View Full Version : Spiderbox 6000 problems - any advice appreciated.

25-01-2014, 12:59 PM
Just replaced my old Spiderbox with a new 6000 HD.
Been working fine for a week - great receiver - for the money you cant go wrong (I hope).

It's on a motorised DISH.

I was watching a program when I got a meesge 'No Signal' .

As a first step I thought I would see in the Dish fee input had got loose. I tightened it and gotthe message 'ANtenna Overload' !!!!
The box turned itself off.

I assumed maybe I had got a short in the connector. I rewired it carefully.
The box now turns on. I dish responds to my commands to go to different dish settings (moves).

But no picture. SHow 70% signal strength.

Very occasionally after moving to a far west Satellite and returning to 28 East I get a 5 second 'blip' of television picture - very good clip!!!

I have checked the cable connections at the motor - which are fine. I assume if the motor can be controlled then these connections are fine anyway?
I have not checked the connection at the LNB (I can't reach without falling off my ladder?) though the installer was happy hanging out on one leg!!!

AHy ideas - could it be a LNB failure - its a couple of years old. Possibly the connection to it. Though they were good connections with a tight rubber cover over.

I am hoping to borrow a box to substitute mine with to test the DISH. But that would take a while. (wish I hadn't sold my old one so quickly now)

ANy advice appreciated.
As you have gathered I am a technical sado.


25-01-2014, 01:24 PM
Are you sure you have a problem?
Is the no signal from all channels or just one?
Sometimes you can go on to a channel and it will come on them vid drops out with no service or no signal shown . Changing channel and back again usually fixes that? As for your short I think you helped that when you tightened the connector? (probably poor fitting and it just took your help to finally short?)
You could try a reset of box and reload?

25-01-2014, 01:33 PM
Hi bobef90
Looks like your dish is not locking on to the Satellite you want. From what you said you can see a picture while it is going through a transition which means the dish could be locking on to the nearest Sat while passing by the 28 deg. Try to move the dish by small steps east or west. The signal progress bar you are seeing may be from a different satellite nearby. You may not be far off from the Sat you want. Some time a 1 degree small drift could throw you out of target. Good Luck.

25-01-2014, 02:43 PM
like jeetley2 says sounds like you are moving past the satellite if you are getting a picture for a few seconds. i pick a channel and move east or west with the signal meter in the box on and you will get your strongest signal. has happened to me as well.

25-01-2014, 03:00 PM
He could find the latest strongest TP List in post#19 in this thread:


25-01-2014, 07:10 PM
if using usals, ensure it is set correctly for the gps location

if using diseqc v1.2 , try moving the dish using the remote and lock on to the best signal, and store it

also, try the box on a sly feed from a fixed sly dish too , just to rule out the box

30-01-2014, 07:12 PM
My thanks to every body who took the time to give me their help and advice. Big Thanks.
I tried all sorts.
A friend bought his fully functioning Spiderbox box up to my place and we slotted it in. Identical problem and mine was tried on his and it worked. So I felt it safe to deduce it was to do
with the dish and motor.
I checked the connections on the dish and motor - all fine.
Eventually I got my friendly Satellite expert in (paid for).
AFter slagging down the system for ten minutes (last time he saw me I had a Vu+ Solo) and telling me I should have a system based around enigma 2 - he eventually plugged in his suitcase sized Satellite 'tool'.
AFter scanning the dish he plugged into the receiver. Lo and behold a picture.
I asked him what he had done and he said that the receiver had lost its motor settings. Nonsense !!!! it had driven my friends system the day before.
ANyway he got it working - I dont know and I dont kno wif he knows what he did.
The problem was 100% in the motor/dish. He changed no settings. SO something in his suitcase 'did something' to my dish????????
So I am thrilled it is working again. Sorry it cost me. BUT EVEN SORRIER that I have no real solution to offer and explain.
FNF I guess

He plugged his suitcase sized box of tricks in

30-01-2014, 09:53 PM
Sound like it was a simple resetting of the motor.
and all the motor setting revert to factory setting and off you go.
It happened to me a few times over the years of using motors

07-02-2014, 12:41 PM
How do I reset the moror?
The same thing has happened again? I have been using the it - no problem at all.
Today I watched the news on it sacenned a few channels - worked fine.
Just went back to on it and I have the identical problem.

Can you explain the how I get to reset the motor.
WHich menu setting, etc.

Would be most grateful.
Never had this with my SPiderbox 9000 nor VU+


07-02-2014, 12:56 PM
If its a hard reset that you need then there should be a button on the motor itself (or at least a tiny hole marked reset so use a pin or something on it)

07-02-2014, 01:06 PM
How do I reset the moror?
The same thing has happened again? I have been using the it - no problem at all.
Today I watched the news on it sacenned a few channels - worked fine.
Just went back to on it and I have the identical problem.

Can you explain the how I get to reset the motor.
WHich menu setting, etc.

Would be most grateful.
Never had this with my SPiderbox 9000 nor VU+


Ok mate take a careful look underneath the motor and you should see two switches (to be honest they dont look much like switches sometime they just look like a couple of pieces of wire with rounded ends).
Now switch off your receiver and then press in and hold the two switches for about 10 seconds, this erases the motors internal memory of satellite positions, now switch on the receiver and it will write the satellite settings into the motor.
To be honest your original fault sounds like a cable short which the receiver would have gone into current limiting (short circuit protection) to prevent damage to itself once the short was removed the receiver will have rebooted normally.

My apologies to Roadrunner I did not see his post.

07-02-2014, 03:22 PM
Here is a PDF of the Motek motor, in this case the motor has one reset switch (some older motors have two) and the receiver needs to be on when resetting.
See pages 1 and 5 for details, hope this helps.