View Full Version : Bug with channel editor

05-02-2014, 03:41 PM
Have found a bug with channel editor or latest patch when I save channels load into editor all the polarity's are H as you can see by my list which I have updated

05-02-2014, 04:19 PM
I`ve downloaded your list and have the same problem.
What is even more puzzling is that I also tried one of my old lists and have the same now. I was making a list for a mate of mine and everything was ok then, now I only see the H polarity on all tps.:confused:

05-02-2014, 04:22 PM
I found this a few weeks ago should have mentioned it then someone cleverer than me will sort it

05-02-2014, 05:49 PM
Have found a bug with channel editor or latest patch when I save channels load into editor all the polarity's are H as you can see by my list which I have updated
I think it's a hit and a mis with the on board editor? OK if you not making a lot of changes or scanning a lot. I just reset box and deleted all sat's (about time that list was shortened you don't need all world sat's) exept 28.2. Did a full scan on that sat and half way through it shut down and dumped the scan.
I did download 28.2 on the pc editor with everything ticked and it works fine.
Starting to think It's a fault with the box? ( too small a possessor or maybe overheating crashing when overloaded?)
The default list should be shortened after all it does have the add sat's in it's menu?
I have not found the issue with H yet? lol

05-02-2014, 05:51 PM
The list I tried never saw a box, so no, its defo not the boxes fault.
(The list I tried is a spare copy I keep on my PC and was created and saved originally using Editor)

06-02-2014, 05:44 PM
Anyway as we have refer in past we are working in a new version,we 'll give it in public soon .

06-02-2014, 06:10 PM
As I said in a previous thread (now deleted at the request of the original poster) you can use the Channel Editor software to download a FULL transponder list and All the channels from a satellite or as many satellites as you wish. This saves scanning with an outdated transponder list, try it you might be very surprised at the results, why do things the hard way when you have easier options?

06-02-2014, 06:17 PM
For anyone interested here is my channel list, back up yours first in case you dont like mine. Note I use USALS so if you do then enter your coordinates in place of mine. DiseqC user's will need to locate and store satellite positions but thats DiseqC for you.

08-02-2014, 03:06 PM
It looking like the bug in the Editor, is caused by the last version (or even before that) of the boxes firmware, it seems that the format of the channel list file has changed, so some of the channel parameters have changed, like the channel polarisation values.

So if you scan a channel list on the box and then load it into the editor, it has invalid values for the polarisation, so to stop the editor from crashing, the program defaults this to H polarisation, this is why you only see H polarisation channels on some sats, it all depends on what version of the boxes firmware you used to do the channel scan.

The editor will shortly be been changed to support these new channel parameters for the polarisation.

So Satpaul's ASTRA2 file looks good now.

But Jimihendrix 'George Database 26-01-14.SSU' channel file is a bit mixed up with some sats like 13E and 39E only have H channels shown both on the box and in the editor.

This may be caused by the current version of the editor not supporting the new channel list format of the latest firmware, where it defaulted the unknown polarisation channels (i.e. V) to H and when the user re-saves this in the editor, it modifies all the V polarisation channels to H.

If you look in the editor LOG, you can see a warning "Invalid polarisation, Defaulted to H".

If you load Jimihendrix file as a test, look at 13E list, you can clearly see the channel 'TVP Sport' displayed in the editor as on the H polarisation 10796 H, but on KOS this transponder is V polarisation, so it proves that the editor has saved this channel with the wrong polarisation, but this was because it decoded the SSU file during the open wrong, because the firmware has changed the format of the channel list in the last release.

So going forward, the next version of the editor should support the new channel list format, but any channel lists created on the box and loaded into the editor and modified and save using the editor, are all invalid if they had V polarisation channels.

I would highly recommend that people use the editor 'Internet download' by clicking on the NEW -> Internet Database -> Basic Download option.

Then download all the up to date channels list data from the Internet (i.e. KOS), create your favs list, then do 'save Favs' to file, that you can use again in a few weeks time, by importing you favs after another 'Basic Download'.

So after the Internet download, and creating your Favs, save the SSU file in the editor and then copy to USB stick and load it on the box.

Next manually change the sat settings, on the box, sadly we still don't know the format of the sat and motor settings so it defaults to the factory settings each time you load a editor created SSU file :)

Then if you created and saved a fav list in the editor, then when any of the sat changes change like there have this week, it only takes a short time, to repeat the 'Basic Download' and then import your fav list into the editor and By magic all you fav are automatically updated !!

In coming months there may be an new Internet download option called 'Advanced Download' in the editor, that will allow providers to created per sat, this is just fantastic and you will love it.

08-02-2014, 05:18 PM
Thanks blueking I had not noticed the corruption as I have had to use my Spiderbox with a fixed 28.2 dish for the last few weeks. I'm waiting for an installer friend to get back from holiday and sort out my motor dish (I dont like ladders).
Checking my channel list on the channel editor yes it's clear that a lot of transponders have been set to horizontal.