View Full Version : Bouquets change automatically at night

18-11-2013, 11:20 PM
Hi, I've got a VU+ Duo with the latest Vix image. Not had it very long so still learning. I used Autobouquetmaker to set up Sly bouqets then amended them to how I wanted them in DreamBoxEdit and FTPd them to my box - all fine so far. Next day they had reverted back to the original Sly bouquets that Autobouquetmaker had set up. The Cross EPG Setup is scheduled to download each night, and under Autobouquetmaker - Configure, its set to do a scheduled scan just before the Cross EPG download. Is one or both of these nightly updates reverting my bouquets back to the Sly ones in Autobouquetmaker? Or if not, is there a way to keep them the same as Ive set them up in DreamBoxEdit? Thanks in advance :respect-064:

19-11-2013, 09:51 AM
I would think its the autobouquet updater, as normally it puts them into the same order as sly, but you are moving them around

what you really need to do is create your own favourite bouquets below the autobouquets, and add the channels you want into them, thereby making bouquets you want in the order you want, leaving the autobouquets in the sly order above yours which will update themselves and maintain the sly order

I think I would rename your 28e bouquets that you wish to preserve, then run the autobouquet maker again so it loads in the default bouquets with the channels in the usual numbered order and genres , which should then leave your preferred order bouquets intact. you can then add channels from the numbered order into your favs as required

in other words there is little point in obtaining them in the sly order and you moving them about, destroying the sly order, which then leads to a new scan that destroys your preferred order and reaffirms the sly order, on a daily basis