View Full Version : Ordering Channels in Editor to replicate Sky numbers

21-11-2013, 11:13 AM
Hi everyone.

Been having a play around with the channel editor. What I'm trying to do is to order the downloaded channels for 28.2 in the same order as the channels from Sky (or as close as possible). So a couple of questions:

Is drag and drop the only way to move channels up and down the list?
Is it possible to allocate channel numbers independently (i.e. allocate SS1 to 401 etc)

I'm currently using Compass's great list, so thanks to him for that.


21-11-2013, 11:28 AM
Hi everyone.

Been having a play around with the channel editor. What I'm trying to do is to order the downloaded channels for 28.2 in the same order as the channels from Sky (or as close as possible). So a couple of questions:

Is drag and drop the only way to move channels up and down the list?
Is it possible to allocate channel numbers independently (i.e. allocate SS1 to 401 etc)

I'm currently using Compass's great list, so thanks to him for that.

Nice if you could get back to me about how you went on with this one first.

21-11-2013, 12:21 PM
Thanks, nice to know my info helped out.

21-11-2013, 12:24 PM
regarding question 2)

I cannot answer the specific question as I dont own a 6000 , but looking at other boxes like a 7000 it is

difficult to achieve this as you need dummy channels to fill in all the blank spaces , including the first 100 free spaces below 101

also, you cannot add a potential 999 channels into any favourite, so using the favourites is not possible either, so you would have to try it in the ALL channels section, assuming you had enough dummy channels to fill in the blanks

ignoring the bespoke boxes like the spider, you CAN have these numbered channels using autobouquets on boxes like the VU range and other similar linux boxes, so when people draw up a wish list its important to check that you can do what you need to do with the box , before buying it

so I would say no, not possible on the 6000 or its editor, unless somebody else knows different

21-11-2013, 01:12 PM
regarding question 2)

I cannot answer the specific question as I dont own a 6000 , but looking at other boxes like a 7000 it is

difficult to achieve this as you need dummy channels to fill in all the blank spaces , including the first 100 free spaces below 101

also, you cannot add a potential 999 channels into any favourite, so using the favourites is not possible either, so you would have to try it in the ALL channels section, assuming you had enough dummy channels to fill in the blanks

ignoring the bespoke boxes like the spider, you CAN have these numbered channels using autobouquets on boxes like the VU range and other similar linux boxes, so when people draw up a wish list its important to check that you can do what you need to do with the box , before buying it

so I would say no, not possible on the 6000 or its editor, unless somebody else knows different

Great info, many thanks. I'm more than happy with my Spiderbox and the current setup using favourites, just trying the above as a sort of 'proof of concept' to see how we can push the 6000.

21-11-2013, 02:48 PM

Your question 1, You can select more than one channel at a time using the standard windows keys SHIFT+Click (start/end) or CTRL+click, and then drag and drop to move channels up and down the list, or change the Tools->Sort Channels option to do all the hard work for you.

I use the sort order like <Satellite-Provider-Category-Name> and save it in the settings, then make my own Favourites list in the order I prefer (or just resort after the import Fav's), the important thing is to get the main channel list sorted, then use SHIFT+Click (start/end) or CTRL+click to select the Favourites channels in the order you want them and then right-click "Add to Fav" to add all the channels in one go or in blocks.

On the 7000/9000 MacSatellite Manager editor, the sky tv-guide channel data was compared with the KOS channel data to create Sky Uk Fav channels, but didn't prefix the channel name with the Sky number, it just attemped to make the channels region based, by using the setting parameter called "Default Region". So you would get BBC One London instead of BBC One Scotland.

The 6000 editor only uses the channel data from the one site, see the "About" menu for site details on both editors, but it is possibly to manually create your own list using the Favourites, so you just select the channels order you want and then right-click "Add to fav" option, it will not add the sky channel number, and as echelon has stated there would be gaps in the numbers.

If you try to change a Favourite channel name manually, when when you save the Favourite list to file and then do an new Internet download of channels to find any channel changes that happened, then when you import your saved Favourite list it would have problems matching the channel name, so this isn't recommended.

Best thing I would do at the moment is to create your own Favourite list with all the channels that matter to you, and then save them to file, and then each time do a fresh New->Internet Database, and then import your Favourite list, this will keep most of your channels update, you can also set the sort option in the settings file, so after doing the Internet Database download it will sort your channels in the main list to a logically order like <Satellite-Provider-Category-Name>, and then use the Sat button to walk download all the channels you want and then decide if you want to add any to your Favourite list.

After importing your Favourite list, you can select Sort channels again, and this will move around the channels in what ever order you select, or even custom sort, then when you save the Favourite list, when you re-import the Favourite list after the Internet Database download it will remember the same sort order you saved the fav channels in.

You could possibly print out the sky tv-guide channel or import them to Excel, and map them to your Fav list (look at the SID & Frequency) as a quick reference, the biggest issue is keeping your channel parameters update like frequency and SID etc. and limiting your total channels to 6000.

Hope that helps you understand better, it is a good idea about trying to map the channels in some way, its how they appear on the box that is the problem, we are looking been able to switch the channel name between the KOS channel name and the name ID, maybe we could have an external lookup file to map the channels like we did on the 9000 :)

29-11-2013, 08:31 PM
Ok, I've had a massive play with this one today and I've got my list using the Channel Manager and set my favourites - thanks for all your help!

One question, is it possible to manually edit the frequency? It's grayed out when I go to edit the channel. Thanks.

30-11-2013, 09:52 AM
No, there should be no reason to do this if you use the KOS download, if the channel has changed then just download the latest channel changes, if you can't wait then report it on the site and the guys will do the change for you.
If a channel on KOS site is in light grey then is a known channel that has or very shortly be replaced, so you shouldn't use these channels, there is a option in the editor on the download database dialog called feeds, untick this and it will exclude all these grey channels from KOS.

Same goes for a SSU, just rescan the channel on the box and save and reload it on the editor mate.

Tonight we will hopefully release an new updated version of the editor with some enhancements and bug fixes your will like:-)

10-12-2013, 12:22 PM
Hi all. Thanks for everyones help so far. Ok, I'm pretty much up to speed with the new Channel Editor and downloading from KOS and ordering my favourites. One thing that I still can't work out though is the following:

I download latest DB from KOS and try and apply my favourites list from my previous scan. When I do this, it adds them correctly but they are out of order again. I previously created my Favs by dragging and dropping, so that I can get BBC1 at 1 BBC2 at 2 etc. Is there any way to retain the order of the channels when exporting and importing favourites?

Thanks again.

10-12-2013, 12:31 PM
Not at the moment The Custom Favorite.xml file Doesn't contain a command for Fav-Order!
It's manual fav sort I'm afraid.

10-12-2013, 12:53 PM
Not at the moment The Custom Favorite.xml file Doesn't contain a command for Fav-Order!
It's manual fav sort I'm afraid.

Now this would be the icing on the cake. Not only would it find the new TP's but would re order the favourites as well? This is a definite one for the "wish list" (nearing Xmas so maybe Santa be good to us all?)

10-12-2013, 02:28 PM
New version of channel editor will be even better .
You 'll find out soon .