View Full Version : spider 6000 ,with a switch ,minidish and motor

03-01-2014, 01:34 PM
hi i wondering can i use my spider 6000 with a motor and a switch ?
my thinking is ,i use the motor for the football when i can ,but i have a spare sly dish doing nothing ,so could put a quad lnb on this ,
run one to my tv for freesat ,(tried to loop out the spider but kills the signal to one if the other's on,also think thats what killed my 9000hd ),
then run another leg and the motor to a switch ,for the spider , also would allow me expansion to another room ?,
did read the lnb section ( lot of posts ) but my head started to turn to mush lol

03-01-2014, 01:51 PM
I dont have the 6000 but works fine on my 7000

the motor is on lnb input 1 and all satellites in my case are set to committed 1 and possibly uncommitted 1 as well , with simple diseqc set to 3 for 28.2e and 4 for hisapasat on 30w (two fixed dish feeds)

so for 28.2e and 30w it selects 3 or 4 and used the fixed dishes, for anything else it uses 1 and operates my dark motor with triax dish

I see no reason why you cannot do the same but only have 28.2e on 3 , the rest on 1 where the motor resides

its all about setting the simple diseqc and the motorised settings to suit

so the input 1 is used for the motor, and up to 3 fixed inputs can be used if required, although you are only using 1 and 3 for this

03-01-2014, 02:56 PM
i think the size of the dish is a disadvantage, a mini dish is for uk. a bigger dish would be better to pull in other satellites.

03-01-2014, 06:09 PM
i think the size of the dish is a disadvantage, a mini dish is for uk. a bigger dish would be better to pull in other satellites.

I believe he wants the sly fixed dish just for sly uk and also freesat on 28.2e , but a motorised system for all the others, which as I mentioned is what I use on my 7000 (but I also have a zone 2 pointed at 30w too)

03-01-2014, 09:23 PM
cheers fella ,thats exactly what i'm after , what with the wind blowing the 90 about at the mo ,
found this, TRIAX (333112) DDU LOFTBOX 6+2+1 INCLUDING PSU on the jungle site ,or should just get a basic 4-1 and just split the feeds from the minidish ,
cheers again

03-01-2014, 09:34 PM
mine is just a standard and cheap 4 way diseqc switch , with the motorised and fixed feeds going to it, and the common output going to my spiderbox

loftboxes are a complete enigma with their own subject matter

03-01-2014, 10:25 PM
cheers again , think i'll stick to standard then