View Full Version : Help on settings bh 2.0.8

18-12-2013, 09:22 PM
Haven't updated my system since v2.0.1 but have gone straight to v2.0.8 tonight.
Everything seems to have installed fine but i cannot get Catseye Motorised E2 settings to display in their normal format.
I have tried both downloading settings from the BH Menu and also uploaded using FTP from VUCC.
Using both methods the channel list is empty. I can find some channels by selecting a satellite from the colour buttons on the top of the channels lis screen.

How do i get the standard Catseye Motorised channel list to display showing all the satellites and sub categories???

18-12-2013, 09:26 PM
Load and then restart enigma2
Arrow up after first install is sometimes needed.

18-12-2013, 10:39 PM
Load and then restart enigma2
Arrow up after first install is sometimes needed.

Cheers Sonic1 eventually got that sorted.
Now for EPG/Crossepg. Why do we have two different EPG menu's? One in the main menu list and one under Setup menu.

Which are you supposed to use and why?
I use a number of sats including Sly and would like to have auto EPG updates for about 6 Satellites.

Happy to start with one Satellite ie SLY.

My experiences with EPG setup and auto updating have been horrendous. The auto updates don't. And often the channel list is only partially populated.
Any chance of a step by step setup instruction to see if i can get a real working EPG.

Hope you can help because i have never been able to get this to work reliably.

18-12-2013, 10:40 PM
First question is which sats do you really need ?

18-12-2013, 10:51 PM
First question is which sats do you really need ?

Start off with Sly
Thor @ 0.8W
Hotbird@ 13E
Astra @ 16E
Viasat @ 4.8
Hispasat @30W

I mess about with a few other sats usually looking for feeds.

I will be happy initially just to get SLY working reliably.

18-12-2013, 11:02 PM
menu>setup>crossegp>configure= green OK
OpenTV providers >Sky UK OpenTV =press OK > Green button save
That should give you sky

18-12-2013, 11:32 PM
menu>setup>crossegp>configure= green OK
OpenTV providers >Sky UK OpenTV =press OK > Green button save
That should give you sky

Yes, i normally use Opentv for Sly, and it is set to update every night at 02.00am but usually after a week i have to do the updates manually as a lot of channels have lost EPG data.

If i add more satellites from the other lists for example using Rytek sources, then the reliability just gets worse.

As i said earlier there are two EPG setups on BH now.
What is the reason for that and when should one or other be used.
I have never seen any explanation why there should be two separate systems in different menu locations.
There has to be some purpose and some reasons why one should be used rather that the other.

BH claims to have the best EPG system but if there is no detailed instruction or explanation as to which system to use for what, then we are left in the dark to do trial and error.

Is there anyone who can give a good explanation for having two EPG sections and when and for what purpose would you use one or other?

Mant Thanks Sonic 1 but i would like to understand this much more fully.

19-12-2013, 05:39 PM
Hi casper2,

Never used the first EPG so as you,
not sure how it helps.

Try this with Crossepg and the
B/Hole EPG doe's become Totally
Go into B/Hole Plugins
and download (CoolTvGuide)

Go to green panel>addons Manager>
>Black Hole Plugins, select
Cool Tv Guide (6.4.0). Think that's
the one I have.

While on E.P.G, has Anyone run the
S@y lookalike E.P.G in any B/Hole image.
I am on B/Hole 2.7.0 and uploaded
SK@ UK Skin into it, but came up
with (Sorry this is not compatible
with this Image).
The name is (enigma2-plugin-skin-sk@hd)
Think its desighed for OpenPli.
I tryed it in the OpenVix image
and No luck, the designer (abell431) is
looking into the Vix compatibillty.

Not moving from the B/Hole Image
the 2.7.0 Picture Quality and Stability
are the best ever in 25 year's of
Sat Tv.


19-12-2013, 07:02 PM
Hi casper2,

Never used the first EPG so as you,
not sure how it helps.

Try this with Crossepg and the
B/Hole EPG doe's become Totally
Go into B/Hole Plugins
and download (CoolTvGuide)

Go to green panel>addons Manager>
>Black Hole Plugins, select
Cool Tv Guide (6.4.0). Think that's
the one I have.

While on E.P.G, has Anyone run the
S@y lookalike E.P.G in any B/Hole image.
I am on B/Hole 2.7.0 and uploaded
SK@ UK Skin into it, but came up
with (Sorry this is not compatible
with this Image).
The name is (enigma2-plugin-skin-sk@hd)
Think its desighed for OpenPli.
I tryed it in the OpenVix image
and No luck, the designer (abell431) is
looking into the Vix compatibillty.

Not moving from the B/Hole Image
the 2.7.0 Picture Quality and Stability
are the best ever in 25 year's of
Sat Tv.


Thanks Bbigfoot, i'm using universes so will give Cool TV Guide a try and see what happens.
The S@y lookalike sounds like fun. I'll have a look and see if i can find it. Is it downloadable from the BH Plugins.

I thoroughly appreciate what the developers do for us, but a detailed user manual or extended usage descriptions of the features is sadly lacking.
I would love to have the knowledge to do it, but unfortunately only the developers have the detailed knowledge necessary.
Great image, i won't be changing any time soon.

Does anyone know if the developers have a forum where questions could be asked direct?

19-12-2013, 07:15 PM
for black hole yes

type your box ip addy in your web browser

then click on black hole

19-12-2013, 11:00 PM
595015950259503Hi casper2,

19-12-2013, 11:21 PM
Hi casper2,

Above is abell431 skin
for 28e.
If its every Sat you would
like to skin with
S@y look a lick E.P.G Skins
you will need (fraggle121)
Its on W@RLD of Sate@@ite
in thread>
>( Cool epg Guide S@y Skins
by fraggle121).

Thing is tried with B/Hole 2.7.0
and Openvix 390, both found
fraggle121 skin incompatible.

The OpenVix image loaded
(abell431) 28e S@y Skin OK.
As yet not tried in B/Hole.


29-12-2013, 10:35 PM
Hi All,

Off the thread, but not able to Auto
update my B/Hole 2.0.7 to 2.0.8
with over the air update.

Goto addons click Update.
Update starts, then
(0 updates) do I have to
load 2.0.8 by USB stick.

Thanks for help. BF.

30-12-2013, 02:55 AM
Hi All,

Off the thread, but not able to Auto
update my B/Hole 2.0.7 to 2.0.8
with over the air update.

Goto addons click Update.
Update starts, then
(0 updates) do I have to
load 2.0.8 by USB stick.

Thanks for help. BF.

you can telnet or ssh to bypass version server .

$opkg update
$opkg upgrade

you may want to make a back up in case it goes wrong and you may end up with a 2.0.7-2.0.8 hybrid version of BH .

if a clean install is wanted then use a usb .

30-12-2013, 03:07 AM
on BH i use the blue button , then red for epg . red again for settings , all selected yes and path set to /media/usb/epg.dat

red again to save

down arrow to select rytec-slyuk and the green button for provider settings , then red for settings , auto updates is set to yes and an odd time to update .

dont use o clock or common times like quarter past or half past . any random time will be better to avoid the server being spammed .

red button to save .

the yellow button to download now .

more providers can be added the same way for multi sat .

30-12-2013, 05:25 PM
Hi mikie8,

Thanks for your work through.
Will try the telnet commands
when new updates come along.
First of I will do a 2.0.8 clean
install, then telnet downloads.

Milkie do I do a Factory reset on
my Uno, then install 2.0.8
from USB to do a clean install.


30-12-2013, 05:39 PM
bigfoot.... i have a solo2 and i dont do a factory reset i just flash from usb with blackhole. hope somebody can confirm for you and good luck. oh yes and i use cool tv guide

30-12-2013, 11:08 PM
Hi chippy,

I did as You, Flashed from USB.
Installed 2.0.8 with Cam 2.2.1.
Tested on 28e HD Film Channel.
B/Hole was 100% stable, not
one glitch in 3 Hrs.

Will now follow mikie instructions.


07-02-2014, 12:36 PM
you can telnet or ssh to bypass version server .

$opkg update
$opkg upgrade

you may want to make a back up in case it goes wrong and you may end up with a 2.0.7-2.0.8 hybrid version of BH .

if a clean install is wanted then use a usb .

Hi Mikie8

If i use this method to do an update is the result a clean install without settings etc as if you have installed from USB stick.
I run universes do i have to come out of universes before doing the update?
I am on 2.0.7 and i now note that 2.0.9 is now available can i go straight to the latest?
My biggest hassle with upgrade is that i run a mult-sat motorized system and have a large number of satellites setup. Is there any way to backup these satellite settings and reinstall them after upgrade?