View Full Version : vu+ solo 2 favorites

28-02-2014, 10:32 AM
how do you set up favorite channels
on this receiver ?

28-02-2014, 11:37 AM
Couple of ways. Use can use the remote then menu then add favourite/ marker.....then on each channel, menu then add to bouquet.

Or much easier use an editor to setup your channels

Or download a channel list that's already set up for you.

I'm out and about so don't have links but there's plenty of guides on here...

28-02-2014, 12:06 PM
how do you set up favorite channels
on this receiver ?
********************************* **********
the fastest way is with the dreambox edit
you first make a bouquet for each sat on your list
and then sort this out in the order you want the chns
on each sat, and you can add markers to put the chns
in sections ie: films.sport.do***entaries etc: this is a
long process and time consuming thats why most use
a list from the forums, i always sort my own list out and
i will add it so you can load and test it, if you like the set out.
then with the editor you can change it to your personnel choice
if you dont like it, just send your own back to over write it

28-02-2014, 07:03 PM
sorry clipper
i have not got a clue how to do this
can you do me some kind of walkthrough

my vu+ solo2 has black hole image on it ( the recent one )
and i managed eventually to put catseye motor on it

does that make sense

28-02-2014, 07:21 PM
catseye channel list already has the bouquets within it so already has "favourites" set up (as such)

you can customise the bouquets yourself using the remote control or using dreamboxedit if you wish to

https://www.satpimps.co.uk/showthread.php?165949-Skins-with-Vix-image post #10

but due to the fact the favourites (bouquets) are already there I have no idea why you are wanting to alter them, unless you wish to add a favs bouquet of your own ?

28-02-2014, 07:24 PM
you open the zip folder and extract the open folder named chns from it you put the open folder on your computer desktop, you dont open it,this open folder has the channel list inside it, i then use the dreambox edit to send the chn folder to my solo2 and reboot the box
and the chn list has over written the list you had on your box and if you press the chn button then the blue button on your remote you will see the list of satellites then click on a satellite and the chn list for that sat will open and you just select the chn you want to view this list covers these sats
42e-39e-28e-26e-23e-19e-16e-13e-9e-7e- 4.8e-0.8/1w-5w-7w-15w-30w

28-02-2014, 08:13 PM
thanks echelon
just found that ,go to the satellite list everyday never seen the favourites button .
thats how much i know