View Full Version : PS3 Netserver Plugin

07-01-2014, 04:35 PM

You will need a PS3 running cobra based firmware - I'm using HABIB/COBRA 4.53 v1.04 - see here for firmware:
hxxp://www.tortuga-cove.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=129&t=5818&sid=3a683353185332d8532d59251e05a 04b

You will also need the latest multiman or webman,

You can get the latest multiman from here: hxxp://store.brewology.com/whatsnew.php?lang=
You can get the latest webman from here: hxxp://www.deanbg.com/webMAN_1.28.zip

If you don't know how to do install any of the above - this plugin is NOT for you - stop now!

How to install:

FTP ps3netsrv.tar.gz to you box root /tmp directory.

Telnet into your box and issue this command: (this will extract/install the file to the proper directory with the correct permissions)

tar -xzvf /tmp/ps3netsrv.tar.gz

If installing manaully -


Chmod all folders to 0755
Chmod all files to 0644 (apart from ps3netsrv which needs set to 0755)

Once installed - restart enigma 2 for the plugin to show up - PS3 Netserver.

Plugin options are self explanatory,

Start PS3 Netserver - starts the server
Stop PS3 Netserver - stops the server
Make HDD Netserver Folders - creates the correct folder structure on your vu+, dreambox hard drive - PS3 ISO files go here:


This is the location using the latest black hole image - if your hard drive is in a different location you can edit these files:


Edit these to point to your own images hard drive location.

How to use:
Start PS3 Netserver on the vu+ or dreambox (mips based receiver).

You can use either:
In PS3 multiman - (mmCM mode) - settings, network servers, /net_host0 - set this to your recievers IP address, use port 38008

In webman - webman setup, Scan for LAN games - PS3NETSRV#IP:Set to your recievers IP address:38008

Or you can use both :-)

Reboot your PS3 - for iso games you're streaming from your receiver to show up in webman, or restart multiman if you're using that.

Plugin by MrDude,

Credits to gutemine for compiling ps3netsrv for a mips based box.
Credits to deank for the ps3netsrv source code.
Credits to the PLI forum for the help given to make this plugin possible.

Enjoy - streaming from your receivers hard drive to your ps3 - happy gaming :-)

01-02-2014, 05:27 AM
exactly what i am looking for

i will try ... one day ... time is short

thanks from germany

24-08-2014, 01:06 PM
Works alos on my new atemio NEMESIS Sat Reciver with 4TB HDD :)
very cool!!!

26-08-2014, 01:21 PM
Works alos on my new atemio NEMESIS Sat Reciver with 4TB HDD :)
very cool!!!

No problem m8 - it should work fine on all mips based receivers.

22-09-2014, 09:47 PM
an option to autostart the service when enigma2 box is restarting woud be a cool feture?

22-09-2014, 09:51 PM
You can modify init.d to run the sh file that starts the service - you can easily do this yourself m8.