View Full Version : C-Line set up on vix

29-11-2013, 06:10 PM
Hi all. I am running my box on vix. I have installed cccam 2.1.3 (running) and have added my line in the cccam.cfg file but the line isnt active. I can see the server name in cccam server info but its obvious I dont have the experience to diagnose and fix.

Could anyone help me work through the issue please?



29-11-2013, 06:52 PM
can you say version of vix and the location of your cfg file. and say how you entered c line, ie format, did the line work previously?

29-11-2013, 07:31 PM
Its vix 3.0, the cfg file is located in var/etc. The line was c: webadd port username p/word. the line was working fine on previous box (blade bm7000) and only stopped when new box connected.


29-11-2013, 07:32 PM
Hi all. I am running my box on vix. I have installed cccam 2.1.3 (running) and have added my line in the cccam.cfg file but the line isnt active. I can see the server name in cccam server info but its obvious I dont have the experience to diagnose and fix.

Could anyone help me work through the issue please?


********************************* ***************
have you copy and pasted the line including the C: as it was sent
in to the cccam cfg file in the etc folder on the receiver
two other things to check have you started the cam?
and if you have and the chns still wont open
have you tried a re boot of the receiver?

29-11-2013, 07:46 PM
********************************* ***************
have you copy and pasted the line including the C: as it was sent
in to the cccam cfg file in the etc folder on the receiver
two other things to check have you started the cam?
and if you have and the chns still wont open
have you tried a re boot of the receiver?
Hi Clipper. i didnt copy and paste it no, i manually input the details as i only had the details on a bit of paper. yes the cam has started as far as i can see (green tick etc).
im not sure what chns is but have rebooted.


29-11-2013, 08:06 PM
I would suggest its not in the correct format of a c line

yoiu can check details on how it should appear in the cccam forum here, and in other threads on here, and in the dreambox newbie forum here

example below

C: satpimps.gotdns.com 12345 pimp1 pimp1password yes

29-11-2013, 11:12 PM
have you put the C: as a capital and when you entered it did you click save and exit and then go back in and make sure it was saved. then you should set attributes as 644. let us know when you are fixed. when you do save and exit restart cam but it should work instantly ie have it on a channel you want opened.

and out of interest where did you get the cccam cfg file?

NB you have Cccam in wrong location. its etc/Cccam.cfg

29-11-2013, 11:13 PM
on my VIX - it goes in /etc/cccam.cfg

29-11-2013, 11:30 PM
sometimes you even get the word volatile and / in the path , but it always ends up in the etc folder

I thought maybe the attributes should be 744 ? not 644 , but maybe it doesnt matter , but if in doubt chmod to 7544 (read/write)

30-11-2013, 12:12 PM
Hi guys. Gbmitie- the c was not in upper case so changed that. the ccam.cfg file is now in the correct place as advised, i have re-installed ccam and its active and have checked all the cline info by reconnecting my old blade and that worked fine. Tbh i cant remember where I got the cccam.cfg file, it was off a forum but i have been on that many sites so far its a bit of lottery. Is there a preferred cccam.cfg file to use?

I have used attributes 644 as you mentioned and 755 as Echelon mentioned but still no joy.

Also have re flashed the image etc this morning and gone through it all again just to make sure im not missing anything. I have a feeling its something daft.

Cheers for all the help so far guys.

30-11-2013, 01:06 PM
you can extract the cfg files from the cccam packed files on here from the various forums

the cfg files have even been posted on their own on the forums here too

so just a case of search , find , download and unpack where necessary (try 7zip)

then you add your line and ftp to the etc folder, chmod and job done

in theory any cccam.cfg file will do , its only a txt file after all

30-11-2013, 01:14 PM
echelon-When you say chmod do you mean change the attributes on the cfg file?

30-11-2013, 01:38 PM
echelon-When you say chmod do you mean change the attributes on the cfg file?


30-11-2013, 01:42 PM
Also- clipper thanks for them pm mate, i have gone through everything mentioned and as far as i can see im doing it right :nopity:

30-11-2013, 01:52 PM
you havent said where you have put the file yet!?

have you tried /etc/

30-11-2013, 01:55 PM
same problems were also dealt with in this thread on another vu


also here


cccams here


older cccams here


check this admin post about it being case sensitive


also check this admin post for details and a zip file


like I said, its all here if you look

30-11-2013, 02:10 PM
Manikm- I have put the cfg file in etc. echelon- the link is helpful and the issue similar but there is no resolution that i could see, my ccam is working fine and im not getting any errors, i can see the cline in the server list on the softcam manager but its just not connecting. the cfg file and cline in it appear also correct.

Im at a loss.


30-11-2013, 02:14 PM
I added more links, info and a link to a cfg file too

also check the case of the cfg filename , as per the above instructions

try chmod 755 just to be sure , make sure the cccam bin file is also chmod 755

one person above had a problem with the cccam script file attributes for some strange reason

30-11-2013, 03:35 PM
the next step is use a different version of Cccam, try 2.3.0, for now its something very basic, and when you spot it you will kick yourself. NB you must say when you get it working what you did. By the way are you checking the c line is in cfg after you save and exit.

And finally you are not running both boxes at same time by any chance!!!

30-11-2013, 04:05 PM
Right ok will work work through the suggestions (ta) and keep you posted.

Im not running the two boxes atm. I do agree that this is going to be a Doh! moment at some point lol.


30-11-2013, 04:28 PM
Ok just going through your suggestions and I cant see a cccam bin file as echelon mentioned. where should i book looking?

30-11-2013, 04:54 PM
the next step is use a different version of Cccam, try 2.3.0, for now its something very basic, and when you spot it you will kick yourself. NB you must say when you get it working what you did. By the way are you checking the c line is in cfg after you save and exit.

And finally you are not running both boxes at same time by any chance!!!

ive been warned not to use cccam2.3.0 as it can have spyware in or something that might give info away about u? not sure the exact details

30-11-2013, 05:09 PM
ok im looking through posts and suggestions and i have come across the cccam bin file...well i dont appear to have one so thats a start.

30-11-2013, 05:34 PM
Hi All,

@ianoli, Connect to your Box, Open VAR
then down to open ETC.
locate the (CCcam cfg) file.
right click on the CCcam.cfg file.
Check its name, if its like
this ( CCcam.cfg,Txt ) click
on the rename an delete ( .Txt ).


30-11-2013, 05:39 PM
ok im looking through posts and suggestions and i have come across the cccam bin file...well i dont appear to have one so thats a start.

if installed its in var/bin

30-11-2013, 06:36 PM
There is no txt in the name on the cfg file and no bin file in var/bin

30-11-2013, 06:53 PM
ok you are jumping from point to point and loosing track, a lot of this stuff becomes automatic but with all the images location of files can vary, when you FTP to box are you using filezilla, i use dcc as its easier( for me) there is another site that supports vix in a big way and I am sure they say ccam emu is located in /usr/bin so find usr, click, then bin is at top, click on bin, then cam should appear at top, its looks like this /usr/bin/cam and in there you should see CCcam2.1.3 but all you do here is check the number 755 is there ie the attribute.

if there is no cam then you need to say how you thought you installed cccam, with vix its a manual install, in that you ftp to tmp and then use buttons.

PS why are you looking for a bin file?? and apologies if I missed something. blame arsenal

30-11-2013, 07:00 PM
There is no txt in the name on the cfg file and no bin file in var/bin

when cccam is installed it installs a bin file in var/bin (or usr/bin) like CCcam221 or other various names but starting CCcam and possible numbers due to the different versions , this file is chmodded to 755

they usually also install a script in usr/script or something similar so that the name appears under your emu heading so it can be selected and saved , this file is also chmodded to 755 too

some installers also install the CCcam.cfg into var/etc , some dont , and some installers only install CCcam.cfg and not the bin file

so when you said in post #1 you had installed cccam213, most people would assume that you have installed all the above, possibly with one installer that does everything - they took you at your word

clearly you are not aware of what is being installed and where, so you cannot say you have installed cccam 213 as you may have only installed the script and bin file and not the cfg , or vice versa

so if you have no bin file called CCcam etc , then its not installed in var/bin (usr/bin) , if no emu under your emus , then its not installed , and no cfg in var/etc means the config file is not installed

you can check what is in your installers using 7zip (I did tell you this earlier) , it can also be used to extract missing files suitable for the image used

I also gave you links to various forums containing files , all to do with cccam , although a lot of them were for BH and not vix

01-12-2013, 12:49 AM
ITS SORTED!!!! i was going to make up some long b/s reason for the issue and worm out of telling the truth but i just cant do it.

Its not even a bleeding cline...its a nline! i only noticed when i got the line details resent to me. Im so sorry to have wasted all your time guys...i feel like a right tw*t.

I am expecting and am very deserving of your scorn,mocking and finger ponting.


01-12-2013, 11:02 AM
:Dwell done on getting back and no no mocking we now know we told you all the right moves for c line. A bit of honesty works wonders. And you wont be forgotten. Glad you are sorted.

01-12-2013, 12:05 PM
I admire your tenacity, and now honesty !!

its pleasing to see the good advice given, its great to know the reason for the problem, its a timely reminder to all that more lines exist than just a c line, as the blade does both types

anyone else having problems could read this thread, see everything they need to check and learn a lot just from this thread and the others linked in it , so hopefully its not just a lesson for you but to anyone else trying to do this for the first time

you also learned a lot in the process , as will others reading this

there will be other things that will puzzle you too, but all in good time


ps:- any paths I have indicated have been checked using BH and EDG images on vu or dmm boxes , other images and/or boxes MAY differ as below

01-12-2013, 05:07 PM
For anyone looking through this thread in the future. All images seem to put the CCcam bin file in their own favourite places - very confusing.

On the latest ViX images they put the bin file into /usr/softcams/ ,and they don't even call it a bin file. All you see is CCcam.2.3.0 (or whatever version you have loaded).

ViX seem to like to do everything different for no good reason.