View Full Version : Advanced IP Scanner for Windows

26-11-2013, 01:25 AM
Anybody with a windows pc or laptop can use this tool to determine the box was actually on the network -

Advanced IP Scanner.

See it in action and/or download from here:::

It's free for home use and it's quite a handy little tool.
With just one button to click it becomes an extremely user friendly tool.
A right click on an entry in the results pane opens up a list of options and tools such as ping, tracenet, telnet and ssh.

It just takes a couple of seconds to scan a network and gives you the
STATUS, NAME, IP, MANUFACTURER - and- MAC address of everything on your network in the results pane.

Armed with this information it just is not possible to enter the wrong IP address in any software -
either in the VuCC by Lee or in any ftp program such as filezilla without using the VuCC.

thanks go to teduk for telling this forum about it