View Full Version : Romanian En SimpleTV channels

17-01-2014, 09:38 PM
Hi Guys

I am having a bit of loop problem on especially the Romanian(En)Simple TV channels. Every time I run any channel from this Group on SimpleTV it goes in to loop which means it hops to the next channel within 3 seconds and then again move further to the next channel again and continues to run the full channels loop. It won't stop at one channel. Its only happening on this Romania English channel group. All the other Groups of Simple TV Channels like Poland, England Tv and Sport Tvs stay stable and do not drift to the following channel. I tried every thing but it is happening to only this Romanian English channels. All the channels from the other groups working fine. This is the best Simple TV entertainment I found and are very pleased with it. I appreciate all the hard work the Guys are putting in to create this wonderful entertainment. The Do***entaries being in English in this Romanian En SimpleTV group is the best to watch but unfortunately something may be wrong at my end which I couldn't understand. Your help will be much appreciated to shed some light on my problem. Regards

17-01-2014, 09:49 PM
I checked them here and they work ok for me.. Could be something your end?
Try and remove the channels (click on the first then press the shift button on the keyboard and select the last channel (while holding shift) to multiple select all the channels that you want to remove then Right click the mouse and select delete. Then try and reload the list, I hope it helps.

18-01-2014, 09:42 AM
Hi Roadrunner
Thanks for your reply much appreciated. I had already done everything by deleting & reinstalling but problem still stays the same. Looks like there is a conflict of some kind somewhere. Plus I noticed there is a buffering problem on all the Romanian En channels. After 3% of buffering it crashes and go to the next channel and so on. I don't know why only on this Romanian En channels. It doesn't happen to any other groups. They all works fine with solid buffering. So it looks like a buffering problem which I can't understand. Why only this Group of channels. They all works fine on VLC with no problem. As I wanted to record some of the good Do***entaries which is not possible on VLC that's why I wanted to fix this SimpleTV problem if I can with your help. Still I can't understand why these Romanian En channels not buffering via SimpleTV and why they are buffering with VLC with no problem? Your help is appreciated. Regards

18-01-2014, 10:01 AM
I really don`t know why it happens to you. I deleted my channels and reloaded the list I have posted here again to make sure there is nothing wrong with the file and again they work as intended. Definitely something your end , but I am at the loss as to what it is.:redface:

18-01-2014, 01:48 PM
Thanks Roadrunner for your help.