View Full Version : IPTV help

17-01-2014, 12:02 PM
I have only just got my 6000 and unsure of what IPTV is all about.
I have accessed the command from Menu and can see default channels.
Are these so channels supposed to be live as I can't get them to work, or do I have to do something else.
I have looked through postings but still at a loss as to what the function is or should do.
Just a simple answer will do.
Many thanks.

17-01-2014, 12:11 PM
I have only just got my 6000 and unsure of what IPTV is all about.
I have accessed the command from Menu and can see default channels.
Are these so channels supposed to be live as I can't get them to work, or do I have to do something else.
I have looked through postings but still at a loss as to what the function is or should do.
Just a simple answer will do.
Many thanks.
Have a good read of the Sticky link below and all will be revealed, the IPTV links don't last long, try loading some of the latest towards the end of the link given.

17-01-2014, 12:49 PM
Jbvid, thanks for the reply, I did look at that link but did not understand what it was all about.
So can I assume that the default links one the box are not really of any use?
I.e. I wanted to watch a film that's shown on there, it's not actually available.

17-01-2014, 12:56 PM
these links are public internet links and could fail 5 minutes after they are posted
there is no guarantee with these links and they are nothing to do with your spiderbox

all your spiderbox does is try to access the link and if successful stream from the link into your spiderbox so you can watch it , you can add links to VLC media player on your pc, or other streaming programs and stream to your pc or device, its not spiderbox specific

so in order to see how it works, get a recent link and try it, repeat until you find one that works , that way you will see what happens with a working link

once a link is dead, its dead , finito, kaput, forget about it

17-01-2014, 04:03 PM
They are long dead, just delete them (while on IPTV press RED button then BLUE button and then yellow button and confirm that you want to delete all)
For working movies see page two of the IPTV(files only) thread, all movies posted by me are still working. Just extract each file that you want to the memory stick plug it to your spiderbox then Menu-->System Settings-->Software Update-->S/W Upgrade--> select your file from the root (down to root and right to the list of files) and press ok on the file to upload-> confirm when asked. Now on your list of IPTV you will have a working list of movies instead of the default list (which is expired now). You can load up to 400 channels to IPTV. (film or tv)

Ps. Try not to press the BLue (default) button again because it will delete your own channels and populate a list of the non working ones again , you can add your own to the default list but not the other way around,)