View Full Version : DTS over HDMI

25-01-2014, 10:09 PM
Can anyone confirm can the Solo2 pass DTS over HDMI?

I'm running BH image and can't seem to get DTS to work over HDMI


26-01-2014, 04:25 PM
Yes it Can i assume what ever your trying to play probably a media file perhaps MKV should be fed directly into a DTS equipped system such as an A/V amplifier

26-01-2014, 11:16 PM
Strange I have it fed into an A/V Amp but its not picking up DTS

Weird thing is that I also have my Sly HD box also plugged into same amp via HDMI and that picks up the DTS

26-01-2014, 11:32 PM
I had no idea **** HD even broadcast anything with a DTS soundtrack Dolby Digital maybe but never DTS could wrong but the bandwidth taken up by even the lowest 768kbps soundtrack is still nearly 2.5 times larger than there standard DD 5.1 track

01-02-2014, 03:50 PM
I had no idea **** HD even broadcast anything with a DTS soundtrack Dolby Digital maybe but never DTS could wrong but the bandwidth taken up by even the lowest 768kbps soundtrack is still nearly 2.5 times larger than there standard DD 5.1 track

Sorry my bad digicon I meant Dolby Digital.
I can't get my Vu+ to pass Dolby Digital via the HDMI
I have my Sly HD and my Vu+ connected via my CYP HDMI Matrix so the same cables and same HDMI connection on the Amp.
Switch to Sly input and get Dolby Digital on my Amp
Switch to Vu+ and no DD passed to the Amp. Pressed the Yellow button and can see the audio stream is selected as the DD stream

Any ideas how I could fix?

01-02-2014, 04:11 PM
Have you also checked that the Dolby/DTS downmix is switched OFF

01-02-2014, 04:52 PM
Have you also checked that the Dolby/DTS downmix is switched OFF

Just tried that and I dont get any sound at all then.
Switch back to ON and get sound. Sorry what I should have said is I get sound from my AMP however its not Dolby Digital

01-02-2014, 06:24 PM
Is the channel transmiting dolby material ?
on my duo I press audio then pick the sound track AC3 or what ever and digital down mix to off, then all the lights on amp come on and dolby digital.

01-02-2014, 08:39 PM
Quick question but what A/V amp do you have as i know most have a 'Direct' feature on them that when used will only give 2 channel stereo and no 5.1, could be the HDMI input setting as you could always try swapping the Solo over with the Sky HD receiver as that HDMI input has standard DD5.1 so in theory if the solo connects to that input it should give 5.1

13-02-2014, 11:41 PM
Quick question but what A/V amp do you have as i know most have a 'Direct' feature on them that when used will only give 2 channel stereo and no 5.1, could be the HDMI input setting as you could always try swapping the Solo over with the Sky HD receiver as that HDMI input has standard DD5.1 so in theory if the solo connects to that input it should give 5.1

Amp is Panasonic SC-HTR310.
I use a HDMI matrix. so its the same cables into the amp.
If I select Sly box and choose a HD channel with DD5.1 sounds great and get Digital shown on display of amp
Select Solo2 and no audio unless I downmix

13-02-2014, 11:59 PM
select the same channel on the solo2 as the one on sky that says dolby digital, then when you press yellow button I think you get option for Dolby or downmix, select the one you want and wait for about 2 mins. If it does not switch leave that channel and check to see if you have a few variations of same channel, select another one and wait. If not go back to channel and wait. You may even have to do a reboot while on that channel. I have BH2.0.7

aslo tell me the channel you are getting dd on and I'll check it on my uno for you. I had same problem as you but figured it out.

15-02-2014, 04:45 PM
Thanks for your response I put the same channel on both and Sly played Dolby and my Solo2 didn't unless I switched downmix to be on via the Yellow button

What's really weird is that I haven't changed anything and it suddenly worked for a short while today and now has stopped working again without me changing anything at all its driving me crazy this issue

25-02-2014, 09:57 PM
I think I've found the issue its an EDID issue which I've resolved by forcing EDID to use 5.1 over HDMI