View Full Version : Icecrypt s2000cci adding / duplicate channels problem

30-01-2014, 10:54 AM
Hi, pulling my hair out here! I've recently dug my s2000cci out of the loft as i have binned virgin media. Sorry if this is a rambling post but im stuck - cant remember how this thing used to work!

Did a FTA scan of astra 28.2 and found 338 tv services and 106 radio. According to the king of sat list there should be:

Total Ku 929
FTA 509
Tv 777
Radio 106
Data 46

Now if i add tv, radio and data i come to 929 - ie the total. Does this mean that i should have 509 services on a FTA scan, and that i am therefore missing 171 (509-338), or do the radio and data count as free services meaning that i am missing 19 (509-(338+106+46))

I know the box didnt pick up some of the HD channels, not bothered about them as its not a HD box, and if i am only missing 19 it would go some way to explaining where the missing ones are (although not why it didnt pick them up and just not display them as it does the HD ones it has picked up)

I have rearranged the channel list into something useable using DrEdit, from the tools section on this site (thanks for that!) and that is in the receiver working fine.

The problem i have is that some of the services are listed as only broadcasting during certain hours and if i do another scan at a different time it "finds" all the channels again and puts them in the service list starting at number 339 (ie after all the ones i already have) - is there any way of either scanning for ones that are not already stored, or ignoring ones that are already stored and just putting newly discovered services at the end of the list?

Thanks for reading, any help appreciated.