View Full Version : Setting USALS

26-01-2014, 09:04 PM
Hope this does not break any rules but I found it interesting and useful?

Recently I went to look for a position on a map? Easy you may say but first few searches proved near useless.
Most that I found you enter your post code and fine tune to get your position on the map.
This one you can zoom in on your location, enter the address or enter the cords to find?


The thing to remember when using USALS is that if the setting at your dish move or go off slightly, you can "jiggle" the cords and pull the signal back in. My set up is needing a major overhaul and replacement lol. ( If I was to realign everything now I'm certain all the nuts would shear) In order to get my arc and sats I have to set cords to 58.5 and -1 which going by this map is 1.... miles away from true location and 2.... I can't swim? lol

Anyway I thought this was a useful link If your setting up USALS ? or even trying to help others?

27-01-2014, 07:55 AM
Nice find, but you can get this and more from dish pointer (including all the settings for your dish and motor ).Always used it and never failed ;)

27-01-2014, 09:26 AM
Yes dish pointer is a great tool but If I remember I could never managed to enter cords lol ( It always thought I was entering address lol)
What was the other one called ? sat finder or or something? Used to be two good ones for getting cords one was pointer but forget what the others were?