View Full Version : a few duo2 basic questions

19-11-2013, 02:45 PM
hi all using duo 2 and motorised sats set up ok,and managed to use webif to watch on laptop when needed,just have a few questions which someone might be able to help me with

1 what is transcoding, is it the same as when i use webif
2 what are picons and how do i use them
3 something was mentioned about mounting the hard drive,i can record already record to the hard drive so does that mean it is already mounted

thanks guys

19-11-2013, 02:53 PM
hi all using duo 2 and motorised sats set up ok,and managed to use webif to watch on laptop when needed,just have a few questions which someone might be able to help me with

1 what is transcoding, is it the same as when i use webif
2 what are picons and how do i use them
3 something was mentioned about mounting the hard drive,i can record already record to the hard drive so does that mean it is already mounted

thanks guys

1) transcoding is when you logon over the local lan or via the internet and stream from the box to a tablet or mobile phone etc , typically you would do this using an android phone or tablet and the app vuplayer (see the android forum for details)

it may also apply to the webif, not sure on that one, but seems a reasonable assumption

compressing the transcoding allows you to limit it due to upload restrictions on bandwidth, when accessing away from home

2) picons are used by having a picon folder on a usb stick plugged into the rear usb socket , they are accessed when you select a channel and appear on the bottom left in the infobar, also seen on the left hand side in the epg like coolepg too, they are little pictures showing the channel ident

you will see these in the 28e transponder changes in the transponder news forum here, picons are also in the dreambox section picons forum as well, myself and compass recently uploaded some that you can use

its also better to have the epg downloaded to the usb stick as well, due to the fact its instant access for picons and epg data and you dont get freezing whilst the hdd has to wake up if its resting (if you used the hdd and not a usb stick for data storage) - these are 2 of the main uses for a rear mounted usb stick

3) it sounds like your hdd is already mounted but you can check this in the menus if you wish

19-11-2013, 02:57 PM
thanks as usual echelon is there a guide to setting the picons up anywhere

19-11-2013, 03:21 PM
thanks as usual echelon is there a guide to setting the picons up anywhere

no guide is required m8

you download the latest picon pack (like the mmc one I uploaded , unpack it so you have a picon folder containing all the picons inside it

then ftp it to your usb stick (providing you mounted and formatted it on your duo2) in your rear usb slot like I said

I think your channel list and epg guide are setup to use it, or you make sure that the path to your usb picon folder is used in their settings (so they know where to actually look for your picons)

you will then see them showing in the places I mentioned in the epg guide and the infobar (well mine do in BH)

19-11-2013, 03:33 PM
can i use the hard drive to store the picons on ,and what happens if i have two sets of picons for one satellite and where does lcd4linux come into all this thanks again

19-11-2013, 03:46 PM
can i use the hard drive to store the picons on ,

and what happens if i have two sets of picons for one satellite

and where does lcd4linux come into all this thanks again

now you are making it too complicated by far, I already explained why you dont want to use a hdd for storing picons or epg data so I am not going to repeat myself (are you sure you actually READ my first reply ?)

my personal opinion is that anyone who can afford to buy a duo (like me) , a solo2 (my son) or a duo2 (like you) can afford to buy a usb pen drive for storing epg data , picons , backups and time shift recordings onto

therefore I refuse to even answer questions on storing them on a hdd


as for the other 2 questions


19-11-2013, 03:52 PM
sorry if i offended you but my mind is a mash, very confusing for me ,will try as you say when i get in from work thanks again for your time echelon

19-11-2013, 03:57 PM
I gave a fully detailed usb vs hdd explanation in post #2 m8 , so although I realise its very confusing to understand these boxes you could at least have read it all through and tried it out instead of skirting round the problem of having no dedicated usb stick

if you havent got one , you buy one , if you want to put a screw into some wood, you buy a suitable screwdriver, you dont "make do" with a pebble or a brick just because you already have them to hand ;)

if ya catch my drift

as for the latter questions, I would say that a box can only use one set of picons, and have no idea what the other tool is as I dont use it although I am sure that other duo2 owners will know

19-11-2013, 04:57 PM
cleaver use of Google, shows lcd4linux:-


19-11-2013, 05:49 PM
ok guys dont shout at me plz ,just put the pencil drive in the back of my box ,how do i mount/format it plz through bh

19-11-2013, 06:06 PM
explained in the dummies guide here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?133588-Dummies-guide-to-setting-up-Vu-Duo

19-11-2013, 06:59 PM
ok got the picons coming up on tv when changing channels,but lcd screen on the box still shows the bh screen

20-11-2013, 09:29 AM
thanks guys all up and running now including lcd4linux,sure is a box that does what it says,after a thicky like me gets hold of it,is the mmc pack you uploaded just for 28e echelon,thanks again

20-11-2013, 09:52 AM
I believe so, but you can easily check these picons using windows explorer or a picture player to see what they all are

in fact, if you read my post it actually says they are for 28.2e


there are others that are for multiple satellites, like the nephilim ones

20-11-2013, 10:23 AM
last question on the picon nephilim pack,at the minute i have a picon folder with the 28e picons inside it,when i try the nephilim one am i ok to have the picon folder still ,and the inside that folder have the seperate folders for each individual satellite with there own picons in if that makes sense thanks again im getting there with everyones help

the gaggsy
24-11-2013, 04:59 PM
cleaver use of Google, shows lcd4linux:-


I don't know why ---
But my net protection claims this is a dubious connection
Normally, when you try to connect securely, sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified.
What Should I Do?

If you usually connect to this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue.

So I baint going there.

24-11-2013, 05:04 PM
cleaver use of Google, shows lcd4linux:-


I don't know why ---
But my net protection claims this is a dubious connection
Normally, when you try to connect securely, sites will present trusted identification to prove that you are going to the right place. However, this site's identity can't be verified.
What Should I Do?

If you usually connect to this site without problems, this error could mean that someone is trying to impersonate the site, and you shouldn't continue.

So I baint going there.

I had the same problem, and decided against looking too

24-11-2013, 05:42 PM
just a little note on transcoding .

transcoding is reencoding on the fly (real time ), digital to digital in the vu+'s case .

this reencoding means you can set your box to view 720p channels and yet stream 480p for the same channel .

why ?

well you may have a slow lan or you may be limited by your upload speed of your modem if your viewing externally .

the Vu+ duo2 has hard transcoding , which means the encoding is done by the cpu directly and not done by software alone like the rest of the vu range .

24-11-2013, 05:42 PM
can you plz kill the live link