View Full Version : Re: Latest Russell TomTom Europe/UK Maps etc software

22-11-2013, 10:53 AM

Sorry to be a pain Russell mate, but I have opened this 'discussion' thread as instructed, because I DID have Wifi switched on with my Galaxy S3 after it appeared toi install ok, but also I did have a previous version already there from earlier this year, which had also ended up 'unable to conect' after it had worked ok before it stopped working (presumably clobbered by TomTom) so as a precaution I have now totally unnstalled ALL evidence of BOTH versions - then placed both the apk & maps files ito the 'android folder' root of the phone from which to re-install it - and I will report back how it goes!
I do apologise to echelon for 'discussing' in a 'sticky' section, but hadnt realised I was, in the heat of the moment whilst confused about the problem I was having getting it to open online with my phone!

Thanks to ALL concerned!:respect-055:

22-11-2013, 10:57 AM
fair comments, but I did post in this sticky thread here regarding the shortcut icon


I also said its working on my nexus 7

22-11-2013, 11:12 AM
Thanks echelon, either way I'm still charging my S3 and will report back when I've had chance to try it again!

22-11-2013, 02:17 PM
Well uninstalled all other apps etc to do with TomRom maps etc, so started from square one!
I loaded the apk & maps file on to an SD card externally (whilst on my pc)

Then I inserted my sd card into my phone
I then (apparently successfully) ran the apk file to install TomTom
I accepted TomTom agreement
Opened TomTom (called 'UK and Ireland') app - and was immediately told 'Unable to connect to TomTom. Try again later'
So I DID try asgain - and again - recurring! without success!

I HAD connected to Wifi (as stated in my earlier posts) - otherwise Facebook & SkyGo wouldnt have worked - but they DID/DO - so any suggestions please, or is it a dead loss for ME? lol!!

Maybe I should load Satpimps into my phone browser and download it (Russel's file) from there 'directly' into phone to install that way?

22-11-2013, 02:39 PM
on my nexus 7 (which is working fine) I used windows explorer to copy and paste the map folder and apk to the nexus 7 internal storage "memory" (it does not have or use any form of external cards like mini or micro sd cards like your s3)

so maybe it is because you have it on your sdcard for storage, instead of in your phones internal storage ?

just a thought

my point being this "how the hell" would it know to look for the maps and program on your sdcard ?
think about it !!

if you look at the extracted folder , it says "copy contents to android device"

it does not say "copy contents to the sd card (if you have one fitted as they dont come as standard) that is inserted into your android device"


as for my nexus 7, its using gps positioning, as expected , so the internet bears no relevance and its not a phone so uses no sim card either

so the internet and phone are irrelevant, as its a tablet

as for when you post, all you need to do is make a new thread in the appropriate section, then copy and paste links to the relevant threads like files , there is never any requirement to actually reply in file threads except possibly for clarification , like I did , in order to help yourself and others
if we let everybody post in file threads the crux of those files would be lost in all the clutter !

ps:- russells "file" is actually a link to an upload/download website where you download it over an hour or two, then you have to unpack it using a zip or rar unpacker, then you have to copy the contents to the correct part of your android device

good luck with achieving all that on a "phone" , or even on a tablet !!

22-11-2013, 05:41 PM
Thanks very much for your most comprehensive reply Ech - I'll look into what you suggest etc asap - but much appreciate your continued interest!
Ok, I DID mean 'link' - sorry AGAIN, but I'm trying to convey the 'gist' of what I'm attempting to do here mate!!
On reflection, it was on a Nokia Lumia 610 I'd previously used an sd card to install a previous version of TomTom, which worked perfectly for a while, having installed from the sd - but then later TomTom did clobber it, for obvious reasons!
So that's why I'd tried the same installation method again!
Watch this space!:respect-050:

22-11-2013, 05:48 PM
Thanks very much for your most comprehensive reply Ech - I'll look into what you suggest etc asap - but much appreciate your continued interest!
Ok, I DID mean 'link' - sorry AGAIN, but I'm trying to convey the 'gist' of what I'm attempting to do here mate!!

On reflection, it was on a Nokia Lumia 610 I'd previously used an sd card to install a previous version of TomTom, which worked perfectly for a while, having installed from the sd - but then later TomTom did clobber it, for obvious reasons!
So that's why I'd tried the same installation method again!

Watch this space!:respect-050:

so if your last car was a diesel, and now you bought a petrol, you would fill up at the diesel pump because it worked before ?

I thought not

so for starters, if you were installing an apk then yes you may put it on the sdcard and then when installing it will install the correct files in the correct places , the same as if you downloaded ccleaner to a usb stick and then ran it (setup) and it installed onto your C drive of your laptop or pc - same principle

but in this case you are told to copy the contents of the folder to the android device , then use the activation apk installer to activate everything, so the key point here being that you need the maps and tool folder on the root of the android device which is why it tells you to copy the contents there

not everybody has an sdcard in their phones and in some cases there is no provision for one, like my nexus 7 tablet for example

the principle here being the K.I.S.S. principle (keep it simple st*p*d)

follow the signs, do as you are told, dont do something not asked of you - those are the rules

there is no doubt in my mind that it didnt work because it was on the sdcard, so could not be found when the program looked for the files on the root of the android storage section and they "werent there"

22-11-2013, 08:00 PM
Thanks again Ech - I had already started to think that maybe the Lumia technology, although also being an android phone, maybe it wasn't the same in THIS scenario as the Galaxy, hence the sd card not working on the Galaxy even though it did on the Nokia - so wil somehow try to load it directly into the 'root' of my Galaxy in a DIRECT manner - i.e. without the 'external' complication of the sd card! I do understand what you explained that the apk would probably initiate ok off the sd card to install the prog, but not work properly once the prog was actually installed in this way with it all being on the sd card and not the phone 'proper'?
Sorrymate, I know what I mean - it APPEARS to be an executable prog in my apps on phone, but as its not in Galaxy 'root proper' its never going to work properly!

22-11-2013, 08:13 PM
the apk file is a hack and not a full installer , the old file you had may have been a full installer and put everything where it should be whereas this one relies on the owner to do all the work properly and then to run the crack file

when you bought your S3 it would not normally be supplied with the sdcard, so treat it as if its not in there !!!

as for android, android is an os and has sweetie pie names like honeycomb , jellybean and ice cream sandwich, so different versions of an os, your lumia would probably have run an older version of android , wheres your s3 is running ics or jb if you have updated it using their own samsung tools on your pc and connecting the phone up using the cable to your usb port

so all you really need to do is connect to your pc usb port with the lead, then use windows explorer to copy and paste the folder and apk to your root directory on your s3 , then use a file manager like ES file explorer to run the apk

again its all down the that K.I.S.S. principle, learning the basics and stop trying to "go around the houses" with fancy tricks like removing the sdcard , using an sdcard adapter and hoping that whatever gets posted is a full installer like it may have been previously

it took me longer to find the correct icon (because I was looking for tom tom and its not labelled as tom tom) on my nexus 7 than it took to copy and paste the folder and file and run the crack using es file explorer !!

more haste - less speed , and not following the basics has tied you up in knots here, as it seems to do on a regular basis ;)

keep it simple, and I am sure it will work for you , and if you havent updated the S3 using the samsung tool, its time you did so as my lad did his ages ago

as for the sdcard. all they need is mounting and formatting, which I would assume was done, they then appear as external storage, and thats it , nothing else is done as they are merely external storage and nothing else - so a place to keep books and films and mp3 files etc

22-11-2013, 08:13 PM
I put the tom tom folder and the apk file to the root of my sd cards and installed the apk from there. It has worked on a Sony Xperia, S4 and my old Motorola razr.

Also poi are dead easy to instal. Just put the .ov file straight into the map folder.

22-11-2013, 08:17 PM
I put the tom tom folder and the apk file to the root of my sd cards and installed the apk from there. It has worked on a Sony Xperia, S4 and my old Motorola razr.

Also poi are dead easy to instal. Just put the .ov file straight into the map folder.

in that case maybe he copied the "copy to android" folder to the sdcard , or to a folder on the sdcard , and NOT the actual maps and files folder and the apk to the root of the sdcard ?

thanks for the poi tip too

22-11-2013, 08:28 PM
I was thinking that or that he copied the folder that says COPY Contents to Android Device instead of tomtom folder.

22-11-2013, 10:04 PM
well, cant try it on my nexus 7 as nexus have no sdcard slots, despite what idiotic salesmen tell you

23-11-2013, 01:23 AM
Well I've tried every combination - variation on a theme here - and still nogo!!
Even connected S3 as a 'removable device' to my pc and copied the whole 'Copy contents' folder from download held on desktop into WHOLE of Removable Device - rather than to any 'specific' folder or anything else!
Have tried copying into BOTH 'Android' folder & tomtom phone folders - individually/separately of course!
i.e. under WHICHEVER conditions I attempt to install from apk file, it appears to install ok but then fails to connect - even though I have Wifi connected, Facebook & SkyGo both open & work ok, I can get into Google etc ok - so OBVIOUSLY I am 'connected' ok - even despite ALL this I still cannot get the 'flaming' thing to open!
Going to sleep now, had enough - ok there MUST be something I'm doing wrong, but cannot for life of me find out what!!
Thanks again all your suggestions!

23-11-2013, 08:11 AM
I've got this on my S4 & it is on my memory card, but I have seen comments about this problem & the usual reply is to copy it directly to the device. The folder you need to copy (including all the contents) is the folder named " Tomtom " & also need the tomtom.apk file - put them on the root directory of either the sd card or the device - dont try to put them into any other folder.
Don't know what you are doing wrong, but this download is working successfully for myself and for many other members here & on a few other forums.

23-11-2013, 09:55 AM
Well I've tried every combination - variation on a theme here - and still nogo!!
Even connected S3 as a 'removable device' to my pc and copied the whole 'Copy contents' folder from download held on desktop into WHOLE of Removable Device - rather than to any 'specific' folder or anything else!
Have tried copying into BOTH 'Android' folder & tomtom phone folders - individually/separately of course!
i.e. under WHICHEVER conditions I attempt to install from apk file, it appears to install ok but then fails to connect - even though I have Wifi connected, Facebook & SkyGo both open & work ok, I can get into Google etc ok - so OBVIOUSLY I am 'connected' ok - even despite ALL this I still cannot get the 'flaming' thing to open!
Going to sleep now, had enough - ok there MUST be something I'm doing wrong, but cannot for life of me find out what!!
Thanks again all your suggestions!

think you are still missing the point here holmroad (as is usual in these cases !!)

you seem to think that because facebook , google etc "are connected" then the phone is ok

this tomtom has NOTHING TO DO with your internet connection, so nothing to do with connections to facebook or google, all they are doing is surfing the net using a net connection

this app does not require or need any internet connection, so when it says NOT CONNECTED it has nothing to do with the net !!

I already told you this in a previous post, clearly you werent listening (as usual)

we all accept that your phone works on its net connection, that has never been in question

the tomtom works by gps positioning, same as your tomtom start satnav, and it works in flight mode so no internet connection whatsoever

you need to keep it simple as I said earlier, and as russell and scallywag and myself have all told you , there is only one folder to copy over to the phone (or the sdcard)

that folder is called tomtom and its inside the "copy to android" folder

you do not copy the "copy to android" folder, you do not copy the folders and files inside the tomtom folder -
you DO copy just the tomtom folder to the root of the device using copy and paste, mine is on the root of the nexus, yours can either be on the root of your phone or according to the others it can be on the root of the sdcard instead

you also copy and paste the apk file to either the root of the device or the root of the sdcard -
mine is on the root of my device as I have no sdcard and never can have an sdcard

your phone came with no sdcard, its an addon you fitted yourself, which not everybody who owns an android phone actually buys

so the default is copy the tomtom folder and copy the apk file to the root of the device, in this case your phone

I really do wish you would learn to read and to absorb instructions, but as happened with the dect phone and tm saga, you never do, even complaining that we were all wrong and you did not own a DECT phone, then you found you did own DECT phones after all, complaining that you did not know what they were, despite being able to google the keyword on your phone and laptop !!

its all about due diligence here m8, and as happened with installing win xp saga, the freerapid saga , the dect phone and tm saga, the tomtom start maps saga , and now your S3 phone and tomtom saga, you never approach these things in a logical fashion, never read what you are told properly and rarely carry out the instructions given, despite being told by various members here

its as frustrating for those helping you as it is for yourself, I am of the opinion that you just cannot master these technologies and it would be easier for all if you stopped trying ;)

as for this tomtom saga, russell was trying to help you because you cannot use his maps on your tomtom start, so provided you with the S3 android tomtom alternative

little did he realise that would turn into another cup half empty saga again

its generally my experience that all these kinds of faults are human error, I feel no different on this saga as on previous sagas

had your try everything approach been warranted we would have told you , had there been a need to individually copy files or folders over we would have told you , I already said to keep it simple, but you made it complicated and time consuming

varying the mix has no effect because it was never designed that way


ps:- earlier you mentioned installing onto a nokia lumia, its always been my experience (I checked this out too) that the Lumia used microsoft windows phone , not android , as its operating system. it is the Xperia that normally uses android !!!

23-11-2013, 10:52 AM
Thanks again guys - espec echelon, as always - plus I'm again sorry I always seem to rub him up the wrong way!
I always thought we were on this world to enjoy ourselves, make the best of our time - and I do believe I can do this with my phone - espec after ech's mega comprehensive last post above - so leave it with me, I'll get there in the end! I'm like a dog with a bone, thats why I get myself into hot water - I DO listen, but obviously dont always understand first, second or third time around!
I WILL get there - thanks again ech, you ARE the king!:D

23-11-2013, 11:28 AM
just followed MY instructions and copied the tomtom folder and apk file directly to my sdcard inside an HTC Desire C running ICS

ran the apk using ESfile explorer and installed the hack, ran the app and it works fine

took about 5 to 10 minutes to do !!

so as mentioned by scallywag, it works on sd card and does not need JB either

23-11-2013, 12:25 PM
Not sure whether to post here or in the download thread but:

I've tried 5 times to download the file and everytime I've got to within 3-20 mins and then the network connection has dropped.
All other network activity has kept working.
Anyone have an alternative download site to try from?

23-11-2013, 12:50 PM
Just a thought here - I HAVE been able to actually 'install' the prog on to my S3 right from the FIRST attempt via SD card, its there among my other apps temptingly sat there - its just when I actually OPEN the prog, its a TomTom display, I had to accept their terms etc, but then as soon as it ATTEMPTS to go in it says 'unable to connect, retry later' - so THAT'S where its all stopped right from day 1!
So ok, its NOT a net thing, I get THAT, but there doesnt seem to be an option in phone settings to 'open' GPS, but only Wifi etc, cant see ANYTHING mentioning 'make GPS visible or open' - so anyway I will continue - thanks again all, but espec echelon as always!:respect-055:

23-11-2013, 01:20 PM
on my HTC its in settings under location, and the option says

GPS satellites

Let apps use GPS to pinpoint my location

mine is enabled

thats using ICS 4.0.3


as for downloading the file, as mentioned many times on the forums here , I use freerapid downloader , highlight and copy the link, agree to accept the url to freerapid and it loads it , goes green if the link is ok and after the captcha input it downloads the file

bad links go red , usually as file is not available any more

tried the link again and its green (for go)

23-11-2013, 02:21 PM
Yes I too used FreeRapid Downloader - brilliant eh?

23-11-2013, 02:44 PM
Just had another thought - my 'normal' TomTom satnav device always struggles to connect to the local GPS network because I live here in North Lincs where mobile reception is always crap, be it Vodafone, O2, etc etc - so I will wait until I go to town (Doncaster or Scu*thorpe - where there's a good signal and try the installed app on my S3 there - and I feel if will then 'connect' as it wont out here at home!!
Hope that makes sense - then it will also prove that I really HAVE been doing everything right from the very beginning (sounds like a quote from Sound of Music lol!!)

23-11-2013, 05:27 PM
GPS has nothing to do with the local mobile phone network (GSM) and your tomtom is not governed by GSM either

GPS = Global Positioning System

GSM = Global System for Mobile Communications

Global for GPS meaning all over the globe which includes all of Lincolnshire ;)

if you had googled it ( novel I know in your case ;) ) you would find that the americans put over a dozen satellites surrounding the earth in an orbit such that a gps device "locks on" to say 4 or more satellites and then works out your position on the earth, I believe they may have done this BEFORE mobile phones were introduced, especially digital mobile phones like your S3

so your satnav uses a gps positioning system internally, locks onto the signals from 4 or more satellites and triangulates where you are on the earth and then uses maps to display this to you, some gps devices just give you the bearing like your longitude and latitude

this system works even if you are in the middle of Canada or the Atlantic ocean and nowhere near any cellphone towers !!

you can read about it using this wiki here


and they say a little knowledge is dangerous ;)

he Global Positioning System (GPS) is a space-based satellite navigation system that provides location and time information in all weather conditions,
anywhere on or near the Earth where there is an unobstructed line of sight to four or more GPS satellites.

[1] The system provides critical capabilities to military, civil and commercial users around the world.
It is maintained by the United States government and is freely accessible to anyone with a GPS receiver.

The GPS project was developed in 1973 to overcome the limitations of previous navigation systems,

[2] integrating ideas from several predecessors, including a number of classified engineering design studies from the 1960s.

GPS was created and realized by the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
and was originally run with 24 satellites.
It became fully operational in 1995

The space segment is composed of 24 to 32 satellites in medium Earth orbit


so a good theory but totally flawed when you realise how the GPS system works
also the mobile phone network was an@logue back in 1995 - not digital

its like saying you get sly from your local tv transmitter , which we all know is false as it comes from satellites in geostationary orbit at 28.2e over the equator


cellular mobile phone technology can be read about using this wiki


GSM = Global System for Mobile Communications


you really need to learn the difference between all these different systems and acronyms, also learn how they all apply to your different devices too

so if your tomtom start 25 is failing to lock onto 4 or more GPS sats , and your mobile phone is doing the same, maybe its because you are indoors or have some local interference causing issues, could even be the same local interference that stops you obtaining man utd tv on 10e using biss - who knows ?

also, some of your efforts on this have involved copying files and folders to various places, whereas the actual details were

copy and paste the tomtom folder to the root of the android device OR the root of the SDcard

copy and paste the apk hack file to either the root of the android device OR to the root of the SDcard

then run the apk file using a file manager or file explorer

23-11-2013, 08:46 PM

just put it on the root of an sdcard fitted to another HTC desire C android phone running ICS, also put it onto my lads samsung galaxy S3 MINI android phone onto his sdcard too

both work no problem

so works from sdcard on two HTC desires and a samsung S3 mini , and on my nexus 7 tablet too

that is using GPS, and not GSM or any other acronym ;)

24-11-2013, 01:21 AM
Thanks again ech, will try tomorrow as you suggest above - much appreciated AGAIN!!:respect-055:

24-11-2013, 05:05 PM
As an aside and pointed towards MandRed. I struggled with the DL from IE but firefox done it no problems

24-11-2013, 11:27 PM
this evening I followed the holmroad method of installing this using the micro sdcard method on my eldest lads samsung galaxy S3

removed the micro sdcard, placed in sdcard adapter and plugged into the laptop

used file explorer to copy and paste the tomtom folder and apk crack file to the root of the micro sdcard

replaced it in the S3. enabled allow third party apps in settings, used file explorer from apps to find and run the apk file

job done , worked first time , no problems at all

so yes it works fine using sdcard on an S3

25-11-2013, 12:51 AM

26-11-2013, 12:52 PM
this evening I followed the holmroad method of installing this using the micro sdcard method on my eldest lads samsung galaxy S3

removed the micro sdcard, placed in sdcard adapter and plugged into the laptop

used file explorer to copy and paste the tomtom folder and apk crack file to the root of the micro sdcard

replaced it in the S3. enabled allow third party apps in settings, used file explorer from apps to find and run the apk file

job done , worked first time , no problems at all

so yes it works fine using sdcard on an S3

This is EXACTLY what I did in the first place - well before all the posts etc on this topic echelon - the only 'slight' difference was that I dragged and dropped the Copy Folder on to the SD card in its adapter!
So dont know if this is THAT different to 'copy & paste' mate - but in any case I've now done it that way too, having having first uninstalled/deleted all other evidence of this software off both phone AND SD card - and it STILL wont open without stating 'unable to connect, retry - or retry later' etc!
So I'm just wondering if its worth resetting my S3 back to Factory default, just in case something on it has got corrupted (like ME lol!!)?
I even tried copy/paste into root of phone itself too - instead of drag & drop - with identical results!
I also re-downloaded 'Copy Folder' RAR via FreeDownloader again - it was green - seems fine!
So honestly ech, I really feel that I have done everything right, but OBVIOUSLY 'something' is going on here - so maybe its the software in MY phone which is somehow rejecting/preventing my attempts?
My partner also has the identical S3 - so I may try it on hers tonight when I get in from blood tests at DRI - see how THAT goes!

Thanks again though for all YOUR assistance - I know I seem to pee you off, but I really DO respect your opinions etc!

26-11-2013, 01:29 PM
what pppsss me off is you dont carefully read all info (skim reading) , you ignore or gloss over things that matter if you dont understand them, you do not follow instructions to the letter, you use methods of working or bad habits (like drag and drop which can leave shortcuts to files instead of copying the files) instead of using the exact and correct methods (like copy and paste which actually copies what you have selected to the destination) , you may have copied over the "copy contents to android" folder instead of the contents themselves (tomtom folder and apk) or just copied some files leaving shortcuts to other files to your not-connected pc

then you decide its something else completely (like your local cellphone network)

so with the xp saga, the freerapid saga , the trojan remover saga , the two current technomate sagas with 10e and mutv using biss, the no dect phone saga when you clearly DO own dectphones , your lack of googling these acronyms to actually find out the correct info, your consistent badgering of russell about the maps on your tomtom start even though he has told you that his maps are not compatible and never will be so its pointless you keep asking about them , followed by him trying to help you with tomtom for android (which he now probably wishes he had not done as he feels like its sand kicked into his face for helping) - and now this current S3 saga , this is what annoys people and is like a red rag to a bull to myself m8 (never mind others like russ who only tried to do you a favour)

ie:- you have the SADIM touch with everything that you do (its the opposite of the midas touch) ;)

the common factor with all these things is that its always you, only you, just you !!

once you get past all the guff and smoke and mirrors and finally accept that you need to take these things more seriously and then to do proper research and use the best tools for the job I really hope that we can move forward

I do realise you mean well but you are extremely exasperating to the point where all those who have tried to help you give up, myself included - which I did tell you some time ago after the XP saga

therefore, yes try it on another S3 because on your behalf I have now tried it on two nexus 7`s , an S3 like yours , an S3 MINI , and two HTC Desire C phones - all faultless on SIX devices

you also complained that your tomtom start 25 has issues in your area and incorrectly blamed the cellphone system when clearly it uses the satellite GPS system, every tomtom I have seen allows you to check signal strengths and the number of GPS satellites it can "see" as well, somewhere in the settings

so in my mind if several devices fail in your vicinity then maybe there is a problem in your vicinity , but I doubt its the GSM network

I really DO hope you find out what is causing all these issues and report back that they are all working properly, but to me at the moment all you need to do is look in the mirror and blame the person you see there :)

I just dont think you are cut out for all this tech m8 - sorry (a total lack of due diligence)

its like Karl Pilkington correctly noted - "we had the stone age, the iron age, and now the peeing about age" LOL

good luck (and I hope the health issues are better than your tech issues)

ps:- I actually told you to check your S3 for any android updates and implement them where necessary , so maybe it would be better to factory reset and start again, but I also think you should try this to an sdcard in another S3 (but NOT to the internal ram of the S3 on your wifes phone because you are doing no harm whilst using the sdcard in this case, even on her phone)

I would also try copilot on your S3 as that should work too - if it doesnt then there is a problem on your phone, especially if it or both work on your wifes phone

26-11-2013, 04:05 PM
WOW tell like it is

26-11-2013, 07:40 PM

I was having the same error message as you "unable to connect to Tomtom" when I installed the ipk on my Iconia android device.
I had put the Tomtom folder and the ipk file in the "Android" folder on my device.

However, I then un-installed the non-working installation and moved the tomtom folder and IPK to the root of the internal device. After re-installing the IPK it all worked fine.

I'm sure you are not putting the installation files in the correct place. On my device it had to be the root directory.

26-11-2013, 10:26 PM
I've been playing with this and discovered there are 60mb of unwanted "voices" files. I've simply tried deleting them but then the app will not start so I had to re-install them.

Anyone know how to make space by getting rid of them? "Serena" alone does it for me :)

26-11-2013, 10:33 PM
I've been playing with this and discovered there are 60mb of unwanted "voices" files. I've simply tried deleting them but then the app will not start so I had to re-install them.

Anyone know how to make space by getting rid of them? "Serena" alone does it for me :)

Yes mate, she's great eh?? lol!!
Will have a close look at what both you and ech suggest and report back - thanks again for your help!

26-11-2013, 11:17 PM

I was having the same error message as you "unable to connect to Tomtom" when I installed the ipk on my Iconia android device.
I had put the Tomtom folder and the ipk file in the "Android" folder on my device.

However, I then un-installed the non-working installation and moved the tomtom folder and IPK to the root of the internal device. After re-installing the IPK it all worked fine.

I'm sure you are not putting the installation files in the correct place. On my device it had to be the root directory.

Thanks for that mate, but I copied & pasted into the 'Phone' remote device in 'My Computer' as well as the 'Phone sd Card'- and it certainly didn't go into the 'Android' folder - which was shown separately in both the 'phone' and the 'Extsdcard' phone 'root' location, so the 'Copy Direct' folder shows as a separate entity in both the phone AND the sd card roots - well as far as I can see anyway!!

27-11-2013, 12:23 AM
You should not have the "copy direct" folder at all. Just the "tomtom" folder and the .apk file in the root folder of your device. If you have them still in the "copy direct" folder, they are in the wrong place.

27-11-2013, 12:25 AM
been telling him that all along !! LOL :)

looks like I may have to go to hospital tomorrow too

to get the bad bruises on my head seen to

then I have to fix the wall when I come back where the "depressions" are :banghead:

28-11-2013, 01:22 AM
Sorry nearly forgot to report back that I got BOTH S3's going ok with latest UK/Europe version as discussed in this thread - all as advised from phone 'root' - so thanks once again, despite being a pain to a certain gentleman, despite ALL, I have ALWAYS got there in the end in ALL the issues I've requested assistance in the past for from people on Pimps I truly like to think of as my friends, we aren't ALL geniuses, some of us are mere mortals after all - but either way thanks again to ALL who've helped me get there - I will now close the thread!
Kind regards, holmroad :respect-055:

28-11-2013, 10:04 AM
so human error then, not the GSM network - my exasperation knows no bounds !!!

I rest my case that I explained earlier

glad its all sorted out but a looooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnngg ggg saga nevertheless and completely and totally unnecessary :beatdeadhorse5: