The last time (12 month back) I
installed the Vix image on my
VU+ Uno all the Vu cams could
be downloaded inside the
Vix's image from its menu.
Then the Vix installs the CCcam
for You.


18-11-2013, 02:43 PM
ViX have now removed all the cam downloads from the server that has their plug ins.

To load a cam in ViX you have to get the .ipk installer file - FTP that into /var/volatile/tmp/ - then install that from the relevant ViX menu.

If you haven't got the ipk file ViX does have these files on the forum server.

20-11-2013, 09:28 PM

Firstly thanks for the replies, secondly not quite there yet.

I must be really missing something simple as i have been reading through all the forum before posting for help and have managed to sus out how to flash with new image, transfer files over to box via vucc, but still stuggling this cccam issue

I have got as far as that when i go to softcam set up it is there CCcam2.3.0 but will not let me tick the box to select it?

Also it says in another menu "no config files found" set up in ect/cccam cfg?

After searching and searching on here and even googling cccam cnfg i still cant get it.

Also i have noticed in image manager menu / device the message "there is a problem with this device please reformat"?

I have downloaded and re-flashed image (latest vix) but that message still remains?

Thanks again


20-11-2013, 09:49 PM
a full installer file for cccam will place various files in various folders

the cccam bin file into var/bin

a script file into another folder

also the cfg file into var/etc

some installers do not install the cfg file, but you can find one and add it yourself if its not there

so ftp into the box and check for the cfg file in var/etc

all these files need to be chmod (attributes are set) to 755 (read/write)

so make sure you have installed a full cccam set of files including the cfg file, making sure the cccam is vix compatible too

21-11-2013, 08:37 AM
If you are a complete newbie the VTI image could be best for you as it still has the download feature for cams/configs etc.

regards painter

21-11-2013, 02:34 PM
I think echelon has given you all the info you need, so just adding some details.

1/ For now - ignore the message you are getting in image manager - all this is saying is that you have a problem with your HDD or USB. That would not stop CCcam working.

2/ A "standard" ViX Cccam install will not include the CCcam.cfg file - you need this file to be able to start the cam in Softcam manager. You need to find a pro-forma CCcam.cfg from somewhere and FTP it into /etc/ (in ViX it is simpler to put CCcam.cfg into /etc/ not /var/etc/ )

21-11-2013, 02:37 PM
the cfg file has been posted many times on our forums, and can be extracted from the various ipk and tgz installers on here too

28-11-2013, 12:33 PM
I don't much about vix image but nevertheless I use black hole I never had any issue with it I think you should try that

03-12-2013, 10:48 PM
Many thanks for all the help, finally got round to using all your advice to good use (brother been in hospital for major opp and just came out after 2 weeks in there)

I tried vti blackhole but ended up back with vix and after using the cfg file to put the c line in was up and running in no time (prob. all the stress of work/hospital/work/hospital)

Next task is to sort out how to store positions in for the diseqc motor

Many thanks again for all your help

21-12-2013, 11:45 PM
Back again for help
Everything been fine until today, clearing channels but freezing every 2 seconds and after i had been on vu control centre it will not connect to receiver showing message :- Access violation at address 0052b202 in module "vucc.exe" read of address 00000000.?
Any help much appreciated

22-12-2013, 12:17 AM
that error relates to not finding the box on the network

my duo is switched off at the moment and I get the same error message , but it works fine if I use my dreambox ip address instead

best check the lan and see that its on the network, check the router admin panel shows it and its current ip address

then try pinging the correct ip address on the vu from a dos box (command prompt)

then ensure that the correct ip address is in the vucc panel, with the correct name and password too

22-12-2013, 02:21 AM
"no config files found" set up in ect/cccam cfg?

After searching and searching on here and even googling cccam cnfg i still cant get it.

you can make a CCcam.cfg file or any file
with the touch command like this

use dreambox control center
with telnet

start dcc
paste these in one at a time press enter after each paste

touch /etc/CCcam.cfg

chmod 644 /etc/CCcam.cfg

05-01-2014, 05:28 PM
hi,where would i get vu cams on my duo,i am using bh,thanks

05-01-2014, 06:29 PM
check the DUMMIES GUIDE for starters

also check the vu plugins section too

05-01-2014, 06:45 PM
i have but not there,

05-01-2014, 06:50 PM
they are there ; wat you after exactly ?

and you could start your own thread in the relevant section

05-01-2014, 07:33 PM
i have but not there,

very strange how you think a forum admin can be wrong about this after having been a member , mod and admin for over 12 years on this forum, and also owning a vu duo and have set up a solo 2 for a relative

buy hey, if you are correct, then I bow to your newbie knowledge ;)

05-01-2014, 08:31 PM
i'am only looking a bit of help for this,i have search for vu cams but having no luck after 4 days at this,sorry for butting in, i will keep looking,many thanks

05-01-2014, 08:58 PM
I checked the earlier info I gave you and its 100% correct