View Full Version : vu+ duo2 and Xcrypt Smartcard-Readers

the gaggsy
24-11-2013, 04:39 PM
Not got much from anywhere really, 'cept it's an encryption used in the middle East
what can you actually do with the vu+ duo2 Xcrypt Smartcard-Readers?????

If the answer is already here then I've missed it.


25-11-2013, 03:00 PM
I think all that Xcrypt means that a lot of different provider cards will be recognised in the card slots.

I suspect VU+ use the term to avoid legal issues.

the gaggsy
25-11-2013, 03:48 PM
Do you know where I can find out for sure?
As well as card details??

I don't mind buying them but... need to know...


25-11-2013, 05:02 PM
Do you know where I can find out for sure?
As well as card details??

I don't mind buying them but... need to know...


answers to this would not be allowed under the rules (no retailers to be posted apart from any sponsor)

answers by pm only to the OP only

25-11-2013, 06:05 PM
I don't know of any european broadcasters that still use X-Crypt encryption. The old Access 9 cards used to use X-Crypt.

X-Crypt is a Conditional Access System. It means it'll read smartcards that use X-Crypt encryption.

Don't waste your time researching this. It's just the default card reader until you install some other softcam like CCcam etc.

27-11-2013, 05:15 PM
there are only a few channels that use xcrypt to encrypt their signals. E.G. sisal 1 and 2 on eutelsat 9a@9east but i think these are for cable headend/dtt re-transmission. as stated dont worry about it as softcam emulators like OScam/CCcam will read 80% of cards available today and for those it wont its a case of official stb im afraid,regards mdt