View Full Version : Azbox HD stuck in Boot

15-02-2014, 05:48 PM

Can anyone help. I was trying to flash my Azbox HD with the OpenRSi image using Azup. Whist installing the image by laptop crashed :rofl:

Now I can not get to rescue mode to find the IP address. The box is stuck on booting. I have put different fw (original, latest RSi etc) but the box is not even recognising the USB drive. Tried it in the front and back port. Formatted to FAT32 saved the files as patch.bin

Tried pretty much everything. Just hoping I may have missed something or if someone has found a simple way around this instead for Jtag :banghead: which i want to avoid at all cost.

Any suggestions other then chuck this in the bin. :respect-063:

Many thanks

15-02-2014, 10:44 PM
Has anyone tried this?

Here is a few words how you can solve booting problem:

1) Stay away form strange cables and jtags and don't buye anything
2) Remove from Azbox motherboard SSD disk (DOM)
3) try to boot your Azbox - now instead of "booting..." you will see your IP addres
4) use Jazup 2.4 to upload original bootloader
5) after reboot (display disk error) turn off your Azbox and put SSD disk back to motherboard
6) put USB stick with original firmware (patch.bin) and turn your Azbox on
7) first format aplication area and then install

Now you can try to install whatever you want :-)

Not sure if I try this or if it is to risky.

16-02-2014, 07:58 AM
Had the same thing happen to my azbox. Tried all sorts but no joy, ended up buying a fancy cable off ****. Followed the instructions that the supplier gave and the box was up and running within 45 min. If you want the link to the cable, pm me.


16-02-2014, 04:25 PM
Hi Guys, tried the removing the SSD disk suggestion but had no joy. Its going to be the Jtag route it looks like. I am looking at different USB to TTL (as in the AZbox recover guide) on eb*y and they vary in price and number of clips. Has anyone done the Jtag process and found a generic cable for the azbox recover process.

Thank you in advance.

17-02-2014, 02:49 PM
Search for UART to TTL adapter in the usual place.

This one works - USB 2 to TTL UART 6PIN Module Serial Converter CP2102. Under £2 from HK/China - pay £5 for UK supplier - for identical item.

20-02-2014, 01:39 AM
Hi Just to let you know that the Azbox Recovery process worked a treat.

I would say its worth the little hassle to try this before you bin the box. The recovery guide is very good.

Just a quick question, what image are people using for the Azbox.

Also it it possible to boost the processing power of the Azbox in any way?

Thanks to everyone who helped. Especially Burnham and zubus.

20-02-2014, 03:00 PM
Well done. The recovery process does work, but I found it extremely complicated to get the timings right. Some of my problems might have been due to the rather old & slow PC I used. I must add that without the very detailed instructions and helpful comments/advice on the various forums it would be impossible to recover the AZBox.

As to the best image I tried them all over the past two/three years and never found the perfect solution. I thought OpenRSI3.0 was the answer in terms of features, but I got too many crashes and recording failures. I gave up and went back to OpenRSI 2.0 which had fewer features, but was more stable for me.

There were various other images similar to OpenRSI 2.0 eg Spaze - but I think that no image stood out as the best.

Don't exclude going back to original firmware. Lots of things you could not do with it, but it is very stable and crash free.

As to enhanced processing power. I did read of various chips that could be changed, but they all involved extremely advance soldering skills, well out of my range.