View Full Version : recovery check this!

31-01-2014, 03:10 AM
Sorry to say this but I crashed my box tonight but on the bright side I found out that there was a problem with my RS232 port and I got to finish my recovery film.

First I did a reset and then did a scan 53e to 26e . for some reason it didn't like that and switched off on 26e and dumped the scan.
So Started again this time loaded NW UK SCAN CH list and going into each sat and deleting all TP's got about half way through and it switched off." AGAIN?!" I said lol So It came back on then off, "****! Don't tell me?" then on then off.

Yes I did it again (sorry Blackdevil lol )

So I was using the latest patch and had loaded my NW UK scan free...channel list .
Was trying to keep same sat layout but delete all TP's (won't say why ,Its a long story. )

Since my last recovery I have not been able to connect with the box and I naively thought this was because the box was booting up and would not look for my connection. ( there would just be symbols coming up , not words)

NOT THE CASE. The problem was the stub screw are slightly to far out and my cable was not making a true connection any more? I removed the port and checked for dry solder joints but found none so connected the cable wile it was out of the box and BINGO (see picture)
So I will add the new portion of recovery film and the symbols due to the connector to my recovery film post later.

That's how I crashed again and why I was never able to get back in the box. (We live and learn)

Only took me 3hrs :rofl: All back up and running again. now I can get to sleep......zzzzzzzzzz