View Full Version : Have I a poorly Spiderbox 6000HD?

26-11-2013, 06:28 PM
I hope someone can help me with a problem my Spiderbox 6000 has fallen foul of.

Parts of this are of a sensitive nature so I understand if a mod has to remove or censor it.

A few weeks back the machine was working well, until I came home one evening and all I could get was 'No Signal' on some of the previously open channels. I played about with it for 5 minutes or so before I gave up. The next night it was all back to normal, but my no signal problem has got worse to the point where only a few frequencies would lock, and even if they did, the IKS would not trigger thus not allowing access.

With the weather getting colder/wetter I assume the LNB has had it, and this would account for box not locking on.

Having said all of the above, certain channels will open B B C and a few C @ n @ l+ on 13E for instance.

I also have a fixed dish pointing to 28E, and I have previously connected this LNB to the Spiderbox, scanned the satellite, and with IKS been able to open select channels of which I won't go any further.

If I now connect the box to my fixed LNB and scan, IKS will not even attempt to open anything. If the channel is scrambled its staying that way. Unscrambled channels are fine.

The box is connected to the internet OK. IPTV works. The IKS sub is connected and good until August 2014.

I've tried going back to previous firmwares, all going through the factory reset procedure each time.

Could the Spiderbox have been damaged someway by my bad LNB?

Anyone with simular issues when IKS more or less gives up.

For information only:

I have tried with 22kHz tone set to On or AUTO
LNB is set to 0975/10600
Polarity is 13/18V
Usals is used for the motor, which is an eight ish year old STAB

26-11-2013, 06:39 PM
You are asking two different questions, and trying to connect them.
If your Spiderbox is working fine, on your fixed dish, 28.2E, and not on your other dish, then I think you are correct and your LNB might be damaged. Quite often a faulty LNB will get stuck, on polarity, so open Vertical channels but not Horizontal, or vice versa.
You might want to check your cable, and LNB, for loose connections, and for any signs of water ingress.
The other problem needs checking separately, as it doesn't seem related to the first, check your receiver is connecting with your router and have a look if your lines state connected or disconnected.

26-11-2013, 06:55 PM
Hi Mickha, thanks for replying so quickly. You're correct I do have two separate problems. My motorised LNB has got problems, but I'm still able to view a few channels with it. Certain frequencies will lock on Vertical polarization, horizontal hardly any.

I connected to my fixed dish because i know the LNB is good on that, but alas no channels will unscramble when i know they have in the past

I tried rebooting my router, that has made no difference. I do not have any C or N lines to check, those are all empty, just the IKS which is connected.


I'll try later this eveing to connect directly to my VM Superhub which is currently in modem mode. I'm not expecting much but it has to be worth a try.

For now though my cold seat at the footie awaits.

26-11-2013, 06:57 PM
if the fta channels are ok on 28e then it would seem the spiderbox is ok

you can ping the box ip address from a command prompt in windows to check its connected to the router ok

the iks should also say its connected tor whatever, or try iptv or youtube to ensure a valid internet connection

the lnb should work ok despite being cold and wet on the outside

but you may have a faulty lnb, so change it

you may have bad f connector connections , or damp connections , or water in the cable

so check the cable connections to the stab from the box, and from the stab to the lnb , ensure they are protected from the weather too

if the lnb is a few years old, its suspect, so whilst changing it remake the F connector connections and weatherproof them too

forget about IKS until the new lnb opens all fta channels on all satellites, both H and V , then retest IKS

an inverto ultra black would be a good choice

26-11-2013, 07:08 PM
Hi echelon

Yeah I know I'm trying to jump a few step on the fixit manual, just trying to get what I can now. The dish is above the guttering of the house, but I don't have a head for heights. Will have to get a man in. £££!

26-11-2013, 09:53 PM

so you have a new box on old coaxial cable connected to an old stab motor, connected to an old lnb by even more old coaxial cable , and you blame the new box that is less than 6 months old !! good thinking sherlock :)

26-11-2013, 11:40 PM

so you have a new box on old coaxial cable connected to an old stab motor, connected to an old lnb by even more old coaxial cable , and you blame the new box that is less than 6 months old !! good thinking sherlock :)

I appreciate where you're coming from and yes I do need some repair work. It was just the fixed 28E channels that were concerning me. The dish and LNB went up last Friday (22/11/13)

But as has been pointed out, one step at a time:grouphug:

27-11-2013, 12:09 AM
quick mention........I have found that when my loop out from the spiderbox is conected to another box it will send up the no signal banner, if the other box is powered down all is ok.....bit annoying but there you go...I now just turn my 2nd box off (has to be off...standby is no good as it will still display no signal)
cheers misty:respect-054:

27-11-2013, 12:33 AM
Cheers misty, thanks for the info.

I'm not using any loop thru though. That would add complications that would make my head explode.:eek:

27-11-2013, 03:14 PM
I connected to my fixed dish because i know the LNB is good on that, but alas no channels will unscramble when i know they have in the past.

I didn't think IKS did that. Correct me if I'm wrong.