View Full Version : Stb Crashing

04-12-2013, 09:18 PM
Hi all,if someone could help me with this problem,my smartbox 6000 at seems to crash meaning evrything goes same as a factory reboot,I load all sats back on and after a couple dayc like yesterday I put the latest softcam on and today it crashed again,regards Knacker

04-12-2013, 10:41 PM
make sure you have the latest patch on, and check you dont have too many channels in the box too

04-12-2013, 10:41 PM
The latest update is the Stb seems to have thrown in the towel after the latest crash 15 minutes ago the on/off indicater is turning red and green alternatively,can I resusitate the thing or is it gone past the point of no return,regards Knacker

04-12-2013, 10:43 PM
The latest update is the Stb seems to have thrown in the towel after the latest crash 15 minutes ago the on/off indicater is turning red and green alternatively,can I resusitate the thing or is it gone past the point of no return,regards Knacker

use the repair file, then use the latest patch, then use a new up to date channel list

04-12-2013, 10:52 PM
Many thanks echelon,just a few questions,where will I find the repair file,and will it matter if the stb seems to be switching on and off,I used one of the channel list a day ago but I confused so I did a blind scan on each Sat (I use about four Sats 28,19,13,and 30west)

04-12-2013, 10:54 PM
files are in the spiderbox files section ( we hide them there so people wont think of looking for them in such an obvious place ;) )

I believe your channel list is full or corrupt , all that blind scanning will rapidly fill it up and a large channel list is well known in crashing the box

start again is best

04-12-2013, 11:09 PM
Jeez echelon,I really showed my butt for that kicking ha. ha anyway I looked at the file in the "(hidden section") looks a bit complicated but I will give it a try,you are probably right when you say too kmany channels as I was deleting 19 east chans that were on 28,anyway I will give it a go tomorrow,regards Knacker

04-12-2013, 11:15 PM

should know your way round this spiderbox section after 6 months membership ;)

I think you will be ok if you start afresh and dont blindscan everything in sight !!

I assume you realise you cannot pour a barrel full of beer into a pint pot !

04-12-2013, 11:30 PM
Hi all,if someone could help me with this problem,my smartbox 6000 at seems to crash meaning evrything goes same as a factory reboot,I load all sats back on and after a couple dayc like yesterday I put the latest softcam on and today it crashed again,regards Knacker

Interesting? After reading how your thread developed could you tell us at what point the final crash happened?
eg.. You had loaded the new patch , did a blind scan, loaded cam patch?

The reason I ask Is I was trying to make a help video of the crash repair process but after the patch was updated I could not?
This Is what you were experiencing I think, Load patch and It would reboot but It had dumped all data?
I believe this is the new fail safe built in to the new patches and would like to now how you managed to overload it?

04-12-2013, 11:34 PM
I am having a go,there was no null modem socket on this new medion desk top so i have a dell affair about seven years old which has I will keep you posted,and this may be a first you hear4d of an irish man that has never touched alcohal,obliged for nthe help I may need more tomorrow,regards Knacker

05-12-2013, 12:21 AM
echelon a mini crisis has befallen me,the null modem wont show on the P C,I shall talk with my friend Slow left arm he used to be a cricketer hence the name, I will see if he can help me otherwise I can't see a way out of this conundrum.

05-12-2013, 12:43 AM
Hianta hi,I loaded on the latest patch on the 26th Nov,followed by the Icks motorised list after which it crashed,I did a factory reset and loaded the patch again on the 29th and after finished put on the Sat positions ssu and it crashed so I did a factory reset and loaded the patch of the 11 Nov,and did a scan on each satelite,last night 3rd it crashed again ,today I went thru the process again with the latest patch and did a blind scan,it worked for a couple of hours,againI reset and patched but as I said to echelon when I had finished I went to 28 east and there was chanell of 19.2 so I was deleting those channels the stb crashed and I cannot sort it as my P C wont recognize the null modem,the stb is now switching from green light on to red light off every second,I will bring it out to my friends house and we may be able to connect his null modem and P C and Stb might talk to each other otherwise I am up the creek without paddle,regards Knacker

05-12-2013, 01:24 AM

now I probably shouldn't butt in but something very similar was happening to me and my new spidy 6000 last week......kept crashing and losing everything, anyway I couldn't get it to stop crashing until I removed the modem cable........now nothing seems to say don't have modem connected during setup, but once I disconnected modem then loaded everything......it ran as sweet as a nut, plugged my modem in after everything had been loaded and edited etc and it's absolutely brilliant, miles better then my old 9000 hd.....better menu's , better epg, quicker channel change, very good picture...can't recommend it enough, hope it works for you.............
bye the way the ONLY gripe for me would be the lack of instuctions with it....the leaflet is next to useless thats with it.


05-12-2013, 09:42 AM
Just a quick reply.
It has to be a null modem cable and not something that looks like one? You can test the pins to double check either with circuit tester or even two wires and piece of thick paper and a remote control? place the paper between the wires and insert into the battery end so one wire is in contact with the batteries and other is contacting the remote terminal. Place other ends into the pins and press a button on the (TV?) remote. Its better with a torch but everyone has a remote?

more info you should read is https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?164185-wont-boot-up-help-please-guys

A video just to show the the routine
http://youtu.be/iWK8ezMZpnk just copy, paste and go the link
good luck

05-12-2013, 04:50 PM
I am using a desktop that is not connecting to the Internet( as my null modem cannot connect to my laptop)and transferring from the site to the Desktop,having coppied toe hypertention dll but there seekms to be an other problem as I cannot get past"upgrade application with Xmodem,maybe I need to have an internet connected to to excute this whole operation as it seems that way,I did this operation on an previous Desktop that was connected to the internet so maybe thats the only way to do it,regards Knacker

05-12-2013, 05:00 PM
I am using a desktop that is not connecting to the Internet( as my null modem cannot connect to my laptop)and transferring from the site to the Desktop,having coppied toe hypertention dll but there seekms to be an other problem as I cannot get past"upgrade application with Xmodem,maybe I need to have an internet connected to to excute this whole operation as it seems that way,I did this operation on an previous Desktop that was connected to the internet so maybe thats the only way to do it,regards Knacker

I'm not sure if I understand you but ,No you don't need internet after downloading the files needed.
read and watch all the info again, Unplug all cables from stb and connect the null modem cable to computer and stb . run the hyper.... and select it as the info says click connect THEN connect power to stb and follow the info again. remember to unzip all files...

05-12-2013, 06:21 PM
hi hianta,at the minute I use all wifi in house the for a couple of years she who must be obeyed kept in my ear about wires all over the shop anyway I used to use a Dell affair that had a wired connection and was Null modem compatible,to get shut of wires all over the place I got a wifi compatible Medion desktop which has no Null modem connection and a fugitsu notebook laptop which has a 15 pin port of some sort it's use I don't know but no Null modem port,I think I may have to get a long internet connection to run from my modem to the Dell P C or maybe two homeplugs because copying and pasting from one online P C to the other offline P C does not work for mel,I hope you understand as I cannot explain any other way,regards Knacker

05-12-2013, 06:38 PM
if you do need an internet connection on the old dell machine then you could use a long ethernet cable from the ROUTER to the dell as a temporary measure whilst doing all this (or 2 homeplugs and 2 ethernet cables , or a wireless usb dongle that connects to your router wirelessly)

the 15 pin socket on the laptop is a vga port (3 rows of 5 pins) and is used to connect a pc monitor or a suitable tv like modern LCD tv,s so its a video out socket and nothing to do with comms

modern equipment rarely has a 9 pin com port, so yes use the old dell

a null modem cable is a crossover cable with 2 nine pin female D plugs on it , wired in crossover mode as below

pin 2 to pin 3
pin 3 to pin 2
pin 5 to pin 5

hyperterminal is a comms program and does not need the internet

05-12-2013, 08:17 PM
hi hianta,at the minute I use all wifi in house the for a couple of years she who must be obeyed kept in my ear about wires all over the shop anyway I used to use a Dell affair that had a wired connection and was Null modem compatible,to get shut of wires all over the place I got a wifi compatible Medion desktop which has no Null modem connection and a fugitsu notebook laptop which has a 15 pin port of some sort it's use I don't know but no Null modem port,I think I may have to get a long internet connection to run from my modem to the Dell P C or maybe two homeplugs because copying and pasting from one online P C to the other offline P C does not work for mel,I hope you understand as I cannot explain any other way,regards Knacker

In the end of the day you have to follow the recovery file by the law! ( so to speak lol)
1 Get a null modem cable. ( as posted before)
2. Get the hyper terminal program and the file for the transfer into the computer that is going to connect to the stb via the null modem cable. ( transfer via usb pen or disk or??)
3 follow the recovery instructions and all should be good. ( sometimes it can take a few attempts lol)

05-12-2013, 08:44 PM
I have done as much as I can,I go all the way thru to the tapping and upgrade application with Xmodem I can not get any further,any ideas anyone,Knacker

05-12-2013, 08:52 PM
I have done as much as I can,

I go all the way thru to the tapping and upgrade application with Xmodem

I can not get any further,any ideas anyone,Knacker

so from the instructions here , which part do you actually get to and what happens after you do that part ?

Are you selecting the correct com port too ? (and exactly how do you know the correct number?)

2. Turn off STB
3. Connect RS232 Cable to STB and PC and execute HyperTerminal (use a null modem cable)
4.Make new connection - make name
5.Select Com port
6.Set Speed and other (115200 – 8Bit – No parity – 1 StopBit – No HW control)
7. Press space on HyperTerminal every 0.5 seconds from the time when turn on STB,
8. When HyperTerminal shows the below picture on PC, then stop pressing space.
9. It shows to ask to select one of menu from 3 menus.
10. Select “2. Upgrade Application with Xmodem”
11.. Select menu->Transfer->Send File in HyperTerminal
12. Set protocol Xmodem and select “navi_s_326su.flash.gz.gro.s tp” and press Send button

if its number 10, why cant you select the menu in 11) ?

05-12-2013, 08:56 PM
I have done as much as I can,I go all the way thru to the tapping and upgrade application with Xmodem I can not get any further,any ideas anyone,Knacker

OK my mistake, you are connecting to the stb and you have interrupted the boot script and then pressed number two? Then when trying to transfer the file it does not and your left and that screen?
In this case I bow to my betters and leave it for them, Good luck...( is the transfer file unzipped?)

06-12-2013, 12:18 AM
1;I turn off stb (pull out power chord from back of Sth because the Stb remains flashing on and off
2;I connect RS232 Cable to P C and Stb then I get the Hyper Terminal box
3,name either Hypertarm or Carrick,then port no,1.Set Speed and other (115200 – 8Bit – No parity – 1 StopBit – No HW control)
7. put rear power chord back into the Stb tap space bar on HyperTerminal every 0.5 seconds from the time
8. When HyperTerminal shows the below picture on PC, I stop tapping space bar.
9. I select one of menu from 3 menus.
10. I highlight “2. Upgrade Application with Xmodem”
11.I right click the highlighted upgrade application with Xmodem after that I can not select Hyper Terminal to Send and can not carryout any more comands
I come that close and cannot get any further,I feel I am doing something wrong either erlier in the process or at that point,I have performed a fix on a 9000 without problems and while I know they are two different Stb's the basic excution is much the same,again many thanks for all the help from all you people who may have been maybe due to my lack of the P C speak unable to understand what I was trying to explain which to me makes this Forum top quality,regards Knacker

12. Set protocol Xmodem and select “navi_s_326su.flash.gz.gro.s tp” and press Send button

06-12-2013, 12:38 AM
I thought you just pressed the number 2 and maybe return ?

or just highlight or use the arrow keys to go to it so it highlights, then press return

cant see any instructions about using mouse buttons in any infos or in the pdf

ie-- nothing about this part

I right click the highlighted upgrade application with Xmodem after that I can not select Hyper Terminal to Send and can not carryout any more comands

I think you are doing stuff not mentioned in the text, making it up as you go along, due to using the mouse too much

try pressing 2 on the keyboard

06-12-2013, 01:03 AM
I thought you just pressed the number 2 and maybe return ?

or just highlight or use the arrow keys to go to it so it highlights, then press return

cant see any instructions about using mouse buttons in any infos or in the pdf

ie-- nothing about this part

I think you are doing stuff not mentioned in the text, making it up as you go along, due to using the mouse too much

try pressing 2 on the keyboard

I agree in full.
If the the recovery instructions are followed to the letter you cant really go wrong. You do not highlight anything you press number two then it will wait to receive the file you are sending

(edit) if Knacker had watched the video i put up he would have seen the keyboard ?

06-12-2013, 11:06 AM
Hi friends sorry for any confusion caused,am correct in saying that when I reach number 9 highlighting the menu I should just press "number 2" and not highlight as in( highlight for deleting or copying) after pressing the number "2"/enter after how do I perform actions "11 and 12"I feel maybe that's where I am making the cockup,to think I am getting so close and am losing the plot with some cockup is frustrating,I await in the hope that you friends will help keep my sanity(I am joking)regards Knacker

06-12-2013, 11:22 AM
Hi friends sorry for any confusion caused,am correct in saying that when I reach number 9 highlighting the menu I should just press "number 2" and not highlight as in( highlight for deleting or copying) after pressing the number "2"/enter after how do I perform actions "11 and 12"I feel maybe that's where I am making the cockup,to think I am getting so close and am losing the plot with some cockup is frustrating,I await in the hope that you friends will help keep my sanity(I am joking)regards Knacker
You are confusing select 2 with press number 2 on keyboard please read https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?164187-Recovery-instructions-for-HD6000 again?


06-12-2013, 04:38 PM
With the help of echelon and hianta not forgetting Misty's contribution I got the crash sorted,took a little while near the end but I was not afraid to try and with a bit of trial and error we got there,again thanks,regards,Knacker