View Full Version : Ultimo behaviour with usb stick plugged in

07-02-2014, 01:01 PM
I am running a VU+ Ultimo currently at v2.0.7 but the problem i have occurs at all BH versions.
To run Universes you have to set up a memory stick to store the different universes. I have this setup and permanently plugged in to the top USB socket on the back of the receiver.
I have tried 3 or 4 different USB sticks but my Ultimo will not perform a full system reset with the memory stick installed. If i do a reset the restart just sits with a blank screen and does not progress. I have to turn off the receiver turn on, wait about 10 seconds and then plug the USB stick in again so that the universes data is picked up.

In fact the same behavior occurred when the USB stick was being setup, formatted & mounted. During the setup the system requests that the receiver be restarted a number of times. On my receiver if i go ahead and say yes to restart it hangs and will no reboot until i turn of power uplug the USB stick power up and plug in the USB stick after about 10 seconds. It is a real pain if i get a green screen crash and have to go through this procedure each time to get up and running again.

Does this behavior occur on all VU+ receivers or just the ULTIMO, or is my ULTiMO behaving abnormally? It has behaved like this from new.

07-02-2014, 01:38 PM
I don't have that problem on my uno

07-02-2014, 06:05 PM
Anyone with an ULTIMO have this problem, or is my receiver faulty?
Once running as explained above it behaves perfectly.