View Full Version : Badr 5 and Badr 6 in the Uk

20-02-2014, 11:05 PM
Dish - 150cm Gibertini with Black ultra Lnb and a modified feed horn.
Lower part of the dish area is hidden by a shed.

Location -Feltham , West London,UK 51.4 N 0.4 E . Results below have been complied over the past two weeks in all weathers.
Receiver is a TBS 6925 Pci card .
LOCK with no errors is at 50% quality or 5.0db S/N
Complete Fade is at 43% or 4.3 db S/N
Quality under 47% shows pixel and sounds errors.

5 x different lnb's have been tested.(3 x black ultra and 2 x sharp white lnb's)

Badr 5 and 6 are very sensitive to bad weather and have no rain fade margin.
Only 11747V has a slight rain margin and all other transponders are lost in Med/Heavy rain or wind.

Badr 5--------------------------

Badr 5 is strongest at 10am with no rain fade margin.

11334V is received all 24 hrs
11466V - Feed is strong when active at 70% quality.
11484V - Feed is strong when active at 78% quality.

Badr 6--------------------------

Badr 6 is a strongest at 6.45 pm and weakest at 9.30am.

11747V Received 24 hrs
11785V Received 24hrs
11862V Signal lost 6am-1pm
11823V Signal lost 3am-3pm
12437V 5.45pm to 7.30 pm locks only - Complete fade at 7.45pm
12360V 5.30pm to 8pm locks only - Complete fade at 8.45pm
12475V only locked twice.................... below 47%

11766H 4pm-9pm locks
11804H 4pm-10pm locks - Fades 11pm
11843H 5.30pm-8pm locks - Complete fade at 8.45pm
12380H only locked twice.................... below 47%

The Horz transponders are 3 clicks away on the motor from the Vert transponders.
The white sharp Lnb pulled the Horz transponders stronger but lost some Verts.

11747V and 11785V can be received with a 120cm dish at around 6.45pm.

If you want to receive Badr 6 then i recommend you try and lock these transponders.
If you can get these with a strong signal above 75% to 98% quality then you should have a good chance with badr 6.
12608H 3000
12666H 2600
12614V 2960
then try 11747V at 6.45pm

Good luck.


21-02-2014, 12:59 AM
Thanks Mike, that all goes to support the fact that I now get very little nowadays on either sats you mention here - OR for that matter on 7W either with my 1.1M dish in North Lincs!
Good report though Mike - well done!:respect-055:

08-06-2014, 10:02 PM
first chance today ive been able to play about with my dish since you posted this , i can get the 11.747v at 35% on this freq it will start to break up at 32/33%.

sky a little cloudy and very heavy showers today .

cm 1.2 / vu+duo2.