View Full Version : has your dish survived the Wind ?

27-12-2013, 04:18 PM
hi all

left mine on 28.2 last night and when i looked out the window this morning it was pointing somewhere near 57e :07:

a quick tweek up and its back as i should be .. also we lost our fence and look like it just missed our cars ..0ops

27-12-2013, 04:31 PM
I always leave my dish on Hotbird, as the dish is then parallel with the wall, and if it is windy the wind will only hit the edge of my dish, and I have just been out to look at it and it is still in the same place as it was when I went to bed, and we are having some gusty winds here in Newcastle at the moment.

27-12-2013, 04:48 PM
my motorised dish is out abit,but enough for picture break up,think i'll wait till the wind dies down before I sort it

27-12-2013, 05:01 PM
I have an old Lensen Heath perforated 80 cm dish and after the wind last night the LNB support arm has broken at the elbow - been rusty looking for a while! I have a twin LNB for 13 and 19, plus another LNB for 28. So I have to solve that one.

I guess I'll never find a replacement arm!


27-12-2013, 05:10 PM
I have lost some fence panels that have been battered and are not re-useable but since I fitted a Darkmotor, my 1.1mtr Triax doesn't get blown around no matter how strong the winds have been.
With my old Jaeger, even the slightest wind would have meant that my dish would lose its alignment on every gust.
I still go outside to see if there is a best way to point the dish in a storm to feather it, but it's hard to tell with this motor as there seems to be no movement.

27-12-2013, 06:42 PM
my motorised dish is out abit,but enough for picture break up,think i'll wait till the wind dies down before I sort it
kmci reckon you'll need to whip out that old satlook micro+ sat meter of yours again ?
im glad that my dishes are still all ok but my ground mounted 1.2m channel master is just a little bit out its good enuff on every sat except 7east was tryin to watch a feed last night and couldnt quite get a steady lock , but it was blowing pretty damn hard and has been all day today aswell ..ye mite get a chance tommorrow kmc but its only gonna be a small window because more storms and gales are moving in on Sunday nite again .
i guess i shoulda got off my ar$e on crimbo day to make sure dish was gonna be ok which was a real nice day unlike the past few days ,
anyways sure you'll get her sorted kmc your an old pro at aligning dishes i doubt you've forgotten anything since i was last chattin' to ye ?

Happy New year and sure 2014 will possibly bring better signals we hope : )


27-12-2013, 07:11 PM
Been lucky so far without any damage. We lost power due to the
storm, went off 11-50pm Monday. Back around 3pm Xmas Eve.
Then they did a changeover just before 6pm, long enough to mess things up, wipe a post & crash PC !!! Around 100,000 homes lost
power in the SE.

The arm on my Dish rotted through in January, wind finished it off.
Dropped from a 1.1m to 1 metre Dish & it's usually parallel to the wall facing near due South. Running a quad LNB.

Still more to come so fingers crossed.

Regards catoro.

27-12-2013, 07:41 PM
The only damage on my Triax 1.1 dish is the arm, the fixed bolt its thread has come loose , hoping to fix it with some chemical metal when weather improves, Darkmotor is ok

28-12-2013, 10:32 AM
Morning all my dish has moved bought a new lnb recently so will fit new one might even set up on usuals never got that working on the spiderbox the bunny rabbits roof blew off hutch and escaped but found him under trampolene bloody wind

28-12-2013, 12:03 PM
I went up on the roof yesterday due the coax coming out of the motor last week ( got caught on a bolt when going East ) and I thought I was going to do a Rod Hull. No ladders up on the garage then climb on to the roof up one side to the peak then slide down the other side to the dish. When that wind came it was a case of lie flat on the tiles and pray ! Worked out well in the end and all working good now.

28-12-2013, 01:22 PM
I was a little worried with some of the noises I could here when the wind was blowing it, as my 1.2m channel master is above the guttering.

Still the roof hasn't come down, the dish is still there and the back wall is still attached to the house :D

Shame the fence didn't fare so well lol.

28-12-2013, 01:26 PM
I went up on the roof yesterday due the coax coming out of the motor last week ( got caught on a bolt when going East ) and I thought I was going to do a Rod Hull. No ladders up on the garage then climb on to the roof up one side to the peak then slide down the other side to the dish. When that wind came it was a case of lie flat on the tiles and pray ! Worked out well in the end and all working good now.

lol mate, well done, scary!!!

28-12-2013, 09:18 PM
i reckon you'll need to whip out that old satlook micro+ sat meter of yours again ?
im glad that my dishes are still all ok but my ground mounted 1.2m channel master is just a little bit out its good enuff on every sat except 7east was tryin to watch a feed last night and couldnt quite get a steady lock , but it was blowing pretty damn hard and has been all day today aswell ..ye mite get a chance tommorrow kmc but its only gonna be a small window because more storms and gales are moving in on Sunday nite again .
i guess i shoulda got off my ar$e on crimbo day to make sure dish was gonna be ok which was a real nice day unlike the past few days ,
anyways sure you'll get her sorted kmc your an old pro at aligning dishes i doubt you've forgotten anything since i was last chattin' to ye ?

Happy New year and sure 2014 will possibly bring better signals we hope : )


It shouldn't take to long to do hopefully barney mate,managed to watch a game this afternoon,but some sats have gone **** up.
happy new year mate

29-12-2013, 01:42 AM
a temp fix if your dish is only slightly off the arc is to just adjust longitude setting in your stb. if your getting breakup then a .1 or .2 east or west of your correct setting should sort it until you can get back to the dish. Hands soon go numb this time of year.

29-12-2013, 03:23 AM
@kmc ,

Line up the Dish on 5W use those FTA French channels get signal around 90-95%
thats a real strong sat to set up any motorised dish on forget setting it up on 1w you'll track the arc far better setting up at 5w it just works out much better that way here in Eire , all 4 of my motorised dishes are set up at 5w and i only struggle with 7w which is normal
i set up my channel master 1.2m dish again at 5w today since it was an okay kinda day and all fine again now
took around 4mins to do thats the beauty of having dish ground mounted no ladders required at any time so no danger of me doing another Rod Hull ..Sorry ..R.I.P Rod


29-12-2013, 12:25 PM
Cheers Barney,
never even thought of setting it on 5w,will give that a go,apparently we are getting more rain and strong winds again this week,so may leave it a few more days,unfortunately i'm going to have to go up the ladders although it's not too high so it is managable.
cheers mate

29-12-2013, 12:46 PM
We are going to be hit with high winds again and lots of rain about the time everyone will be going to work Monday morning. Luckily, I am off till Jan 8th.
So far, I have lost my front side fence and they are beyond repair.
We lost one very large fence panel in the back garden and two concrete posts were blown so that they are almost at a 45 degree angle. The ground is so wet, that the wind was able to do that quite easily.

I have managed to repair the back fence, but am not confident it will survive tomorrows storm. I have used some sturdy timber to give the fence some extra strength for tomorrow in the hope it will help.

I am not going to bother replacing the front fence as we have lost our fence so many times. I shall plant a fast growing hedge of some kind, that will survive the storms and be cheaper overall.

29-12-2013, 06:12 PM
Hi guys
All OK here in the SW. Pole has been up about 12 years with brackets to the side of large shed and 1m dish. i never fail to be amazed how it does blow in the wind - and at very strong gusts there is break up momentarily - but even after a stormy night of tremendous gusts it is still on target when all stops.Recently changed from box control to usals and enjoying the simplicity after 10 years or so. Good luck to all with the wind - more arriving tonight!! Cheers - Brain

29-12-2013, 06:49 PM
i lost every sat apart from 1 west on christmas eve, which ****ed me off cos i had a feeling santa was gonna bring me a samsung sound bar to play with. went up ladder on boxing day and got all east sats working from 1 west, including 26 east which had been missing awhile. as it was still windy ive left it at that, until i buy a new motor, as t'others getting on a bit. must admit hardly go west anyways, 15 for espn and hispasat.
thought with the wind id only end up doing it again

29-12-2013, 06:51 PM
will try 5 west for a change as suggested tho as ive always used 1 west

29-12-2013, 07:07 PM
mate depends where you are. 5 west is great for Ireland but you being on the East side of England should be fine with 1 West. I have always used 1 West in Manchester without problems.

13-02-2014, 12:47 PM
dish moved last night here in newport s.wales had left it on 28e went up ladder this morning slackened clamps off a bit and pulled it round again until i got signal bars up again on spiderbox 9000hd lucky ive also got a sly dish to give me a rough idea where it should have been the other sats seem to be ok as well now marked dish so if it happens i can just pull it back to the marks

13-02-2014, 01:49 PM
similar story here, although mine is already marked with a black marker pen, so took longer getting the ladders out than actually doing the job lol :)

13-02-2014, 02:03 PM
Mines not Budged although its concreted into the Ground and is on a 36v Actuator and polar mount, A jack hammer or an earthquake will probably shift it. LOL

13-02-2014, 05:44 PM
I was worried about mine. It is a 1m dish attached to a 10 ft pole which is attached to the wall of the house. The dish is just below the top of the house.I had a quick look at the wind direction Wednesday morning so moved the dish to 42E so the wind did not hit it full on. Seems to have worked as no damage has occured. I have never seen wind like before and I am 74!

13-02-2014, 07:31 PM
mine seems ok in belfast n.ireland, moved from 36e to 30w and still getting channels both sides of the arce. weather here nothing like the south of england.

13-02-2014, 07:37 PM
Mine has definitely moved a bit. I am getting weaker signals on all sats.

Not going up a ladder until weather is a little better, so will have to put up with it for a while.

13-02-2014, 07:39 PM
mine moved while I was watching news on 13 east.I changed the settings in usals and it will do fine until the weather improves.I's too cold to go climbing ladders at the moment,maybe Saturday.

13-02-2014, 10:48 PM
Living in N Wales my 1 metre dish got hammered with the winds , think im lucky only had to tweak the elevation to get it spot on , lots of damage in the area roads closed cause of fallen debris nightmare to get to work.

13-02-2014, 11:07 PM
So far so good here with my dish in North Lincs - but yet MORE devastation on the cards tomorrow guys!!

13-02-2014, 11:14 PM
I believe that there are at least 3 large storms scheduled for next week.

I am starting digging a hole now to hide in. ....

14-02-2014, 05:04 PM
My dish is now very badly misaligned.
I am lucky if I can get 52% signal strength on 19.2E.

Weather is just too bad to risk going up a ladder and fiddling with it.

I dare say the signal meter would probably short out because of the rain anyway, so it looks like a few days at least without using it.

Sunday may be dry, but I won't be holding my breath.

14-02-2014, 06:03 PM
the wind keeps knocking it about a bit but pointless realigning until the weather dies down. Im just using the longitude setting to try and compensate for the movement. Cant see it getting realigned for a good few weeks.

14-02-2014, 06:38 PM
How big an adjustment are you making to compensate?

I am relatively new to Usals.

14-02-2014, 06:40 PM
A couple of weeks ago on a Saturday Partner heard some noises
emmiting from my 1 metre dish. When I looked the dish was shaking
in the wind. !!!! Luckily on Sunday it was dry & not too windy. Found
the 4 dish retaining screws had slacked off due to the plastic washers
& back plastic material used.

Went to motor the dish to make it easier to fix only to find that the
positioner memory had failed. I did manage to tighten the screws with
a struggle & waiting for a new positioner. At least it's on 19.2E which
I mainly use, so far a good signal.

Looks like we are in for some very high gale force winds after 6pm &
into Saturday so glad I at least stopped the dish rattling.

Regards catoro.

14-02-2014, 08:25 PM
Ground mounted 1.3 m prime focus dish with KU and KA lnbs, so far so good here in the wild West Wales.
No ladders to climb !!
Stay safe ..

14-02-2014, 09:56 PM
My 1 mts moved with the wind had to alter USALS from 1.4 W to 0.2 E

How big an adjustment are you making to compensate?

I am relatively new to Usals.

14-02-2014, 10:53 PM
I shall play around with some figure until I can manually adjust the dish.

16-02-2014, 03:47 PM
anyone know how to easily set up a motorised dish after the wind has wipped it about 90 deg further round then where i normally travels?

16-02-2014, 03:58 PM
mines moved again put it right on friday morning but it went again late friday night got it working after a fashion on most east sats havent checked west ones yet will get my mate with his meter when the weather improves at the moment im getting what i want

16-02-2014, 04:52 PM
anyone know how to easily set up a motorised dish after the wind has wipped it about 90 deg further round then where i normally travels?

For a start, loosen the bolts that hold the motor onto the pole and push the dish and mount back round to where it should be.

If you don't have a signal meter, it would be very handy to get one.

16-02-2014, 04:54 PM
I have just come down the ladder after fixing mine the best I can.
Weather is nice today, feels quite warm although only 8c and no rain and very little wind.

I made sure my bolts were extra tight to be ready for the next storm.
They were saying that 3 very big storms would hit us this coming week. I don't know if that is still the case.

It always amazes me, a little bit of sunshine and the sea front is packed today.
At least the local coffee shops and ice cream parlours will be happy.

16-02-2014, 05:36 PM
Just tried to put the football on 19E and mine appears to have moved very slightly from Friday night. Went into motor settings and moved it a bit and signal is back. Am guessing they will all be out now but couldn't be bothered to get the meter out in the garden and do it properly.

16-02-2014, 06:25 PM
Just tried to put the football on 19E and mine appears to have moved very slightly from Friday night. Went into motor settings and moved it a bit and signal is back. Am guessing they will all be out now but couldn't be bothered to get the meter out in the garden and do it properly.

noticed that mine had done the same. seemed to have been blown east by a few degrees.

16-02-2014, 08:08 PM
i am amazed my dish is ok i never had to tweak it.a tree blew down in my back garden and i lost slates from the front of the house.1metre gibertini bolted into concrete slab.just lucky i guess?

17-02-2014, 01:26 AM
was really worried about my dish on fri night, i have a large conifer tree out in the front garden and it was being badly whipped about, i can see it from my bed when the curtains are open when i'm laying in ned, it just so happens that I went to bed early fri night due to manflu (went down well with the g/f what with it being valentines day) - anyway, the tree at points was being blow almost 60 degrees over, and the swishing\lashing noises were pretty scary. kept having images in my head of the dish whipping off and flying of and causing damage to something (or somone), or the brackets coming out of the wall and taking out the bricks.

checked mine yesterday morning, it must have taken a proper a pounding, but still get 99% sig on 30w and on 45e on certain tp's so happy daze - dont think its moved at all. surprising really.