View Full Version : Wireless signal quality poor

23-12-2013, 09:32 PM
my wireless network quality is fluctuating badly, it is usually around 60% but picture is breaking up badly tonight with quality as low as 13% and the weather is not that stormy or wet
Is there any easy way to improve the signal quality as i do not want to use the homeplugs again!!

23-12-2013, 09:52 PM
this is proberly somthing you have already done
i get a great wifi signal from my spider 6000
when it as dropped...i rebooted my router
this worked for me

23-12-2013, 10:00 PM
Access your router's settings and in wireless settings check if wireless strength is to high level .

24-12-2013, 11:54 AM
thanks guys, got it sorted!! signal up to 80 percent now

24-12-2013, 11:24 PM
Hi, it's great you got it sorted but there may be others like meself that are a little slow on the uptake who may get the same problem and would love to know how you sorted yours m,anyway Happy Christmas to all who browse Satpimps,regards Knacker

25-12-2013, 12:35 AM
Hi Knackers,

Look at you routers IP Address.
In my case (PlusNet) 192.168.....
Then login Username (admin) in
my case.
Password, you'll find that on
the back of your Router.
Once connected (In My) click
Home Network, then
WLAN Wireless,
click Configure.
Once in Config change
Channel selection to
Manual from Automatic.
Once that's done you have
a choice of 13 channels
1 to 13, just find the one
that has the highest
Mbps speed for You.

If your running an (n tech Router)
and have a 300Mbps PC card or
STB. USB WiFi stick you can
Up the speed from Router's default
speed of 150Mbps to 300Mbps
with a Telnet command direct
to your Router.
Lot's of Telnet commands for
Router (Fix Blind Spots) is another.