View Full Version : Bizarre motor movement

03-01-2014, 10:35 PM
Hi again

I finally got all my channels sorted and sats locked into good signals.

Typical me decides to try and get some channels from 4.8. I was scanned transponders etc and gave up. I decided to send the dish to Hotbird and watch some sport. Unfortunately the dish starts moving in the complete different direct, moving in a juddery motion to Hipsat! No matter what i tried it kept moving to to Hipsat.

Im using USALS wuth a technomate motor.

I have to confess that after using a Technomate 1500 and then Spiderbox 5000, Ive found the 6000 a challenge when its come to motor set up. With all the others, I ve parked the dish at Thor, disconnected the cable, set up the new box (putting in long/lat), set it at Thor and then plugged the cable back in.

However with the 6000 its fought me all the way. The funny thing about tonight was I was just thinking that id cracked it!

Any members had the same problem? Maybe ive altered some setting in the motor set up????

I managed to get it back to thor/Intel and disconnected the cable (the motor runs fine/normal when I drove it using position), I copied my channel list to usb, factory reset, loaded latest patch factory reset and then reloaded channel list. Same thing happened again.

It must be a setting i've altered.

Im using a Fracarro penta 85 dish, Technomate motor. Ive checked the cable and it drives great with the old 1500.

Any help would be appreciated



03-01-2014, 10:42 PM
Correction its not going to Hipsat, its going to the furthest west the dish can go. Have I altered the dish limit?

03-01-2014, 10:43 PM
any idea if you have broken the channel or transponder maximum limits ? ( or close to maximum ? )

maybe try somebody else`s list, just to check ?

is the patch the latest one ?

I think you have to be in diseqc v1.2 mode to reset the zero or alter the dish limits

03-01-2014, 10:45 PM
Or the motor may not work as it should with the spiderbox. I do remember DARKMAN saying something along those lines.
There it is: https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?163148-spider-6000-and-technomate-vbox-positioner&p=884402&viewfull=1#post884402

03-01-2014, 10:51 PM
thanks for that guys. I did read about problems with the technomate, but I finally got it set ok. Im going to try another channel list. Ill let you know how I get on

03-01-2014, 10:56 PM
whenever I have tried a tm motor on a spiderbox, it stuttered in usals mode but worked ok in diseqc v1.2 mode

but the 6000 displays strange behaviour with some older patches and with too full channel lists according to other posts on this forum

I just think you overloaded the channel list

03-01-2014, 11:35 PM
Thanks Echelon for the reply.

I had cut the channels down to the absolute minimum, basically the sports channels on 19.2, 16, 13 and 0.8. It must have only had a few hundred.

I've factory reset, loaded latest patch, factory reset, loaded compass channel list (IKS and S*y).

I put motor in diseqc, drove it to hotbird, locked in the signal, out in my long/lat in USALs. I checked BBC Arabic on Hotbird was ok, went into motor settings, ticked 0.8, 19.2 and 28.2 and drove it to 19.2. The dish went to its furthest west setting (in equal judder motion).

I think i'm going to sleep on it as Ive spent the last two hours on it and now the wife is asking me about it !!

Thanks for the responses so far, I'll give it another go tomorrow. The worst scenario is that I will get it to 19.2 and leave it there!


04-01-2014, 01:22 AM
Didnt quite make it to bed...I think we've all been there!

Ive reloaded patch etc and USALS is just not happened (even tho it has been ok for a couple of weeks). The only other thing that Ive done today was access the IPTV channels for the first time. Probably unrelated.

Without sounding like a complete noob, and because Ive never set up Diseqc (always done USALs) can someone please clarify the correct settings I need to use, do I move the dish using;

POSITION (and give it a number and store)


POSITION (STEP) (and give it a number and store)

Do I then exit out and then just select sats thru the SAT button on my remote. (Do I ignore the GO TO STORED POSITION)

Thanks for your help, it really is appreciated


04-01-2014, 01:35 AM
Out of all the Spiderbox receivers i have had dealings with apart from the 6000 none have liked the Technomate motor in USALS mode so i assume the 6000 will be the same to test the theory if you replace the 6000 with the TM 1500 and it works ok then you know its an incompatibility issue.

At the end of the day does it matter anyway the only benefit USALS has is that it will locate any new satellite as it starts without you having to find it in the first place with Diseqc 1.2, Go with the Position option and Diseqc 1.2 and tune each satellite in manually then you should have Zero problems, For future reference if your motor does give up the ghost by a dark motor so your prepared next time

24-04-2014, 08:23 PM
Hi guys, sorry to bring this issue up again, but I've systematically checked all the potential causes for the juddering dish movement and eratic dish movement. It didnt work in Diseqc either.

i finally got my hands on another 6000 HD to check the system , and it worked worked fine. I set up USALS no bother and it went to each sat without hesitation.

This makes me think that somewhere within my box there is some software problem. I've done loads of factory resets etc, kept the channels down to about 2000 etc. I even loaded my channel list onto the borrowed 6000 and they worked fine.

Now I am not for one mini second doubting the Spiderbox. it is an excellent bit of kit. And to be honest i mainly stay on 19.2 anyway.....but...I'd like to use the full.

I'd like to reset the box back using the rescue files. and then i will do patch etc. Will this lose my gift?

many thanks for your patience


21-08-2014, 06:42 PM
I thought I'd give an update re the motor movement...I replaced the Technomate Motor with a Dark Motor and everything now works perfect.