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28-11-2013, 02:49 PM
"E" RE SPDR 6000.from ik** FORUM we DO NOTsupport the 6000 at the present time......no help there either....so if you cannot get help from members using the same box on a forum you donate too who can you get HELP FROM..????????????:bow-004:

28-11-2013, 02:51 PM
no idea

but its clearly a banned topic on here too as you were clearly told in this previous thread


it makes no difference as to your forum status here

banned means banned - period - for ALL members

28-11-2013, 02:54 PM
which it wasnt afaik

but if it was then clearly you can contact them using the details on their invoice



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28-11-2013, 03:41 PM
"E" RE SPDR 6000.from ik** FORUM we DO NOTsupport the 6000 at the present time......no help there either....so if you cannot get help from members using the same box on a forum you donate too who can you get HELP FROM..????????????:bow-004:

Interesting? Would this mean you cant renew the freebie?
As for the other site I never pay to see what they don't have? (can't afford to ) So thanks for pointing that out.

28-11-2013, 03:43 PM
Joe, you first need to check the 6000 LAN is OK.

When you get a connection failed message then is a good time to check the LAN is OK.

Are you still able to ping the IP address of the 6000 when you get a connection failed message?

Ping the IP address of the Spiderbox when your connection goes down. If you can still ping the 6000 you know the LAN is working OK.

In windows click on start button, type cmd in search box, click on cmd to open command prompt then type ping followed by the 6000 IP address and press return. Example, ping

When you took the box back to the shop you bought it from did they check the box was OK?

28-11-2013, 04:00 PM
Interesting? Would this mean you cant renew the freebie?
As for the other site I never pay to see what they don't have? (can't afford to ) So thanks for pointing that out.

no it doesnt mean that at all

this is what it actually means
"we DO NOT support the 6000 at the present time"

CLEARLY if and when they DO decide to support it they will, so assume next summer when they have been out for at least 12 months the situation may change , because they would then probably allow it into the fold the same as the older models

seems obvious to me anyway

28-11-2013, 04:04 PM
ALL FIXED...AND full year + gift......wow

28-11-2013, 04:08 PM
ALL FIXED...AND full year + gift......wow

how, were, when, WHAT?,

28-11-2013, 04:14 PM
not allowed to

28-11-2013, 04:17 PM
ok, well if any further problems occur please follow the advice by HDA5 and in your previous threads too

we can allow talk about pinging the box , general patch issues , iptv and youtube etc issues , all technical issues with the box itself

but definitely not IKS problems where all the rest of the troubles have been ruled out

hope its sorted , whatever was done to get it fixed !