View Full Version : catch up tv

21-11-2013, 12:00 PM
Sorry if I am in the wrong area, but a friend is looking at catch up tv box for his wife, can any of you learned gents please tell me are they worked off a dish or aerial or internet

21-11-2013, 12:12 PM
They`re all streamed over the net
(Freetime/Youview/SmartTvs/Media players/other)

21-11-2013, 12:16 PM
thank you very much

21-11-2013, 12:19 PM
some satellite boxes like the VU can stream from the net using plugins for bbc iplayer, itv player and others, as can some media centres or media boxes, dvd players, smart tv,s - in fact many devices can do this, including pc`s and laptops , and tablets and smart phones too

so the choice is vast, its a case of finding what is suitable for this lady and also making sure your internet contract allows it (preferably not capped and a reasonable speed)

21-11-2013, 12:32 PM
they have no chance they don't have a pc or internet

21-11-2013, 12:42 PM
they have no chance they don't have a pc or internet

seems strange that they want catch up tv then, seeing as its typically bbc iplayer , itv player , 4OD etc, which are all internet based streaming services and advertised as such too

even the ones on sly plus download from the net and not "off air"

their only option is to timeshift programmes from terrestrial tv like freeview and satellite tv like freesat, using a pvr

21-11-2013, 08:11 PM
The cheapest option is a NowTV box (£10) You can get BBCi player and 5OD with ITV player and 4OD promised before the end of 2013

You need an internet connection though. (just read you post saying you don't, so just ignore me)