View Full Version : unable to connect dreamboxedit to vusolo2

19-11-2013, 08:28 PM
i have finaly plucked up the courage and started to install my vu+solo2 box. i have flashed the box with a vix image and am now trying to upload a catseyes settings file to my stb. my box is connected to the internet via a vonets and all seems ok. i am using dreamboxedit to transfer file to stb, when i hit upload the message is returned could not connect to dreambox, check ip address network settings and status of dreambox.

as you are aware i have very limited knowledge of this type of thing and have spent hours researching an answer first but i cant solve it.

my settings for stb are ip add 192.168. 1.77 netmask my gateway is 192.168.1 254.

thank you again guys

19-11-2013, 08:58 PM
Hi M8,
On DB edit go into options (one of boxes along top) and set your receiver ip/username and password, and don't forget to press save at the bottom
hope that helps

19-11-2013, 09:13 PM
thanks gray but ive already done that i have left the password blank on purpose though

19-11-2013, 09:16 PM
make sure your ip address is actually correct by checking it in the network settings in setup on the vu, also check it using the admin panel on the router

then use DCC and/or VuCC to check you can connect using the ip address allocated to the vu, the correct username and password for the login

if dcc and vucc can connect, then so should DBedit

19-11-2013, 10:01 PM
my ip address is correct for vu my ip address for my bt homehub is i downloaded and ran vucc but it was unable to connect address error with lots of no,s

19-11-2013, 10:45 PM is very unlikely to be the IP of the home hub.
A little research on the web suggests it should be

19-11-2013, 10:54 PM
thank you very much anrakh. i got the ip for my home hub from the bt home manager page, it shows my laptop, my daughters laptop and vu box. so i thought it had to be right. when i typed in your suggestion to dbe it connected. so cheers mate. chippy.

well that was a bit premature. i checked test ip connection it says connected but when i try to upload file it says unable to connect. i am well and truly baffled.

19-11-2013, 11:06 PM
Generally you need to have a password set up, but not always.
Since you are using a blank for a password, I suggest you use the telnet passwd command to set one up.

19-11-2013, 11:07 PM
try to ping the vu box ip address from your laptop (using a command prompt)

try to connect by dcc and vucc , using the correct ip address for the vu , and the correct name and password

I havent used a vonets but maybe you are using the ip of the vonets and not the vu

I also asked you to do a network connection test on the vu using the menu, and checking the ip address allocated to the vu

I also find it strange that it has an ip number of 77 , unless you have set this up manually ?

77 is not a normal number to be allocated by dhcp , more likely to start at say 1 or 2

it would have been simpler at this stage while you are learning to use an ethernet cable, not complicate matters using a vonets

19-11-2013, 11:29 PM
your password is password your ip for the box is 192.168.1. any number not already in your router regards jovie

19-11-2013, 11:41 PM
cheers guys im going to come back to this tommorrow long day and an early start.

20-11-2013, 08:21 PM
update. guys thank you very much for your help re this matter.... i appear to have sorted the problem. i unplugged vonets, re-flashed box with a fixed line to router. ( as echelon suggested) i can now upload to my solo2, my laptop appears to have a problem with vucc but works with dreambox edit. i will return to the wifi issue when i have more knowledge and hair. cheers chippy