View Full Version : Usals nudge

25-12-2013, 04:19 PM
Hi and Merry Christmas

Ive just moved from the 5000 to the 6000 and have to say its a great box. However on the 5000 I could nudge the dish to lock in the signal even when usals was used to locate the sats. Ive tried to do this with the 6000 but I'm struggling. Any ideas??

I appreciate my dish may be slighyly off, but normally once I've adjusted the sats a little I can save them and then continue using usals. The weather in Perth is blowing a gale at the moment.

Cheers for any tips


Fracarro Penta 85
Spiderbox 6000HD

25-12-2013, 07:56 PM
cheers ill give it a try

27-12-2013, 06:10 PM
Asuming all is right with your dish,try going thru Satelite settings to get on a sat that you may know app where it is ,nudge away until you get strongest signals then go back one page and scan the Satelite and save once you have chanells saved on a sat you should be able to get each Satelite on the arc hope this gives you some ideas