View Full Version : ccam syntax error help.

23-11-2013, 01:27 PM
hi guys, i need some help installing ccam enigma2-plugin-cams-ccam.230-1.0 ipk file. ( i am using vix image, filezilla,dbe.) i have managed to download and install to my stb ccam version 2 but when try to install from the vix folder menu i get the message /bin/sh: syntax error. unexpected "(" execution finished. i am slowly getting somewhere with the box, but this has left me not knowing what to do. cheers chippy

23-11-2013, 01:49 PM
I dont have your box or vix on my duo

but I do know that normally you ftp an ipk file to tmp (or var/tmp) , then you look in the menus for the ipk installer option, in BH its usually in the plugins and addons and you find the ipk installer option and your ipk should be highlighted, select it and install it from that menu

the installer then installs the ipk putting the files into the correct folders on your OS and I assume it chmods them correctly as well

so normally it really is that simple

but going by your post you seem to be trying to do this in a more difficult manner , which is what some of our members here regularly do ;)

the KISS principle applies here (Keep It Simple , St*pid)

ps:- make sure the ipk is vix compatible

23-11-2013, 03:00 PM
If you download the ipk file from the ViX forum link the full filename is


You could download & load that ipk file and use the ViX Install local extension command to see if that works.

23-11-2013, 09:24 PM
i have done as told guys and i have ccam installed in box, however the ccam config file is not in the etc file so i cant proceed. any ideas would be welcome please. cheers chippy

23-11-2013, 11:35 PM
ftp a cccam.cfg file from another packed cccam or any other ccam.cfg already uploaded onto the forum here over to your var/etc folder and amend it accordingly

24-11-2013, 12:04 PM
again thank you guys for your help, i think i have taken another step forward now. i have uninstalled vix and installed blackhole. (i do find this image a bit less daunting so far) i have loaded cams and am now running ccam 2.3.0. my next question is. if you wanted to add 2 sealions to the ccam how would you? am i right in saying that you find the cc config file in the etc folder, delete any stuff that is there then add the line, save as then exit? assuming that is the correct procedure how would you add 2 lines. if you wanted to. sorry to be a pain guys. cheers chippy

24-11-2013, 12:19 PM
normally you just leave everything in there and copy and paste your 2 lines at the top and save it

dont delete everything, or make a backup on your pc before the deletion so you have an original copy

24-11-2013, 12:48 PM
no echelon i have done as you said but no joy. is there a way of checking that the lines are operating (i am pretty sure they are though) on the spider i just checked network. client for example) still at least im finally getting somewhere. any other ideas would be very welcome. cheers chippy.

24-11-2013, 01:51 PM
examples of c lines are in this set of dreambox tutorials


no # at the beginning of the line , it starts with c colon etc as seen in the examples

the plugin cccam info can usually be used to check things

make sure you have selected and enabled the cccam as the emu under the blue button menu in BH

maybe you need to widen your reading matter to include all of the vu discussions forums and some of the dreambox discussions forums too

do not stick to the vu solo 2 forum just because you own one

25-11-2013, 09:35 PM
another step forward i now have the ccam working in my stb.... ( i saved the ccam config file from the etc folder. then opened it, removed all text then introduced into the empty file in the correct format my details) this has been a massive learning curve for me. but the advice and time given by members and mods has been invaluable. my next task is to construct a channel list to my own tastes. amongst a million other things. thanks guys chippy