View Full Version : scanning problem

16-01-2014, 07:05 PM
I'm on the latest patch 11.26. I decided the other day to rescan some of the sats just to pull in some channels i'd missed. So I went to automatic sat scan selected NIT and pressed to scan. The box started gathering the frequencies and around the 28% mark the box reset itself, I lost all my setting and previous channel list. So I read through the help and decide to factory reset, reload the patch and factory reset(basically following the instructions). Once again I tried to automatic scan with NIT and the first scan was fine Hotbird done. I repeated the scan or Astra 1a(19e) and again the frequencies were being added and at 28% the box reset itself. All settings and lists lost once again.

The thing is the Blind scan function is in the automatic scan menu and caused the same thing.(bit of a feed hunter, had to use my spider 9000 instead).

As I am writing I'm using manual scan option and all seems ok. 3 sats down 6 to go. Is it me or is this a bug.

16-01-2014, 07:13 PM
sounds more like you are breaking the box limits of maximum channels, maximum transponders, or both

16-01-2014, 07:28 PM
Unfortunately not. From a factory reset the first satellite scanned was hotbird some 900 channels(no channels stored until that scan). Then when I used the automatic scan again for astra 19.2 the box brought up a load of frequencies and got to 28% and reset( as above). I have finished my manual scan and all has been fine. I am currently saving/editing my channel list and wont be using the automatic one again some 3200 channels.

16-01-2014, 07:31 PM
those channel totals, are they

tv only , radio only , or tv and radio combined (like they should be) ?

how do you know the transponder limit has not been broken ? (no I dont know what that limit is)

16-01-2014, 07:39 PM
I see , so due to the network scan pulling in the new transponders that limit might of been reached. That makes sense.

I have finished my scan 28,23,19,13,10,9,7,5,1w on the manual scan(only ones i can get. I will delete the unused sats to get my tp to under the limit.

Cheers for the reply echelon.

16-01-2014, 07:43 PM
Worth trying 'anothers' channel list after a repatch and factory resets.
Update : if still having probs

17-01-2014, 01:20 AM
I think this is a bug. I get the same problem on mine sometimes when blind scanning just one sat at a time for feeds. It can't be the case of breaking the box limits for too many channels as I only have around 800 stored (tv only, no radio) All none used sats have been deleted.
There's no rhyme or reason for the box to crash as it can be ok for days or weeks, scanning away happy. Then suddenly lose everything on the next 1 sat blind scan. I learnt the hard way to back up my channel list after every scan, even after just scanning one new transponder.
I have also never loaded a "ready made" channel list. I prefer to do my own.

15-04-2014, 08:53 PM
new patch has a similar problem from scratch, deleted all unwanted sats and when network option is added in to get all tp's the box resets and loses all channel data. Luckily this time I backed up my list.

15-04-2014, 09:12 PM

Have you ever considered using the Channel Editor to create your channel list, instead of Blind or Manual Scanning lists, how to use the editor are included in the link below:


I think that you will find it so much easier.

15-04-2014, 09:17 PM
Cheers Aldo I hope its better than the Humax 2000 channel list editor. I'll give it a go

15-04-2014, 09:24 PM
Cheers Aldo I hope its better than the Humax 2000 channel list editor. I'll give it a go

You will be able to decide which types of channels you wish to load, and even on completion you could edit it further if you wish to do so.