View Full Version : Spiderbox not coming on.

01-01-2014, 04:28 PM
Newbie here need some help please.
My box is quite new and has been working fine over the last few days.
I get the Power on and then switches to Stand by. This keeps happening constantly.
The display only shows 4 dashes.
I have unplugged from the mains and tried again but still not working.


01-01-2014, 04:44 PM
Thank you Manic01.

01-01-2014, 04:45 PM
Usually you get an error message but try disconnecting the Spiderbox, from the mains, unscrew the LNB, and disconnect anything else connected, apart from the HDMI, or scart, connecting it to your TV, then try powering up, just to see if it's a short, from the LNB.
If this fails you might have to try the recovery tool.
If that fails you might have to return the box, to your supplier, to be tested.

01-01-2014, 04:52 PM
Hi Mickha,
I did do what you suggested but did not work hence my help request.


01-01-2014, 05:25 PM
Did you disconnect the LNB cable, to see if it was that causing the problem?
Have you tried the recovery tool?

01-01-2014, 05:45 PM
Are you using latest patch ?


Even you use it and you have this problem, download it from here and upload it to box again following the instructions .
Do not use your channel list in case it is corrupted . First test it without your list .

01-01-2014, 11:15 PM
Sorry guys, haven't replied as I was out.
Mickha, I did disconnect the LNB. Only had the HDMI connected.
I don't get a picture on TV so I can't use the recovery tool or install a patch.

01-01-2014, 11:35 PM
Sorry guys, haven't replied as I was out.
Mickha, I did disconnect the LNB. Only had the HDMI connected.
I don't get a picture on TV so I can't use the recovery tool or install a patch.

you do not need a tv connected or to be able to view the box in order to install the recovery patch using the recovery tool
being able to view a picture on a tv is not relevant when using a null modem cable and the recovery tool

the purpose of disconnecting the lnb is to make sure that no fault on the lnb coax cable is causing the fault

in any case, even with no lnb cable connected you should still get pictures from the menu screens as they are internal

it was also mentioned about connecting to the tv by scart lead (or I would use a yellow composite lead myself) , not hdmi

02-01-2014, 12:51 AM
Thanks Echelon, I don't have a null modem cable but will try a source it from somewhere.
In the meantime I will try with a composite lead.

02-01-2014, 12:54 AM
try is not good enough, you will not be able to repair the box until you have the correct tools

null modem cables are cheap enough to buy on the big @uction site , or make one yourself , its only 3 wires and 2 female 9 pin D plugs

06-01-2014, 01:06 PM
Hi again,
Sorry for not replying to this thread the last few days, I have been out of town.

I now a the null modem cable. It is a RS232 to usb cable.
I am using Windows 7 Pro and there is no Hyperterminal this OS so how do I do the recovery please?

06-01-2014, 01:15 PM
Hi again,
Sorry for not replying to this thread the last few days, I have been out of town.

I now a the null modem cable. It is a RS232 to usb cable.
I am using Windows 7 Pro and there is no Hyperterminal this OS so how do I do the recovery please?

that is not a null modem cable

a null modem cable has 3 or more wires inside it and is wired in crossover mode , and has a 9 pin d plug on each end (I already told you this earlier)

wikipedia article below


so it does not have a usb plug on it , so it appears you have bought a usb to male D plug adapter and a driver disk to install it on your pc or laptop

ideally you should be using a null modem cable on a pc or laptop that has a 9 pin d socket (serial socket) on it direct to the receiver serial socket (rs232) and no usb adapters or plugs or anything with the word usb in it would be used

full details are here https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?158068-Com-port-setup

this pc should ideally be running windows XP , as can be seen from this other thread here


as for your question about win 7 pro, a simple google of it came up with this answer


get the correct tools assembled and you should be able to sort it out , like he did (I told you most of this info in post #9 , so you seem to have ignored several replies)

06-01-2014, 01:26 PM
Hi again,

I am using Windows 7 Pro and there is no Hyperterminal this OS so how do I do the recovery please?
You need to download the recovery tool from the link you were given in post#6, hyperterminal is in there.

08-01-2014, 06:30 PM
Hi guys,
Right I can access the box via hyper terminal and putty, but when it connects the information just loops and does not stop.
I don't know how to stop that loop.


11-01-2014, 01:14 PM
Still having problems. Can anyone help?


11-01-2014, 01:31 PM
Still having problems. Can anyone help?

You have been given all the help available. If you have followed ALL the advice correctly then it may not be recoverable and will need returning to your supplier.

11-01-2014, 01:47 PM
or try a proper pc using XP

11-01-2014, 01:50 PM
Hi guys,
Right I can access the box via hyper terminal and putty, but when it connects the information just loops and does not stop.
I don't know how to stop that loop.


This subject has been covered a lot of times now so you will find the answer in the sticky's and similar post's.
If the information on the screen is looping then you are not pressing the correct number 2 key and you need window's Xp, 7 or 8 but not Vista ...
Follow the recovery guide to the letter and don't miss or make up any of your own .

11-01-2014, 02:34 PM
is the box second hand?

15-01-2014, 01:45 PM
Hi Gbmitie,
No, the box is new.

Hainta, I am using windows xp, it doesn't stop the loop and I don't get the the 3 options as shown in the recovery guide, therefore pressing the number 2 key does nothin.

15-01-2014, 02:12 PM
Hi Gbmitie,
No, the box is new.

Hainta, I am using windows xp, it doesn't stop the loop and I don't get the the 3 options as shown in the recovery guide, therefore pressing the number 2 key does nothin.
Are you using a Null Modem Cable yet as advised on several occasions?

15-01-2014, 02:29 PM
Jbvid, I purchased a null modem cable which I used. I also made sure I pin arrangements were correct before I purchased it.
I have just seen the sticky of the recovery video which I will look when I get home.

15-01-2014, 02:55 PM
Hi Gbmitie,
No, the box is new.

Hainta, I am using windows xp, it doesn't stop the loop and I don't get the the 3 options as shown in the recovery guide, therefore pressing the number 2 key does nothin.

sorry? I was under the impression that you were connected to the STB (post 15) and it was talking (loop) . If you are meaning It's still going off and on then that's different. this would be wrong null cable or not pressing the space bar after you plug the power cable back into the STB at the correct time. Yes have a look at film and read the info again then post back result's?

18-01-2014, 10:47 PM
Hi s44nay did you get the problem sorted?
Maybe you could post your result's so It will help members and of course If not maybe we can come to a conclusion one way or the other?

Edit.. 21/01/2014

Since S44nay has still to reply even though last Activity was 20-01-2014 02:44 PM. I / We can only presume that the problem is fixed and Is under the impression that this it not a help forum and just one of the other media sites that you ask and get info and leave?
Normally If the problem Is answered and you don't post, then you can acknowledge the post's by clicking the THANKS icon? (one of many reasons why you would click on the thanks lol)
But It Is far better to post final result so as to help other members that may have the same problem in the future?

(If still having a problem with this procedure then just ask and the members of great Satpimps will help.)

25-01-2014, 10:48 AM
Hi all,
Apologies for taking a long time to reply as it's taken this long as I have not been working on recovering the box until a few days ago.
I have now managed to recover the box. Couple of things look out for.
On the recovery instructions, step 6, I missed the change to NO HW control.
Also when pressing spacebar wasn't quick enough so when I started to press that quickly the 3 option appeared.
The option don't appear the same as the one shown on recovery instructions, I only saw the first two.
Thank for the work by Blackdevil.
I am happy to post more info if anyone needs help and thanks to everyone who has helped me on this.

03-02-2014, 08:59 PM
Sorry if I'm asking a silly question here but I have the flashing red and green lights after not deleting my old channel list and putting a new channel list on top. I have read the Recovery Procedure and am confused about the RS232 cable. I own 2 laptops which both have 15 pin sockets. I have purchased a 9 pin to 9 pin cable which hasn't arrived yet, but I'm confused, can I not use this wire on the laptops?

03-02-2014, 09:07 PM
Sorry if I'm asking a silly question here but I have the flashing red and green lights after not deleting my old channel list and putting a new channel list on top. I have read the Recovery Procedure and am confused about the RS232 cable. I own 2 laptops which both have 15 pin sockets. I have purchased a 9 pin to 9 pin cable which hasn't arrived yet, but I'm confused, can I not use this wire on the laptops?

no , because a null modem cable is a serial crossover cable and uses 9 pin D ports on a pc, whereas the 15 pin ports on your laptop are blue and are vga ports, for connecting a pc monitor, so are vga video ports and not serial ports

that is why they are larger and have 6 more pins in them , using 3 rows of 5 pins for video use and not 2 rows of 5 and 4 pins for serial port communications use

they use different shapes and varying numbers of pins to stop numpties blowing up their equipment ;)

so pre-emptive action that stops people dead in their tracks , saving an expensive visit to the pc or laptop hospital

03-02-2014, 09:12 PM
So am I looking for a older PC to use?

03-02-2014, 09:16 PM
So am I looking for a older PC to use?
although some people have had success with a usb to serial port adapter, I wouldnt recommend it

so yes, I would recommend using an old xp pc (or old xp laptop) with a built in fifo serial port (9 pins same as the one on your spiderbox) and use that to do this job, not a laptop

I have an old compaq laptop with this correct 9 pin com port and running win xp , but also have access to hp/compaq desktops with xp pro running and 9 pin serial ports at the back

use the correct tools for the job IMHO

03-02-2014, 09:39 PM
Echelon, sorry to be a pain but what if I bought a 9 pin express card to slot into my laptop, I've searched the house and found a old laptop but still a 15 pin on the side. I have a Dell and read that this laptop only supports 34mm express cards so I went googling and found a 34mm express 9 pin male port. Your advice is much appreciated

03-02-2014, 10:04 PM
it may work, it may not work, nobody will guarantee these things when you include more problems into the mix

its try it and see , if it fails you are no further forward

my advice is based on using 9 pin com ports since win95 (they also had 25 pin serial ports back then too so the null modem cables had one of each at each end)

I think some of these modern workarounds are a fudge and a cop out as there was nothing wrong with the old tried and tested ports and methods, and win xp is recognised as the most used ms os out there , even though they are ceasing support in april 2014

05-02-2014, 11:14 AM
Hi Daveviborg,
If you have a laptop with serial port and assuming it's already got Windows XP, you need this type of cable
http://www.****.co.uk/itm/330584557634?ssPageName=STRK:MEWN X:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1439.l2649
You then follow the recovery procedure and you should be able to do it.