View Full Version : HD 6000 urgh!

03-01-2014, 09:41 PM
I have been spending all day trying to get this to work, ok, part of it may be my fault as it was not exactly the same as my 9000.
Now I have it up and running, but can I get it to accept clines. They worked for a few minutes then would not connect again.
I have tried various different servers so it does seem to be at their end.
I have tried both wired and wireless and get a signal of around 65% wireless. But it does not show any quality at all on wired although it shows it's connected.
It's driving me mad and I also think the server owners as I can't fathom what is wrong.
Any advice welcome. Otherwise it looks like I shall send it back as crap,oops sorry faulty.

03-01-2014, 09:48 PM
you wont get any signal quality on wired instead of wireless, because its using wired and not wireless !!

to check if the box is connected to the router, check the router admin panel, then ping the box ip address from a command prompt

03-01-2014, 09:48 PM
have you tried putting the lines back to your old 9000 and see if that works., it does seem it could be an interruption of internet. ,,,,, sorry echelon .

03-01-2014, 09:55 PM
The signal shows 0% quality when connected with a Lan cable and this is normal. Its showing 0% for wireless as you are connected with a cable not wireless.

As for your lines I don`t know. They could be disconnecting for many different reasons. You could be using a line that someone else also is attempting to use , and it is connecting you, then the other person tries to connect knocking your connection and then your box knocks his connection off and so on and on and on. The box can handle the Cline and Nline extremely well for such an inexpensive piece of gear, and the problem lies with a peer 9 out of 10 times not the box/connection.
Edit: Beat to it by not one by two ;) I need to learn to type faster :D

03-01-2014, 10:13 PM
also, you cannot use the same line at the same time on both boxes , it wont be allowed normally (user error)

so the 9000 must not have an internet connection with a live line at the same time as the 6000 !!

also, have a read of this from someone who knows about LAN`s and tested his new 6000


07-01-2014, 08:49 PM
I am man enough to admit that its now all up and running satisfactorily.
Take back what I said about the box.
Its very GOOD,just down to my own incompetence.
Thanks to all those who offered advice,
Recommend it.