View Full Version : Help needed

29-12-2013, 01:14 AM
Box corrupted red and green light flashes tried reflashing using recovery tool but no success when I send the files to the box using null modem cable through xmodem it fails to send the recovery file to the set top box. Box got corrupted when tried to update iptv file and channel list and patch forgot to turn cline of. Any help to reset box from this position would be helpfull.

29-12-2013, 01:23 AM
make sure you follow the recovery procedure EXACTLY, especially the part where you turn the power to the box OFF , start xmodem and then turn the power ON again

it will not work if the box remains powered throughout

it may also take several goes before it "catches" on the boot cycle and starts the process

also ensure you are using the null modem type of cable (crossover cable)

29-12-2013, 05:59 AM
I've followed procedure exactly as in instructions but when I send the recovery file navi s .... With xmodem it doesn't send the file to the box I get error,maximum attempts, or after 2 or 3 reattempts xmodem pop up freezes and disapears so I have to start again, I've been trying for 2 days doing my head in.

29-12-2013, 06:02 AM
It's a null modem cable I bought of **** 3 years ago 9 pin f f

29-12-2013, 09:18 AM
It's a null modem cable I bought of **** 3 years ago 9 pin f f
Have you used the cable before to transfer data, worth checking the pin config, 2 to 3 / 3 to 2 / 5 to 5 with a meter or bulb,battery and wire?

29-12-2013, 10:12 AM
Hello Ali786 ,

This recovery system defenitely works ....used it yesterday .......took me a good half of a day to get

there.....so there is hope for you...

Can u tell us ...Are u reaching the stage where hyper small side screen asks for Port settings....

I used my windows xp laptop and port 1 setting with null modem cable...

Cheers, port06

29-12-2013, 11:45 AM
Hope you get up and running soon. If you can? can you take a picture of the point you get to? it may help everyone know exactly what's going wrong?
Also this post will help you to https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?164693-Stb-Crashing/page2
post 27 has a rough video and remember to press key number two so program will wait for you to send. If you try a few times with no luck, then reboot com and try again.

Edit key 2
I had similar problem if I remember correctly? It would give error message and one was even.. error STB not expecting file .. (something like that lol)
Problem was I was pressing my other number 2 key but when I pressed the number 2 key that is normally under the F1 key the STB waited long enough for me to send the file.. So HOPE this helps..

29-12-2013, 07:19 PM
I've given it to a satellite doctor for check up if he can't fix it I'll get brick and smash then it'll be bricked. I'll leave it to rot. ancient Egyptian rs232 recover tech should be easier. Thanks for all the guidance,when I get it back from doctor I'll get back to u for more guidance or let u know if it was success or failure

29-12-2013, 08:51 PM
There are two ways the box goes off .
One is when you corrupt the downloading (patch,ch. list etc.) procedure and the other way is to use the specific patch ,(that has been already removed from forum), with some specific channel lists .
So attention to these two matters and box willll never go off .

29-12-2013, 08:54 PM
Ali this nis where you get top doctors for 6000i'm sure you have heaard the saying Doctors differ and patients die,do not let your box die,get your box and go thru each step until you cannot move on then get the help you want from the many friends on here,they "WILL" help you,I was in your position a couple of weeks ago,my problem then was getting to choosing one of the options from 1 of 3 I was highlighting it and hitting enter instead of hitting the number two on P C and after being told by friends here finally the penny droppedI continued and waited when the Stb came back on there was no Red and Green lights flashing and the box was perfect,I hope this helps,Knacker

29-12-2013, 10:15 PM
I too would say don't give up, If you read the Info on this site you will and can see where you might be going wrong?
In post 3 you say you are trying to send the file but it come's back with error. This is probable because the box has moved on and is trying to boot again? If you get to the 3 option screen after pressing the space bar on the keyboard then you must then press number 2 on the keyboard , If you press the wrong number 2 or don't press in time ( like I did) It will just go back to what it was doing and you will be trying to transfer the file to nothing ( hence the error messages)
The video I put up is as close to the routine as I could get because I could not crash the box thank's to Blakdevil's changes. (thanks great job) But at the point I think your at then You are in contact with the box ( you get the 3 options screen) But it is not waiting for the file ( press key 2 or press the other key 2) If it waits you should be able to open the transfer window and select the rest and send in plenty of time
Knacker had problem's and in fact we all did but with the help and patience of this site we get there in the end..
Give it another go and tell us what you did ?

30-12-2013, 12:24 AM
Thanks for the replays everyone. I've given box to sat doctor,for 2 days.I've tried everything except pressing number 2 button below
F1, I was pressing 2 on the right hand side of keyboard,but the way it was responding I don't think problem is that simple. I took photos I'll post them. I get constant error message,(error limit exceeded)

04-01-2014, 02:03 AM
got the box back from doctor no luck, had few more tries
i will donate £10 to satpims if someone can get me a solution from this situation.
x modem application does not send recovery file to set top box time after time.
i know theres life in box because it still flashes the red and green light.

04-01-2014, 02:36 AM
Are you using a PC with a dedicated Com port, or USB adapter?
If possible try using an old PC, running XP, as they usually have a motherboard with a dedicated com port.

04-01-2014, 02:49 AM
im using a vista pc with dedicated com port and full null modem cable.

04-01-2014, 06:09 AM
Do not buy spiderbox 6000hd Chinese f*ke. other spiderboxes are quality this box once crashed is unrecoverable for some.£80 in dustbin.

04-01-2014, 10:04 AM
Do not buy spiderbox 6000hd Chinese f*ke. other spiderboxes are quality this box once crashed is unrecoverable for some.£80 in dustbin.
They have not been out yet long enough to clone, can't you return it to your supplier (under guarantee?) Don't think they are 12 months old yet.
Unless anyone can confirm successful flash using Vista I would try it first on a PC with Win xp or even Win 7 as advised in Post #6 “I used my windows xp laptop and port 1 setting with null modem cable...”

04-01-2014, 03:30 PM
I can't b bothered to search for a xp PC from rubble in Africa or Asia It still proberbly wouldn't work.i'll try contacting the supplier it's a long shot.i get message,no response from REMOTE SYSTEM.

04-01-2014, 03:45 PM
I can't b bothered to search for a xp PC from rubble in Africa or Asia It still proberbly wouldn't work.i'll try contacting the supplier it's a long shot.i get message,no response from REMOTE SYSTEM.
Well in that case I can't think of anything else for you to try.

04-01-2014, 03:47 PM
Do not buy spiderbox 6000hd Chinese f*ke. other spiderboxes are quality this box once crashed is unrecoverable for some.£80 in dustbin.

I'd dare bet that there would be quite a few members who would quickly remove yours from your bin, if only they knew where you lived, and when you are about to place it in the bin. Non Vista users that is.

04-01-2014, 04:41 PM
List it on the well know @uction site if you don`t like it so much, and I will be more than happy to relieve you of this burden (unless someone else beats me to it)

04-01-2014, 04:46 PM
ah but do you spend perhaps £40 quid for a box that might not ever work again or £80 pounds on a box from Lee that will definitely work. there is only one way to find out FIGHT. sorry.

04-01-2014, 04:52 PM
ah but do you spend perhaps £40 quid for a box that might not ever work again or £80 pounds on a box from Lee that will definitely work. there is only one way to find out FIGHT. sorry.
Course you get the new one , but I would still buy that one just to prove that its working ;)

04-01-2014, 05:20 PM
I used a FULL null modem cable via the rs232 output on a windows 8 pc to the spiderbox rs 232. I brought the cable from e... which was advertised for the purpose that you need it. I had tried a simple pin reversal cable but that did not work!

04-01-2014, 06:31 PM
It's a null modem cable I bought of **** 3 years ago 9 pin f f
I never got a reply from my post #5. So have you used this cable to flash anything before?

04-01-2014, 07:06 PM
List it on the well know @uction site if you don`t like it so much, and I will be more than happy to relieve you of this burden (unless someone else beats me to it)

Maybe you exchange emails and agree to make some sort of transaction.???

04-01-2014, 07:15 PM
Nah, I think I will give others a sporting chance :D also @uction is a best place to do a business like this. Other than that, I will inquire about the location of that precious bin :)

05-01-2014, 12:39 AM
got the box back from doctor no luck, had few more tries
i will donate £10 to satpims if someone can get me a solution from this situation.
x modem application does not send recovery file to set top box time after time.
i know theres life in box because it still flashes the red and green light.

If you have not chucked it in the bin yet?
Have you tried to download the transfer file again as it could be corrupted?
As far as I can see you are connected to the STB and from the bottom left of pic It is waiting for file? (not sure what the ccccccccccc? is? you may be pressing something too much? just press 2 then go and send file)
So It could be a damaged downloaded file, Taking too long to send the file, pressing to much after pressing 2 or indeed that Vista has a compatible problem with this? I know XP, 7 and 8 can transfer this file and run the program.

Best bet is delete everything off computer and start from scratch? We have all been there at some point :blush5:

05-01-2014, 02:18 AM
Ok from the feedback I think I'll dig through the rubble to find xp PC or futuristic win7 or 8. Last shot hit and hope

05-01-2014, 02:30 AM
Ok from the feedback I think I'll dig through the rubble to find xp PC or futuristic win7 or 8. Last shot hit and hope
That`s the spirit we like here :respect-046:
I am sure you get it sorted if you really really put your finger to it ;)

05-01-2014, 04:31 PM
I EAT MY WORDS just tried on xp PC first go its a success.ill have to donate £10 to sat pimps

05-01-2014, 04:46 PM
well done m8, I never had any doubt that it would work in XP

nice one !

05-01-2014, 05:38 PM
I EAT MY WORDS just tried on xp PC first go its a success.ill have to donate £10 to sat pimps
Great, so its a NO to Vista then, worth adding to the Sticky. Bet you glad the bin mans not bin or been yet: lol

05-01-2014, 06:06 PM
Great, so its a NO to Vista then, worth adding to the Sticky. Bet you glad the bin mans not bin or been yet: lol

definitely no to vista.