View Full Version : tm5402 hd reviews

02-12-2013, 04:26 PM
5402 is this any good whats it like to spiderbox 6000

02-12-2013, 04:51 PM
will this take clines

02-12-2013, 05:05 PM
thank you is this box any good

02-12-2013, 05:08 PM
Google are plastered with good reviews and I think that there is never smoke without fire. Several owners of a TM on this forum too, hopefully some will spare a moment to post their views. And yes it does take a line has bigger channel capacity , CI slot ,16favs etc, but overall the box is not as easy to use or as supported as SBox

02-12-2013, 07:16 PM
Have tm5402 and spider 9000
I find tm5402 will lock onto low signal freq(ie jsc hd1-6 on 7w) better,
is more stable when using cline,
is more stable with external HDD(Spider used to lock up HDD quite often if channel scrambled for a few seconds or trying to rec a ling film)

can't compare 6000

02-12-2013, 08:30 PM
They both have good points and bad points i think it all depends on what your budget is as there is a £40 price difference, Outlined above in favour of the 5402 easy to load softcam,BISS keys, Lines plenty of channel list available from different people etc.. really good sensitive tuner.

Good points on the 6000 £40 cheaper or there abouts, comes with Free Gift and latest firmware also offers IPTV capabilites so for the price its a good buy


03-12-2013, 01:28 AM
They both have good points and bad points i think it all depends on what your budget is as there is a £40 price difference, Outlined above in favour of the 5402 easy to load softcam,BISS keys, Lines plenty of channel list available from different people etc.. really good sensitive tuner.

Good points on the 6000 £40 cheaper or there abouts, comes with Free Gift and latest firmware also offers IPTV capabilites so for the price its a good buy


That's a good comparative report mate - although didn't realise Spider STILL has free gift?

03-12-2013, 01:33 AM
That's a good comparative report mate - although didn't realise Spider STILL has free gift?

had it for the last 6 months , ever since it first went on sale

03-12-2013, 01:42 AM

If we need to compare two different Brands STB need be FAIR to each others ..

What this mean:
Should be in outside if each section Brands .
mean not in technomate Forum section and not in Spider forum section.
Technomate is playing inside Home ..lol that's no fear

Is even Overuse to see that Technomate to take attention again need big STB Brand name like Spider to start people talking in their forums section !?

I never see any one in Spider forum like talk about Technomates or some different Brands !?

Please Moderators or close this thread Here will lead fight in future ...or Riderect this in no one Home place.

03-12-2013, 01:46 AM
thread moved to the HD receiver discussions forum

03-12-2013, 01:57 AM
They both have good points and bad points i think it all depends on what your budget is as there is a £40 price difference, Outlined above in favour of the 5402 easy to load softcam,BISS keys, Lines plenty of channel list available from different people etc.. really good sensitive tuner.

Good points on the 6000 £40 cheaper or there abouts, comes with Free Gift and latest firmware also offers IPTV capabilites so for the price its a good buy


why is more difficult to put soft keys,ch list to spider !?
I think some part of your points are not right..

Its same way you add soft keys by usb with TM and same with spider..even same chanel list Tm some way with spider. even lines..( actually in spider they work all in same time c-n-gifts -iptv)
The bully again this sensitive tuner i have long time dealling with them no one could explain what tuner TM use and why that tuner is more sensitive !?

Because TM 5402 been produce from Hubtech KR ( when many stb brand produce like CT , Blade,Strong many others ) and to be more cheap stb Technomate move their self copying 5402 now in China ?

Now talking what they have less ...yes they have many thing less.

Not only gifts..and bla bla even IPTV Option...is really revolutionary Options without even forgetting prices of Spiders are because the owners of spiders are not so greety like technomate owners.

The Big different for two BRANDS are even:
One looking destroy business and hobby .
Second looking to create some thing for hobby and free and cheap when you could add even that 40 pound you nominate.

03-12-2013, 08:45 AM
I forgot even To SAY Spider has even another gift WIFI - Free Build in..( RS links Red Tube more )

And the explanation of Copy TM 5402 it self if you read up is no thing different much the only difference is M1 version done Korea and M2 Version done in China actually what they call better lol. This is really annoying me they never tell truth but always Mislead their own coustmers

This is explanation even VERSION M1 and M2.. I have told that more then 1 year ago...in another TM thread. try to look in that.

03-12-2013, 10:26 AM
Just for people's information .
-The HD6000 softcam keys i upload very often in forum ,contain all existing biss keys .
Now if you want to add an extra biss key (for example for a feed) you can do it manually just writting tp and key .Simple enough.
-We have the best channel editor with many options ,we 'll even add more in future . Thanks to superstarmac !!!
-To check if a c or n line is stable just do the experiment by yourself with your own card .Then you 'll be able to make a safe conclusion if a box is stable or not .
How you know the unknown guy giving you line what is really doing, if he even has real cards ,so you can make a safe conclusion ?
-We add IPTV and we supporting this function giving as many links with channels,movies etc. we can .
We don't 'push' people with any way to explore this function while paying it .
We are even trying to do it better .
-For sensitive tuners i can only hope people not making conclusions from which receiver gives the maximum percentage %
as this is not safe conclusion as different brands can lock and unlock channels with different percentage %

04-12-2013, 08:18 AM
TM5402HD is the best selling closed source box of the last couple of years so ask yourself why! cant comment on the spiderbox 6000 but for the price it seem a cracking piece of kit for the money. take no notice of the rants by a certain member as there is a lot of ill feeling between him and TM. if you want the free gift ect then go for the spider if not then the TM5402hd would be my choice,regards mdt

04-12-2013, 10:02 AM
as a pure satellite receiver without the bull**** id go with a TM5402HD but non are perfect. we all know why the spider9000hd sold as many as it did although softcam support was/is excellent from @kempa82. i like the TM5402HD personally and if the op wants addons then go for a E2 box. each to there own and as ive said the 6000hd seems a cracking piece of kit for the money(smartbox looks better imo) and im sure all the spiderbox 7000hd/9000hd owners will make the team behind it more money now they have spent there profits from the 7000hd/9000hd. cant really put them against each other due to price difference but remove the free server connection and i wonder how many would be sold? regards mdt

ekko star
04-12-2013, 10:41 AM
The TM5402HD is a well known, stable and pretty good box and it seems to pull in weaker signals very well. Technomate longer term is also probably the stronger brand and they have all their other range of receivers as well.

The 6000HD is all about price. It's very good value for what it is but also has it's limitations : memory and channel capacity.

You can't really therefore include the 'other support' in the long term evaluation. As MDT says there are issues between TM and the Spider and authorities have been involved in recent times.

As long as you understand there's no guarantee going forward, for the price it is an impressive but disposable/throwaway receiver.

04-12-2013, 10:57 AM
everything that can be said has already been said and the thread is going round in circles

the 2 boxes are not the same in features, not the same price and its like comparing beer and champagne, they are both wet and may quench your thirst but totally different in make up and content

they each have their own advantages, also disadvantages , they are both good boxes in their own right , but then if you bought a vu you may prefer it due to even more advantages , you get what you pay for but the spider is a good box for less than £100 if you compared it to my first box which was the samsung 9500 viaci which cost over £300 over 10 years ago, which may be more like £600 in todays monetary terms

as mentioned above, they are almost throwaway boxes and I am sure some of you have mobile phones that cost more money than these 2 boxes added together !!

thread closed