View Full Version : vu + solo a few questions

31-12-2013, 08:47 PM
firstly a happy new year to everyone. Ok ive had the vu+solo a year now and after a year im trying to get it sorted properly. Everything works but i have a few little quirks. i have spent a lot of time reading but just need a heads up. I have the vti team image v1.31 (yes old i know but im of the opinion if it aint broke and you know the rest) Today i added the catseye channel list but its not what i expected, (im not moaning i appreciate the efforts of others) The thing is a mate bought a vu+solo mini and i have to say its impressive, all the channels are numbered the same as sky. Is it the fact i am using an old image, he just presses up on his remote and the favourites menu comes up as where i have to press up then favourites and work it from there. im hoping its just an image thing or is it the fact his box is just newer. The image on his box was a pli image with an astronaut on the startup screen. Any help as always much appreciated

31-12-2013, 08:50 PM
sounds like he is using the autobouquets plugin

using newer images can bring about newer benefits , allowing newer plugins to be used is one such benefit

no idea about your vti but BH images allow you to use autobouquets

31-12-2013, 09:07 PM
the thing with linux boxes is they are configurable to a large degree .

different images come with different plugins preinstalled and configured , although they will also share alot of plugins too .

how your box looks and what is does all depends on how it is setup . this could be done by the seller or with a little reading by the user .