View Full Version : Navigating the fav's, sat's and channel list?

18-11-2013, 12:49 AM
A very quick look at one way to run through the list's ....on the spider 6000HD

May be a bit too quick but I was trying to keep the time down. :o15: You can watch it again ?

code for vid


Thank to all that pointed this out to me. (we are all newbies with a new box's)


code for vid


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18-11-2013, 10:55 AM
Nice :) We can post a link to this topic next time certain member asks for asistance, which I am certain he will soon

30-11-2013, 09:02 PM
For the 6000HD
This was made with the latest patch and is only an example of one way to check the settings.
There is an auto or manual setting for the WiFi IP in the network settings.
Remember just because you have a WiFi signal does not mean you have internet? You need to check both.
You may have to pause at times to keep up with this 3min 29sec film...

code for vid


07-06-2014, 03:06 PM
how do I add a channel to my favourites? thanks in advance

07-06-2014, 03:21 PM
how do I add a channel to my favourites? thanks in advance
As far as I can remember off hand goto menu/ edit channels and then select fav it will give you numbers on the bottom of list you then highlight the number you want the channel to be in? and so on. or add to fav in the pc editor?
hope this helps got a lot of other stuff running through my head lol

27-06-2014, 07:15 PM
did someone manage to do this?..I do what hianta said ( using the latest patch btw) "Menu" > "TV ChannelEditor" > and on the RH side of the split "screen" view I see the programme that's currently running on the channel in a "window" and underneath the picture/programme, in blue, the favourite icons numbered 1-8 from Left to Right.

However, I can't seem to "highlight" the number I want? Nothing I seem to press allows me to do that (I inderstand the concept of the split L_R screen from setting up satellites etc but I can't seem, in this case to move over to the RH screen where the fav icons are??

p.s. I have not (yet) downloaded a channel list..the box has several thousand channels from the 7 sats on a diseqc switch that have scanned.

27-06-2014, 07:50 PM
UPDATE - I rebooted the box..did exacly as before ...but now blue fav icons appear in the LH screen too...and I can select them..weird. MY problem solved..thnx hianta

30-06-2014, 08:05 PM
I have loaded a bunch of channels into Fav1 & have them arranged as HD first then SD using the yellow button "sort" option (TV channel editor> edit (red)>sort (yellow) exit & save etc). But for me BBC2 HD comes before BBC1 HD in the list ..because it is 001.. whereas BBC1HD is 002.

So I want to move BBC2 HD to come after BBC 1HD. Right I thinks..highlight BBC2 HD..use the move (green) button..and a red tick appears to the right of "BBC2 HD"..so what next?..hitting the down arrow key just moves the yellow highlight bar down..it doesn't take BBC2 HD with it..mmm..ah I see there's a "move to" (yellow) button available now..must be that..so I hit the yellow button...& the red tick turns into a red down arrow. Right. So I then press the down arrow button (below "OK" in the centre)..but the tellow highlight bar that was on BBC2 HD just moves down to BBC1 HD without taking the channle with it..if you see what I mean. I have read the manual that came with the box (found the relevant section but not a great help tbh)..I have tried all sorts for over half an hour (call me thick!)..BUT I cannot move that damned channel within the list. HELP! pls!! thanks for reading

30-06-2014, 08:51 PM
After pressing the green button, use the up or dowm buttons to highlight where you want the channel to move to, then press the yellow button.

30-06-2014, 09:52 PM
I have loaded a bunch of channels into Fav1 & have them arranged as HD first then SD using the yellow button "sort" option (TV channel editor> edit (red)>sort (yellow) exit & save etc). But for me BBC2 HD comes before BBC1 HD in the list ..because it is 001.. whereas BBC1HD is 002.

So I want to move BBC2 HD to come after BBC 1HD. Right I thinks..highlight BBC2 HD..use the move (green) button..and a red tick appears to the right of "BBC2 HD"..so what next?..hitting the down arrow key just moves the yellow highlight bar down..it doesn't take BBC2 HD with it..mmm..ah I see there's a "move to" (yellow) button available now..must be that..so I hit the yellow button...& the red tick turns into a red down arrow. Right. So I then press the down arrow button (below "OK" in the centre)..but the tellow highlight bar that was on BBC2 HD just moves down to BBC1 HD without taking the channle with it..if you see what I mean. I have read the manual that came with the box (found the relevant section but not a great help tbh)..I have tried all sorts for over half an hour (call me thick!)..BUT I cannot move that damned channel within the list. HELP! pls!! thanks for reading

It's better to start a new thread when looking for help but this may help you?

1 select the fav list you wish to watch and edit
2 go into menu and across to the edit channels.
3 press red for edit
4 move up or down to highlight the ch you wish to move.
5 press green and move the highlight to the new position you want the ch.
6 press yellow for move to
7 press exit
8 then ok the pop up message so it will save.

you are going to move all channels you just selected or ticked to the highlighted channel so you will not see a change until you press yellow then you exit and save?


30-06-2014, 11:06 PM
Job done!..thank you both so much..

obvious I suppose ..when you know..but I am oldish and am used to other satbox menu architecture. Actually it does exactly what it says it does..clever. Such apity the "manual" !) that comes with the box is so poor.

whatever would we do without you guys..thanks both for going the extra mile..much appreciated and hope some other newbie sees this and spends less time than I have trying on my own.


18-08-2014, 04:15 PM
Does anyone know how to organize in nice categories/buckets? I had something similar on the old Dboxes back in the day.

18-08-2014, 07:35 PM
Does anyone know how to organize in nice categories/buckets? I had something similar on the old Dboxes back in the day.

You can do it using channel editor.First read the instructions.

19-08-2014, 01:47 PM
You can do it using channel editor.First read the instructions.

Is there a user guide for this? I've got the software installed no probs

19-08-2014, 01:54 PM
Is there a user guide for this? I've got the software installed no probs
There's a full PDF Manual in the zip file, don't think you will find better.

19-08-2014, 03:12 PM
Thanks man. Got it.

19-09-2014, 06:42 PM
Hi my first post. thanks to all on this site. only had my hd6000 for a week. and i have sorted MY set up. channel list. fav list sat list. not in this order:respect-046: keep up all your gr8 work. looking forward to more reading.:respect-069: