View Full Version : Ultimo tweaking dish position

02-03-2014, 02:37 PM
I have just got a new Vu+ Ultimo having read on here how good they are and I am over the moon with it especially compared to my last box its like night and day.

I installed the latest Blackhole image downloaded from here.I have tuned a few satellites in and most are spot on but just a couple need a little tweak for the best signal I tried using the method below.

First went to positioner setup,then I went to the positioner fine movement tab and used the green and yellow buttons to manually step the dish east or west until I got the best signal,then went to the store tab to the store tab and picked 254 to store the position. then pressed the green button to store.
Then I disabled tuner 2 and set tuner 1 to advanced. Then set to use disecq 1.2 then selected not to use usals entered number I stored earlier after this I set the tuner to simple positioner.I did this more or less by memory from what I'd read in the past.The result was the dish moved back to its previous position.

I then read the post by "A" and followed the instructions to the letter also chose a different number used 250 this time don't know wether that matters, only thing is I wasn't tuning a new satellite it was already stored I was trying to tweak it for a better signal. As soon as I set the tuner to simple positioner it moves back to its previous position.

If anyone can help it would be much appreciated as its driving me bonkers.

Many Thanks in advance.

02-03-2014, 02:52 PM
are you using


02-03-2014, 02:55 PM
are you using

I am using usals. Thanks for quick reply

02-03-2014, 03:11 PM
then just put in your lat and long

no need to mess with the outhere stuff

02-03-2014, 03:23 PM
then just put in your lat and long

no need to mess with the outhere stuff

Already done that but if I change longitude to improve these satellites others go worse. Just thought I could disable Usals on individual satellites. Thanks again

02-03-2014, 03:27 PM
stick to usuals and check your mount id perfectly vertical both ways

you should not need diseq if its set up correkt

02-03-2014, 03:31 PM
stick to usuals and check your mount id perfectly vertical both ways

you should not need diseq if its set up correkt

I will do that I installed the dish myself 2 years ago the recent high winds might have disturbed it. will have to wait for a better day though.

02-03-2014, 03:37 PM
ok thanks don't forget to check the align ment with a good satmeter aswell let us no how it goes

and good luck

02-03-2014, 08:40 PM
ok thanks don't forget to check the align ment with a good satmeter aswell let us no how it goes

and good luck

I have looked at my dish the mount is absolutely vertical checked with a very high quality Johnson angle locator. I think my arc is a bit off satellites at the extremities lose a small amount of signal, When the dish is peaked at Thor 1w, 30w benefits by nudging east while 30e improves by nudging west. I overcame this on my old box by adjusting the satellite degrees in the menu I can't seem to do that on my new box.

I will have a go at this when I manage to pluck up courage.

Thanks for your help

12-03-2014, 06:39 PM
ok thanks don't forget to check the align ment with a good satmeter aswell let us no how it goes

and good luck

Finally got my dish setup correctly after hours upon hours spread over a full weekend and a couple of afternoons, a good meter would have helped but made do with a cheap one that I bought years ago. Think I might get a better one (or get the experts in) if I need to do this again as I found it really frustrating having to keep nipping in and out of the house to check signal strength.

Thanks for your help

Can now start exploring what this box can do.

12-03-2014, 08:35 PM
use a black marker pen and mark every thing you can
if the dish moves then will be easyer to reset