View Full Version : Question re catseye e2 settings behaviour

29-11-2013, 04:36 PM
I am using a VU+ ULTIMO receiver. I updated my settings a few days ago to Catseye E2 Motorised using the latest 16/11 version. However i am seeing some odd behavior.
Quite a number of the channels are not listed but appear a n/a but if you access that channel then the channel name and epg data becomes available. When the receiver is turned off the channels go back to being displayed as n/a. I have seen the odd n/a in the past but not to this extent. For example about a quarter of the channels under HD/3D are listed as n/a. It's a while since i updated settings but didn't have this problem with the old settings, or at least to a much much lesser extent.

Does anyone know what is going on or how to fix this issue. It would be much appreciated as it is extremely annoying.

I am running Black Hole v2.0.1

29-11-2013, 10:11 PM

I would suggest you send the settings to your box again then reboot box

A new file will be out either tomorrow or sunday depending on how quick i finish my other jobs

29-11-2013, 11:10 PM
if that didnt work....try this.

i get this from time to time, and what seems to cure it for me, is to download a crappy old list thats known to work, maybe you have an old one. once you upload that, reboot and check it works.

then upload your new cats one, and reboot again, should be problem solved....if not, try a few months older cats list and see if that works.