View Full Version : legit sub card in vu+solo2

20-11-2013, 09:42 PM
i am looking to run my sly card (legit sub) in my vu+solo2 could a member be kind enough to point me in the right direction of a sticky/dummies guide please. i will be starting from the very beginning with this, so the simpler the better please. i am using vix image and dreambox edit. cheers chippy.

20-11-2013, 09:54 PM
not sure that there will be any simple guide, but you can try cccam for starters but really you need to be using oscam which is a whole subject in itself and has many threads relating to it in various forums on here, including the oscam section, but simple it isnt

plenty of info in various threads on the forum including those below



have a read of the oscam section here


also have a read through this thread where a new user was trying the same thing on a dreambox


and this one too


and this one too


several threads in there give good info on amending oscam files in var tuxbox config