View Full Version : Information and help required please

14-12-2013, 04:49 PM
I have recently just bought a Vu Duo2 box and am still working round it.

I noticed that I have Plugins named Catseye so can some1 please explain what this does.

Thx in advance for your support

14-12-2013, 05:27 PM
is it catseye settings if so its sat settings and channel list

14-12-2013, 05:42 PM
Thanks for your reply DCG.

I thought thats what it was but was 100% sure.

15-12-2013, 03:19 AM
Best channel list and settings are from Catseye
a lot of hard work and effort is made by our friend Catseye to keep these settings up to date .
i only use Catseye settings because you just wont find better anywhere .
cheers .