View Full Version : You can blame Viduka for this

11-12-2013, 01:56 PM
Just been to see Mr Vidukas setup. Decided I need to invest in a motorised system so here I am.

My motto is - if it's electrical and has an o/s then you have to hack it. So I am looking forward to the challenge of customising a Linux system soon.

Music tastes include Neil Youg, Muse, Jam, Buzzcocks and James and the like.

I like my hi-fi and my computer network. Got a couple of Squeezebox's streaming music from a server. Half decent Samsung HD TV and Sony Amp with Kef surround sound speakers. Give me a good DTS soundtrack any day.

Day job - well I look after around 9,000 PC's in an NHS hospital.

11-12-2013, 02:35 PM
Nice intro and welcome to Satpimps heyho